
Chapter 124 - Blue Bird

  "Brother, what you said makes sense."

  Lu Xuan nodded in agreement.

  The two chatted for a while, and Xu Shaoze said goodbye to Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan saw him off to the door and watched him go away.

  He really admired this neighbor.

  He was able to enter a large sect like Tianjian Sect as a casual cultivator, and he actually dealt with it for half a year in order to capture the evil spirit. It is conceivable that his character is strong.

  However, admiration is admiration, Lu Xuan knows that the two paths are different, and he does not want to follow the path of cultivation like Xu Shaoze.

  There are bumps everywhere, thorns are everywhere, and if you are not careful, you will trip or get hurt.

  And the road he wants to take...

  "Hmm... spacious and flat, with clusters of flowers."

  Lu Xuan compared it slightly and couldn't help but chuckle.

  A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

  In the past few days, Lu Xuan still lived a simple and fulfilling life.

  He went to Qianlong Lake to feed the giant dragon python twice a day, and the rest of the time he cultivated spiritual plants and raised spiritual beasts in the cave.

  Input a little spiritual power into the wind falcon egg to speed up its hatching.

  In the remaining time, he practiced the "Small Five Elements Gong", "Yunteng Shu", "Liuli Bone Forging Method" and other techniques.

  In the spiritual field.

  The spiritual seeds of the sword-raising gourd have sprouted, and tender green shoots have grown along the worn-out flying sword.

  After being absorbed by the sword-raising gourd for a period of time, the already worn-out sword body of the flying sword quietly shattered, and the sword intent inside disappeared.

  "It seems that I have to find a way to get some first-grade or even second-grade flying swords. It's a pity that the white light ball brought by the spirit firefly grass can't be used to produce flying swords, otherwise it will definitely be enough for the growth of the sword-raising gourd."

  Lu Xuan sighed and patrolled around the spiritual field.

  When passing by the grass puppet, he casually stuffed a drop of grass spirit essence into its huge gray grass tumor.

  Under the flushing of a large amount of grass and wood spirit energy, the huge head of the grass puppet instantly became green.

  Lu Xuan continued to check the spiritual plants. In the past few days, a large number of spirit fireflies have entered the fully mature stage.

  He picked thirty-two plants and left fifty plants to condense the spirit seeds.

  When buying spirit seeds in Sinong Hall, he noticed that there were no spirit firefly grass spirit seeds for sale. He wondered if it was too low in grade to be included in the list.

  Fortunately, he had obtained the method of refining spirit seeds from Baicaotang, so he didn't have to worry about not having spirit firefly grass seeds in the future.

  Among the thirty-two spirit fireflies, ten were of good quality, eighteen were of superior quality, and four were of perfect quality.

  Lu Xuan picked up the thirty-two white light balls that appeared one by one.

  The cultivation reward was about five years, which increased Lu Xuan's spiritual power a lot.

  The rest were basically some first-grade elixirs, talismans, and three magic experience packs.

  The four white light balls brought by the four perfect-quality spirit fireflies produced three drops of grass spirit essence liquid and a Peiyuan Dan recipe experience pack.

  In addition, the remaining six tender green tea leaves on the three Qingmiao spirit teas also entered the fully mature stage.

  Among them, three were of good quality and three were of superior quality.

  The tea leaves were picked, and the six white light balls flickered slightly, as if tempting Lu Xuan to click them quickly.

  Lu Xuan touched it lightly, and the ball of light turned into countless light points and poured into his body. Then, a thought came to his mind.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves, and obtain the third-grade elixir Jiangchen Dan.]

  A round elixir with a fragrant aroma lay quietly in the palm of his hand.   

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, obtain the third-grade talisman, the Purifying Talisman. ]*2

  Two white jade-like talismans appeared in Lu Xuan's hands, and the talisman's spiritual light surged, emitting a holy and pure aura.

  "There are three more light balls left by the top-grade Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves."

  Lu Xuan stared at the last three light balls and rubbed his hands gently.

  A thought quickly flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, obtain the second-grade magic Purifying Mantra. ]

  A large amount of information about magic poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

  Magic principles, magic tricks, magic speed...

  "Not bad, the second-grade magic experience package is worth practicing this method for a long time."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly. After thoroughly absorbing all the information, he felt that his understanding of the Purifying Mantra was deeper and clearer, as if he had performed it hundreds of times.


  Lu Xuan gently touched the next white light ball.

  The light ball surged into his body, and then a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, obtain the third-grade skill "Glass Bone Tempering Method" (Part 1). ]

  Lu Xuan didn't believe in evil, and didn't bother to digest the large amount of cultivation knowledge in his mind, and hurriedly pointed to the last white light ball.

  The light ball exploded and turned into countless light points like a dazzling galaxy, and all of them sank into Lu Xuan's body in an instant.

  [Harvested a piece of Qingmiao Lingcha tea, and obtained the third-grade technique "Glass Bone Tempering Method" (Part 2). ]

  A huge amount of information poured into Lu Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness, more than ten times more than the upper part of the technique.

  Lu Xuan slowly absorbed and digested it, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

  "Finally, the lower part of the foundation-building technique has been opened."

  He originally thought that after the upper part came out, with so many pieces of tea leaves, the lower part would be natural and a matter of course, but he didn't expect that he had to wait until the end to get the lower part of the foundation-building stage.

  Lu Xuan stayed quietly in place for a long time before he absorbed the complex and mysterious foundation-building stage "Glass Bone Tempering Method".


  The Cloud-Stepping Lynx quietly appeared in front of him, roaring with a three-point clamp sound.

  "Is there any movement in the egg in the house?"

  Lu Xuan asked in surprise. After his special instructions, the Stepping Cloud Lynx usually stayed around the Feng Falcon egg. Now that it came here, it meant that the Feng Falcon was about to hatch!

  He hurried into the inner room.

  On the blue giant egg, dense and fine lines appeared at some point, and the fine airflow around it flowed more frequently.

  With a slight click, the fine lines gradually evolved into fine cracks.

  The cracks spread rapidly, getting longer and thicker. After a few breaths, the fine airflow around the giant egg poured into the egg at the same time, and the blue giant egg broke into dozens of large and small pieces.

  A wet blue bird appeared.

  The newly born Feng Falcon was not small in size, nearly two feet long, with sparse light blue hair on its body. Its eyes were slightly closed, and it took all its strength to barely open them.

  As soon as it opened its eyes, it saw Lu Xuan. Sensing the friendly atmosphere on Lu Xuan, the young Feng Falcon chirped at him softly, with a tender and crisp voice.

  Then, as if it was a memory deep in its blood, the young bird took trembling steps and came to the broken cyan eggshell, and swallowed a small piece of the eggshell into its stomach.

  After swallowing, the young bird was obviously stronger, and the speed of swallowing the eggshell fragments also increased. After a while, all the fragments were swallowed by the young bird.

  Compared with when it was just born, the young bird has changed a lot. Its eyes are bright, its movements are powerful, and its belly is bulging under its light cyan wings. It staggers when walking, and it looks very cute.

  (End of this chapter)