
Chapter 42 - The Way to Break Through with Strength

  Little Xu Jun suddenly realized, and said, "Brother, are you also taking this path?"

  Qingfeng's face condensed slightly.

  This little junior brother is too unlovable.

  If other children insulted him in person, Qingfeng would definitely chase them away.

  But now, he shook his head slightly and said, "This path is not suitable for most people. Ordinary sword cultivators... should just follow the ordinary path."

  He added in his heart.

  Your talent can guarantee an increase of one chirp per month. Even if you can reach a hundred chirps, it will only take more than eight years.

  However, when I practiced the Xiantian Sword Chirp, I worked hard for a year, but I could only increase one chirp.

  If I also took this path to break through realm with strength...

  I would have died of old age before I reached the standard of the sword chirp limit.

  However, you should just think about these words yourself, and it is impossible to say them anyway.

  Little Xu Jun suddenly sighed. Although he was young, he felt a lot of emotion.

  Qingfeng was startled and looked at the little guy suspiciously.

  This kid grew up in the main courtyard of Xujia Village. In order to keep his sword heart from being tarnished, he is rarely allowed to come into contact with outsiders.

  Logically speaking, at this age, he should not be sentimental.

  Could it be...

  Qingfeng glanced at a certain part of Xu Jun.

  No, he is still a child and should not have such needs.

  With a light cough, Qingfeng said: "Little Junior Brother, what are you sighing about?"

  Little Xu Jun said without hesitation: "Senior Brother, I want to be able to fly with a sword like you, and hurt the enemy with sword energy. Otherwise, once I meet an immortal cultivator, I will definitely not be his opponent." Qingfeng

  suddenly realized it, and he laughed. He was indeed a seed of sword cultivation, with a sword heart as hard as iron and untainted by dust. He really thought too much.

  "Junior brother, actually you don't have to think like that. Haha, the power of the innate sword sound is far beyond your imagination."

  Little Xu Jun's face was full of joy, and he said, "Really?"

  "Yes." Qingfeng said in a deep voice: "Immortal practitioners also have strong and weak points. For example, Qi Refiners like me, only in the late stage of Qi training, can use the magic of magic tools to barely soar. Alas, this is not even considered flying."

  He paused, and said: "In terms of power, your current twenty-two sword sounds are enough to defeat many Qi Refiners in the first and second levels of Qi training. If you can make the sword sound sixty-six times, you can easily kill those in the early stage of Qi training with the sword in your hand alone."

  Little Xu Jun's eyes flashed, and said: "But, Qi Refiners have magic tools and talismans in their hands."

  "So what about magic tools and talismans." Qingfeng sneered: "How powerful can the magic power of the early stage of Qi training be? Humph, the sword aura of sixty-six sounds is indestructible and enough to kill it."

  Sixty-six sword sounds can easily kill those in the early stage of Qi training?

  Not only little Xu Jun, but even Xu Jun himself, who was watching, felt a little overwhelmed.

  "Brother, what if I can cultivate a hundred sword chimes?"

  "Hey, more than sixty-six sword chimes can compete with a mid-stage Qi training master. A hundred sword chimes, killing a mid-stage Qi training master is like killing a chicken or a dog, not worth mentioning."

  "Wow, what about the late stage of Qi training?" Little Xu Jun was more and more happy.

  Qingfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Little brother, I am in the late stage of Qi training, do you want to kill me?"

  "How is that possible, brother, you are overthinking."

  Qingfeng then put his hands behind his back and said proudly, "If a late stage Qi training master fights you head-on, or you raise your sword to attack, he will most likely enter the reincarnation. However, if a late stage Qi training master is prepared, controls a magic weapon to fly, and dangles you from a long distance... then it depends on whether his magic power is exhausted first, or your sword aura is broken first."

  Little Xu Jun nodded slightly, and at this point he also understood how powerful the so-called Hundred Chimes Refining Aura is.

  Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, then said: "When you use the Baiming Refining Gang method to transform yourself into a mortal, you will gain great benefits. So, you should guard against arrogance and impatience and not be reckless."

  "Senior brother, what benefits?" Little Xu Jun asked expectantly.   

  Qingfeng smiled slightly and said, "Do you think that the ten-ringing Gang transformation and the hundred-ringing Gang transformation are the same sword energy?"

  Xiao Xujun was itching to ask.

  But Qingfeng shut his mouth tightly this time and refused to say anything.

  However, Qingfeng was helpless.

  There must be a difference between the ten-ringing and the hundred-ringing transformation. There was a description in the sword record of the sect, but that description was too simple.

  It was just said that the hundred-ringing transformation was infinitely powerful.

  But to what extent was infinite, not to mention him, even the ancestors were vague, looking unfathomable, but in fact they knew nothing.

  Because before Xiao Xujun, no mortal in the entire Galaxy Realm had ever heard of any mortal who could successfully transform into qi with the hundred-ringing Gang transformation method.

  It's not that they don't want to, but that they can't!

  Just think about it, adding one more ring a year is enough to make everyone fall into despair.

  Perhaps, only those ancient powerful people have such a terrible and terrifying ability.

  Xiao Xujun asked for a long time, but still got nothing.

  His little mouth had been pouted so much that a soy sauce bottle could be hung on it.

  So, he looked up, his eyes shining like stars.

  "Brother, I'm itching now, let's have another fight."

  Qingfeng grinned and said reluctantly: "Little brother, haven't we already sparred today?"

  "But I want to increase the sword sound faster, and the effect of practicing sword alone is far less than sparring with you."

  Qingfeng was silent for a while. Of course, he could see that the little guy's sparring was fake, and he really wanted to vent his anger.

  But this is really none of my business.

  At this moment, Qingfeng felt a little regretful. Why did he say those words at the end?

  This is called a disaster from the mouth.

  He wanted to refuse, but thinking about what the master said before leaving, he had to sigh and said, "Okay, let you have fun."

  The two came to the martial arts training ground, and Xiao Xujun took out a long sword from the weapon rack.

  For a sword cultivator like him who has a clear sword heart, if he takes a magic weapon, his power will naturally increase greatly.

  But even if he took a dead branch, he could guarantee the lower limit.

  This is the peerless swordsman with a clear sword heart, who is so unreasonable.

  "Brother, don't fly up again during the fight this time." Little Xu Jun held the sword to his chest and said suddenly.

  Qingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Just remember it for me."

  Although there is still a big gap between the real combat power of the two at this time, if it is only based on swordsmanship...

  Qingfeng suddenly felt a little numb on his scalp.

  The task assigned by the master this time is really not easy to complete.

  Without using magic tools and talismans, it is indeed extremely difficult to spar with the little junior brother and not hurt him at all.

  After all, the little junior brother has already practiced the sword aura, and ordinary magic power can't resist it!

  Little Xu Jun shook his wrist, and the sword light shot out and rolled towards Qingfeng.

  A moment later, in the dazzling sword light, a figure suddenly broke through the air and flew straight into the sky.

  "Brother, you are cheating again..."

  (End of this chapter)

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