
Chapter 41 - Sword Ringing Twenty-Two

  Name: Xu Jun

  Age: 10 years old

  Cultivation: Sword Ringing Twenty-two

  Talent: Sword Saint Body, Sword Heart Clear

  Sword Ringing Twenty-two?

  If Xu Jun's physical body was still there, he would have frowned and looked puzzled.

  However, even if it was just a mental thought.

  Xu Jun's heart was still full of doubts.

  What is the sword ringing twenty-two?

  If he remembered correctly, a sword cultivator must first become one with the sword, and then practice the innate sword ringing.

  When the sword ringing first started, it was to constantly hone skills, temper the blood, and then slowly increase the number of sword ringing.

  However, the increase in the number of sword ringing is not infinite.

  The Immortal Alliance did not cherish the realm and cultivation methods of martial arts cultivation, but had long been open to the public.

  These things, which were considered a unique art in ancient times, are now placed in the library. As long as you have a watch and the corresponding authority, you can contact the library at any time and read it out.

  Therefore, Xu Jun knew that ten sword rings were already the normal extreme of sword cultivation.

  When a sword cultivator can make a sword sound ten times in succession, he can gather his strength into a Gang.

  Ten sounds form a Gang, which is the realm of sword cultivation recognized by everyone.

  And reaching this realm is already the peak of innate sword cultivation.

  Generally, when a sword cultivator reaches this realm, he will start to think of ways to embark on the road to opening the sky.

  If he succeeds by chance, he will become an immortal and enter another track and a new world.

  There are two ways to open the sky.

  One is to take the path of Qi and blood, constantly accumulate and increase Qi and blood, and when one day reaches the limit of the body, cooperate with the sword cultivation of ten sounds to form a Gang, and open the door to heaven and earth in one fell swoop.

  This is the path chosen by most sword cultivators.

  The other path is a bit fantasy.

  That is to continue to make rapid progress in the realm of sword cultivation.

  If you can transform Gang into Qi and practice Tongtian sword Qi...

  then, you don't have to try this road to opening the sky with all your heart.

  Because once you transform Gang into Qi, it is equivalent to opening the door to cultivating immortals. As long as you quietly accumulate Qi and blood, when the Qi and blood are sufficient, it will naturally transform into spiritual power and achieve the name of a cultivator.

  Therefore, this time Xu Jun projected over.

  He was actually full of expectations. If little Xu Jun could reach a higher level in the realm of swordsmanship in this year, and directly transform the sword into qi, how great it would be!

  However, after the actual projection, he found that he was completely overthinking.

  Little Xu Jun had never comprehended the realm of transforming the sword into qi, but was still stuck at the stage of sword ringing.

  But what about the sword ringing twenty-two times?

  Although it is more powerful than ten rings, as long as the sword can't be transformed into sword qi for one day, it means that the road to becoming an immortal has not been opened.

  So, what should I do?

  Xu Jun couldn't help but be anxious.

  He even wanted to show up and tell little Xu Jun that you took the wrong path.

  However, the next moment, Xu Jun "saw" it.

  Little Xu Jun, who was sitting quietly in the room, suddenly stood up and left the room.


  What does he want to do?

  Inexplicably, Xu Jun had a feeling.   

  Little Xu Jun has heard his own voice!


  That's right, this little Xu Jun in this other world is actually a projection of him.

  When Xu Jun's original body is not there, nothing can be said.

  However, when his original body's spiritual thoughts come over, it seems reasonable to pass on some information.

  So, after hearing the original body's voice, what will this projection do?

  In a moment, little Xu Jun has walked out of the room and came to a courtyard.

  He looked up and said loudly: "Is my senior brother here?"

  The gate of the courtyard opened quickly, and a man in white came out and said with a smile: "Junior brother, what's the matter?"

  This man in white was the one who fought with little Xu Jun when he came here last time.

  This person is not innate, but a real cultivator.

  His name is Qingfeng.

  That's right, it's the Qingfeng of Qingfeng Mingyue.

  Little Xu Jun's talent in swordsmanship is so strong that it has shocked the world and made ghosts cry.

  So, when he showed his talent and could make the sword ring at the age of eight. Xujiazhuang knew that this child was not something they could teach.

  So, they did everything they could to find a famous swordsman to be Xiao Xujun's master.

  Sure enough, after seeing Xiao Xujun's talent, the ancestor-level swordsman immediately accepted him as his disciple.

  However, the swordsman did not take Xiao Xujun away.

  Instead, he left one of his apprentices to teach Xiao Xujun the basic swordsmanship.

  He also left a message that when he was done, he would take Xiao Xujun into the mountains to formally become his apprentice.

  At this time, Xiao Xujun clasped his fists and saluted, saying: "Brother, I can already hear the sword chime twenty-two times through sword practice." Qingfeng

  nodded gently, with a sigh on his face: "Little brother, your talent in swordsmanship is indeed unparalleled in the world. In just one year, you can increase the sword chime by twelve times, which is really... incredible."

  Xiao Xujun raised his head, and his bright big eyes sparkled.

  "Brother, but I heard that a normal innate sword cultivator only needs ten rings to form a Gang before he can practice the method of transforming Gang into Qi. Once he succeeds, he can refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and become an immortal cultivator just like you."

  Qingfeng frowned slightly and said, "Junior brother, which bastard is gossiping in front of you?"

  Little Xujun laughed and didn't answer.

  Qingfeng was helpless. He didn't want to have any dirty talk with his junior brother.

  Because he knew that his junior brother had a bright future in the future, which was definitely not something he could compare to.

  Therefore, he would not offend him no matter how hard he tried to please him.

  "Junior brother, what you said is the path of an ordinary innate sword cultivator. However, your talent is too strong. If this is the case, it would be a waste."

  "Really?" Little Xujun asked with a blink of his eyes.

  "Of course." Qingfeng said without hesitation: "Master told me many times before leaving that you should supervise your practice of the sword ringing method, and you must achieve the ultimate sword ringing."

  "Ah, what does the ultimate sword ringing mean?"

  Qingfeng said solemnly: "Once the sword rings a hundred times, in the way of swordsmanship, it is called the Hundred Rings Refining Gang, which can naturally transform the sword gang into sword energy. Afterwards, the bridge between heaven and earth will be naturally connected, and you will be transformed from a mortal to an immortal. There will not be any danger in the whole process, which is the safest way to open the sky."


  "Of course it's true. The Hundred Rings Refining Gang method is the most orthodox way to break through the realm with force." Qingfeng said solemnly: "When we cultivators break through the realm, every time we reach a new realm, it is actually extremely dangerous, and often life and death depend on this."

  "If you succeed, it means building a foundation pill, and there will be unlimited prospects. And if you fail, there is even the danger of death. But if you take the path of breaking through the realm with force, hehe, that is a road to heaven with only success and no failure."

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  (End of this chapter)

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