
Chapter 125 - Love and Hate

  Just as the young bird of the wind falcon was swaying towards Lu Xuan.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew behind it, and the stepping cloud lynx pounced on it from the side and back of the young bird.

  The wind falcon sensed the danger, immediately spread its wings, and flapped its wings quickly. Its fat body turned into a green shadow and landed on Lu Xuan's left shoulder.


  It kept making crisp chirps, as if accusing Lu Xuan of the rude behavior of the stepping cloud lynx.


  Seeing that its throne was occupied, the stepping cloud lynx could not bear it. With a nine-point intention, it roared, stepped hard on the ground with its thick feet like white clouds, and jumped onto Lu Xuan's right shoulder. Lu Xuan's

  shoulders sank slightly, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  The two little ones occupied each side, one had just come out of the eggshell and chirped, and the other had a rough voice and loved to pinch. Lu Xuan didn't feel any peace.

  "My shoulders have taken on a weight that they shouldn't have..."

  He sighed, and put the young wind falcon and the stepping cloud lynx on the ground.

  "It behaved well when it was hatching the eggs, guarding quietly, but as soon as the little friend came out, you showed your true colors and actually wanted to kill it. It's still a child!"

  "Well, it's just a little bigger."

  Lu Xuan looked at the young wind falcon, which was more than two feet long, and pretended to teach the stepping cloud lynx a lesson.

  He also knew that the stepping cloud lynx was just teasing the young wind falcon. If it really wanted to kill it, how could it not catch the newly born young wind falcon.

  However, the response of the young wind falcon was somewhat beyond Lu Xuan's expectations.

  Whether it was the reaction speed when the stepping cloud lynx pounced on it, or the agility of flying, or the first time to hug his thighs and use the force to fight against the stepping cloud lynx... All of this was quite like its owner's style.

  Lu Xuan thought proudly, and then took out twice as much monster meat from the house.

  Under the eager gaze of the young Fengshao, Lu Xuan increased his speed, tore the meat strips into small strips, divided them into two piles, and placed them in front of the Stepping Cloud Lynx and the young Fengshao.

  It had not been long since the young Fengshao swallowed the eggshell fragments, and it ignored its bulging stomach and quickly enjoyed the monster meat strips.

  Seeing this, the Stepping Cloud Lynx, which had always been slow to eat, quietly increased its speed.

  The two seemed to be competing to see who was faster. In a blink of an eye, the two small piles of monster meat strips were completely wiped out.

  "This... big fat boy, he is eating me out of money..."

  Lu Xuan suddenly felt a sense of crisis. Before, only the Stepping Cloud Lynx ate monster meat, and the daily amount required was not much.

  But now, there is an additional Fengshao young bird that needs a lot of monster meat as soon as it is born, and it also affects the Stepping Cloud Lynx to roll up with it. The monster meat is like a whirlwind and is quickly eaten up.

  "It looks like I need to accumulate a lot of monster meat."

  "In addition, I need to buy some flying sword instruments to meet the growth needs of the sword-raising gourd."

  Thinking of this, Lu Xuan decided to visit Baili Jianqing, who had joined the sect together and had a good relationship with him, to chat and ask him about relevant matters.

  After entering the sect, the two did not have much interaction, and occasionally met once or twice.

  According to the address left by Baili Jianqing, Lu Xuan took a spiritual crane to a huge mountain.

  This mountain is much more lively than the mountain where Lu Xuan is located. There are caves and courtyards everywhere at the foot of the mountain, on the mountainside, and even on the top of the mountain.

  Lu Xuan stopped in front of an elegant courtyard and shouted inside.

  "Jianqing, are you home? I'm Lu Xuan, come to see you."

  Soon, the formation outside the courtyard opened, and Baili Jianqing came out.

  A pair of slender eyes narrowed into two slits, with an extremely eager smile on his face.   

  "What gust of wind brought you here, Brother Lu? What a rare guest, come in quickly."

  Baili Jianqing teased as he welcomed Lu Xuan in.

  "I was thinking about you, so I wanted to come and see you."

  Lu Xuan said shamelessly.

  "By the way, I haven't contacted you for a while, how have you been recently?"

  "Not bad, I learned a lot in the sect."

  Baili Jianqing replied.

  "I practice hard every day, listen to the lectures of the foundation-building uncle from time to time, and exchange swordsmanship with fellow disciples. In the middle, I also completed a sword seal mission. I went to the outskirts of the Black Abyss with several fellow disciples to hunt several monsters."

  "What about you, Brother Lu? I haven't seen you come to listen to the lectures of the foundation-building uncle, and I've never seen you in the daily battles and competitions."

  "Me? I seldom come out. I study the methods of practice by myself every day. I'm not very interested in sparring and fighting."

  "Most of my time was spent on cultivating spiritual plants. During this period, I completed two sword seal missions. One was to cultivate second-grade spiritual plants, and the other was to help raise the giant dragons and pythons in Qianlong Lake."

  Lu Xuan summarized.

  "I heard that there are many evil spirits in the Black Abyss, and there are also many powerful robbery cultivators. Did you encounter any danger when you went there?"

  "We were just active on the periphery and did not go deep inside. As for accidents, that is inevitable. Two brothers were injured because of this, but fortunately it was not serious."

  "However, we are disciples of a large sect after all. Whether it is cultivation or treasures, we are not comparable to those casual cultivators. It is not an easy task to kill us."

  Baili Jianqing showed a sense of pride as a sect disciple.

  The two chatted for a while, and Lu Xuan took the initiative to open the topic.

  "By the way, Jianqing, you have a good family background and a wide network of contacts in the sect. I have something to ask you."

  "I wonder where in the sect I can sell or buy spiritual medicines and monster materials? It would be best if I could buy a large amount."

  "Sell or buy monster materials?"

  Baili Jianqing fell into deep thought.

  "It is not allowed to set up a market in the sect, but from time to time there will be activities organized by fellow disciples to exchange treasures."

  "The organizers are usually monks with great reputation among the inner disciples or outer disciples. The exchange of things often takes the route of treasures. It is difficult to get a large amount of monster materials or spiritual medicines in the sect, unless you, Brother Lu, issue relevant tasks yourself."

  "The best way is to go to Jianmen Town, which is not far from the sect. There are many shops there, and it is very close to the sect, so the disciples in the sect often go there to buy things."

  Baili Jianqing explained in detail.

  Lu Xuan nodded slightly. Jianmen Town is indeed very close to Tianjian Sect. It is only a few dozen miles away. It can be said to be a contact point between Tianjian Sect and the outside world.

  Moreover, there are a large number of Tianjian Sect monks gathered in Jianmen Town, so safety is self-evident.

  Thinking of this, Lu Xuan decided to go to Jianmen Town and deal with the more than 100 Lingying grass in his hand. As for the dark marrow ganoderma and 17 pieces of Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves, it depends on the price.

  In addition, you need to buy some monster meat, a first-grade ordinary flying sword, and if there are rare second-grade spiritual seeds, you can also consider it.

  Of course, it would be the best if he could find a high-grade unknown spiritual seed.

  Lu Xuan has always had a strong desire for this kind of spiritual seed.

  The sword grass, dark marrow ganoderma, and the phantom smoke fruit he had obtained before were all obtained in this way, which brought him huge profits and made him feel a little addicted.

  (End of this chapter)