
Chapter 176 - The Mystical Peach

  This time, he only sold more than 100 spiritual fireflies in his hand and exchanged them for more than 400 spiritual stones.

  There were not many places where he spent spiritual stones. He bought some spiritual fruits, spiritual rice, monster meat, and a few second-hand flying swords used as nutrients for the sword-raising gourd. In addition, he bought several auxiliary materials for the early stage of the cultivation potion of "Taixu Hualong Pian".

  He walked around Jianmen Town. Only a few stalls had spiritual seeds for sale, and they were all the types that Lu Xuan had already known. After asking, the price was much more expensive than exchanging from the sect.

  As for those spiritual seeds that the sect currently did not have or were completely unknown, he was not lucky this time and did not find them.

  "Maybe the only disadvantage of entering the sect is that you can't pick up leaks as easily as in Linyang Market."

  "After all, most disciples of the sect are knowledgeable and they may know the spiritual seeds that ordinary cultivators don't know."

  "Of course, although the probability is smaller, once it appears, it means good things, such as the fourth-grade hundred-eye strange wood."

  Lu Xuan sighed and returned to the house.

  After learning that spiritual plants can be improved, he planned to try to improve the spiritual firefly grass himself.

  Although the spiritual firefly grass is only a non-grade spiritual plant, he has kept the habit of planting it because it can improve Lu Xuan's cultivation.

  As his cultivation becomes deeper and deeper, the other rewards from the spiritual firefly grass are becoming more and more useless, so Lu Xuan plans to do an experiment to see if he can improve the variety.

  There are still 300 spiritual seeds of the spiritual firefly grass that he condensed last time. He took out 100 and evenly divided them into two parts.

  These 100 seeds act on the spiritual seed period, by changing the storage conditions of the spiritual seeds, inducing changes in the spiritual seeds, and thus screening out benign heterogeneous spiritual firefly grass. The

  remaining 200 plants will be used after planting to stimulate the plants during the growth stage, and in a long-term special environment, to see if they can successfully mutate the spiritual firefly grass.

  Since there are still dozens of spiritual firefly grass plants that have not yet fully matured in the last batch of spiritual fireflies planted, this part of the spiritual seeds must be slow first, and the experiment will only begin after all the spiritual fireflies are fully mature.

  Of the one hundred spiritual seeds, fifty were placed in the cold spring water in the cave, and the other fifty were placed in a white jade box and placed in the alchemy furnace, where they were gently baked with the weakest slow fire.

  Changing the five elements environment is the most common way to induce changes in spiritual seeds.

  Lu Xuan is currently not able to provide other spiritual environments with special properties, spiritual soil, and various complex cultivation conditions.

  Although the spiritual energy in this cave in the Tianjian Sect is pure and rich, it is neutral and peaceful in nature, without any special features. As for the spiritual soil, it is also a common type, suitable for the growth of most spiritual plants, especially low-grade spiritual plants.

  After starting to induce the spiritual firefly grass spiritual seeds, Lu Xuan no longer paid attention.

  In the next few days, he was still busy.

  Due to the excellent inspection results and fair prices, his reputation was soon known to the cultivators in other waters of Qianlong Lake. They contacted Lu Xuan through Huang Yuan and asked him to take blood tests on his dragons and pythons.

  Lu Xuan was naturally happy to get the dragon's blood and earn spiritual stones.

  "Finally, I'm done. I didn't expect that there are so many dragons, giant pythons and other monsters in Qianlong Lake."

  Lu Xuan shook his aching arm and said to Huang Yuan with half surprise and half emotion.

  The dragons, giant pythons and other monsters he had drawn blood from these days, even if there are not a thousand, are probably not much.

  Even if they are all first-grade and second-grade, such a large number can also show the depth of the Tianjian Sect.

  "Junior Brother Lu, you have worked hard during this period. You have checked almost all the dragons and giant pythons in the entire Qianlong Lake. All the brothers will remember this friendship."

  Huang Yuan said with a smile. In the past few days, he was only responsible for leading the way and introducing, and he didn't get any rewards, but he also gained a lot invisibly. He solved the problem of hidden scale fish in Qianlong Lake and left a good impression in the eyes of many fellow disciples.

  "I have to thank Senior Brother Huang for helping to introduce me. Senior Brother, why don't you go to my small courtyard and have a few drinks? There are still spiritual wine and spiritual fruits at home."

  Lu Xuan invited Huang Yuan.

  Huang Yuan was naturally happy to further deepen the friendship between him and Lu Xuan, and quickly agreed.

  The two drank and talked for a long time.

  After Huang Yuan left, Lu Xuan closed the gate, opened the formation, and staggered into the house with a little tipsiness.

  "Why do I feel a little heavy when I walk? It turns out that it's the pressure of the spirit stone..."

  A spirit stone as big as a hill appeared on the ground, with spiritual light surging, dazzling and eye-catching.   

  This time, due to the lack of information, he gained a lot from the problem of the hidden scale fish in Qianlong Lake.

  There are more than 2,000 spiritual stones alone, which makes him richer than ever before. He has more than 4,000 spiritual stones in total.

  In addition, there are nearly 1,000 dragons and pythons. In the end, he had to keep a large-capacity container in his storage bag to hold the blood of the same species of dragons and pythons.

  In this way, he avoided the embarrassing situation of having no place to put the blood after drawing blood.

  "With so much blood, if the materials are enough, I can make a potion hot spring for cultivation."

  Lu Xuan thought a little extravagantly.

  With the sudden wealth, his mentality is naturally different. His mind is now full of shopping. He

  did it as soon as he thought of it. The next day, after cultivating the spiritual field and spiritual plants, he came to the Sinong Hall.

  "Junior Brother Lu, I haven't seen you for a while!"

  The old farmer monk who had met Lu Xuan a few times greeted him warmly when he saw Lu Xuan, and immediately offered spiritual tea and spiritual fruit, with a bit of flattery in his words and deeds.

  It's no wonder that he did this. Although Lu Xuan's cultivation was average, in his eyes, he had a promising future.

  He had a terrifying talent in spiritual plants. At the Qi training stage, he had already tried to plant several third-grade spiritual plants.

  Although cultivating spiritual plants is a minor path, once it is achieved to the extreme, it is not much different from other things such as refining pills and refining tools.

  With Lu Xuan's talent in spiritual plants, he might become his immediate superior many years later.

  What's more, Lu Xuan has been favored by the Lord of Sinong Hall, who personally gave him two sword grass spiritual seeds, with a tendency to cultivate him into the core spiritual plant master circle of Tianjian Sect.

  "Brother, you don't have to be so polite."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  "Of course, of course. By the way, Junior Brother Lu, how is the sword grass spiritual seed that the Lord gave you before being cultivated? Is it growing smoothly?"

  "Everything is normal. The growth state may be a little better than the sword grass at the beginning."

  Lu Xuan compared the difference between the sword grass before and after, and said modestly.

  "During those days, the Palace Master was always thinking about those two sword grasses!" The old farmer monk rubbed his hands and smiled until wrinkles piled up on his face.

  "Brother, I came here this time to exchange for a few spiritual plants, preferably with spiritual stones. As for the varieties, spiritual fruits are the main ones, and the grade should not be lower than the second grade."

  Lu Xuan got straight to the point.

  He now has the idea of ​​planting second-grade spiritual plants on a large scale, among which, he prefers the spiritual fruit type.

  First, the spiritual fruit type usually produces a certain number of spiritual fruits, unlike most other spiritual plants, which are mainly single fruits and single plants, so that more light balls can be produced.

  Second, the cultivated spiritual fruits can better help him hold the thighs of Xuantian Bailuan and its companions.

  As for the grade, it goes without saying that the first-grade spiritual plants are basically useless to him.

  "The spiritual seeds that can be exchanged for spiritual stones are not lower than the second grade, and spiritual fruit-type spiritual plants are given priority..."

  The old farmer monk lowered his head and thought for a while, then opened a jade book.

  "There are not many spiritual seeds that can be exchanged for spiritual stones. I remember there is a third-grade spiritual fruit, but it seems that the cultivation conditions are a bit special."

  "That's it, the third-grade enchanting peach."

  The monk turned to a page in the jade book in his hand and said to Lu Xuan.

  A beautiful peach tree appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

  The peach leaves were pink, the trunk was pink and white, and there was a faint red mist around the tree. There were more than ten red peaches looming, which was very charming.

  (End of this chapter)