
Chapter 175 - Two pupils share one eye

  He put away the ordinary second-grade defense formation arranged outside the courtyard, and took out the Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Array from the storage bag.

  On the array disk, clouds and smoke flowed, and illusions arose.

  Lu Xuan found a suitable position, and the spiritual power activated the array disk, and the array disk merged into the ground.

  Then, milky white clouds and smoke rose from all around the courtyard, and illusions appeared rapidly and disappeared in an instant.

  From the outside, the courtyard had a sense of alienation and unreality. If you want to force your way into it, as long as you get close, you will fall into the Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Array and be harassed and tortured by endless illusions.

  After the formation was laid, Lu Xuan felt much more at ease. With this formation, even a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building can resist for a long time.

  What's more, there are very few foundation building cultivators staying in Jianmen Town for a long time. Most of them are in the Qi training realm. It is more than enough to protect the several spiritual plants in the courtyard.

  "The second-grade formation was replaced by the fourth-grade formation, which can be said to be a replacement for a cannon. Thanks to the Thousand

  Illusion Cloud Smoke Formation brought by the Phantom Smoke Luo Fruit." Lu Xuan was secretly grateful to the Phantom Smoke Luo Fruit, and he was more eager to plant high-grade spiritual plants.

  He came to the spiritual field, found an empty area, and took out the poisonous shuttle wood spirit seed from the storage bag.

  The spiritual power surged, and the earth-inducing technique of the Great Accomplishment Realm easily changed the structure under the spiritual soil, revealing a crack that was just big enough to accommodate the spirit seed.

  He put the poisonous shuttle wood spirit seed into the crack, and then a familiar thought flashed through his mind.

  [Poisonous shuttle wood, a third-grade spiritual plant...]

  "The spiritual environment in Jianmen Town is much worse than that in the sect. The turbid spiritual power is more suitable for the growth of poisonous shuttle wood. In addition, there are ghost-faced stone mushrooms and other underworld spiritual plants, which can be said to complement each other."

  "Compared with them, the poisonous shuttle wood that likes to eat poison is nothing."

  After planting the poisonous shuttle wood, he began to check the growth status of the spiritual plants in the spiritual field of the small courtyard.

  Due to the abundance of resentment, the five ghost-faced stone mushrooms are growing very well. The strange patterns on them are much brighter than at the beginning. At first glance, they seem to be smiling at Lu Xuan.

  In the yard, there are less than ten ghost resentful spirits wandering around. Their simple intelligence seems to be aware of the danger in the area of ​​the ghost-faced stone mushrooms, and they dare not approach for a long time.

  Suddenly, the strange face above a ghost-faced stone mushroom changed silently. Several resentful spirits not far away seemed to have discovered some peerless delicacy. They all rushed down and surrounded the ghost-faced stone mushroom.

  The rest were also wandering around, as if waiting for the opportunity to enter.

  About half a minute later, the patterns of the ghost-faced stone mushroom, which had eaten and drunk enough, changed again. The resentment surrounding it scattered, and the spirit body was obviously a little weaker.

  "This is the result of low intelligence and inability to resist temptation. What you think is a good opportunity is just a trap set by the other party."

  Lu Xuan sighed and took out the second-grade resentful soul bell magic weapon. The inner wall of the magic weapon, which was originally crowded with ghosts and resentments, seemed much emptier after three releases, with less than a hundred left in total.

  Lu Xuan controlled the resentful soul bell with his spiritual consciousness and released fifty resentments from it.

  The extra fifty resentments made the whole courtyard much colder, and there were shrill howls from time to time.

  "Staying in the resentful soul bell magic weapon, becoming a tool for cultivators, you can't be reborn even if you die."

  "Instead of this, it's better to release you and raise spiritual plants so that you can transcend and enter reincarnation as soon as possible."

  Lu Xuan looked at the many resentful ghosts wandering aimlessly in the yard and said with a compassionate expression.

  After solving the problem of nutrients for the ghost-faced stone mushroom, Lu Xuan came to the thorn bone.   

  There were many more thin and long white bones than the last time I checked. Densely packed pale bone spurs took root in the skeleton left by Lu Xuan. The skeleton bulged like white bone buds. The

  second-grade purple cloud leopard skeleton left before had been absorbed by the thorn bones by more than half. When gently touched, the broken and tiny bone fragments fell and piled on the ground.

  Only the third-grade barbarian armored cattle skeleton could withstand the absorption and still retained its complete form.

  Finally, Lu Xuan came to the fourth-grade hundred pupils strange tree.

  On the dry branches like old skin, dozens of pupils were either closed or half-open, looking extremely evil.

  When Lu Xuan approached, the pupils seemed to notice something and all their eyes were focused on him.

  The gazes of dozens of evil eyes made Lu Xuan feel a little uncomfortable. The

  third-grade immaculate jade on his chest suddenly produced a cold invisible airflow, which flowed into his mind, and this discomfort disappeared immediately.

  "This fourth-grade Hundred Eyes Weird Tree is indeed evil. Even if you just look at the eyes on the branches, you will feel uncomfortable."

  Lu Xuan remembered the reminder he got when he planted the Hundred Eyes Weird Tree. You can't look directly at it for a long time, otherwise it may cause the cultivator to lose his mind.

  He came to the Hundred Eyes Weird Tree with great clarity. The purple cloud leopard eyes left last time had become gray and white, and there was no vitality at all. When he touched it lightly, it turned into powder and scattered on the ground. A pale and thin tentacle quickly retreated into one of the eyes.

  Lu Xuan took out more than ten eyes from the life bag in exchange for the task. Because the life bag can greatly slow down the loss of vitality, these eyes are well preserved and very fresh.

  As if sensing something, the strange eyes on the old and dry branches opened their eyes at the same time, staring at Lu Xuan, with resentful and eager eyes.

  "Are fourth-grade spiritual plants so wild? They can actually sense changes in emotions, or is it that only this hundred-eye strange tree in front of me is somewhat special."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart, and more than ten monster eyes were thrown towards the strange pupils on the branches.

  Suddenly, tiny tentacles shot out from the pupils, tightly absorbing the fresh monster eyes.

  Among them, the second-grade monster eye was scrambled for by several tiny tentacles, and finally occupied by the two closest tentacles.

  "Hmm? Two women share one husband, so my two pupils share one?"

  Lu Xuan thought to himself.

  After meeting the special conditions of several underworld spiritual plants in the yard, Lu Xuan performed basic spells such as the Spirit Rain Spell and the Wood Growth Spell to ensure their basic growth.

  Afterwards, he left the small yard and strolled around the stalls in the bluestone square. He bought some daily necessities and returned to the sect's cave without staying for long.

  As soon as he entered the house, a young wind falcon flew over his head, its pair of light blue wings flapping constantly, and it chirped from time to time, just like a child who had been waiting in the house for a long time, begging for candy and snacks from the parents who had just returned from outside.

  "You glutton, you are fat as a ball and you only think about eating. Look at the little white bird a few days ago, how elegant and calm it was."

  While scolding, Lu Xuan took out the specially bought spiritual fruits and wind-attributed monster meat from the storage bag.

  "And yours."

  He came to the Stepping Cloud Lynx, who pretended to be elegant but actually had thick paws that were restless, took out its favorite monster meat, tore it into strips, and placed it in front of it. The Stepping Cloud Lynx

  's emerald green pupils did not change at all, only the two tufts of hair on the tips of its ears seemed to be dancing.

  (End of this chapter)