
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 90: Three Great Sons

Fang Yibai's eyes brightened: "Ye Ming?" And then immediately said, "Quick! Come up!"

Then he smiled to everyone: "Some, my brother Ye is downstairs!"

Hearing that, Jin Hu sneered at once: "Sure enough, I said, that person is coming to attach to you."

The other people also had similar expressions, Fang Yibai was rather annoyed, and solemnly said: "Several brothers, Ye is my salvation benefactor, you must not treat him lightly, otherwise you will not give us a fair face! "

"Okay, okay." The girl in the purple skirt waved her hand. "We just don't talk."

After a while, Ye Ming and Zhou Hao came in, Fang Yi rushed to meet him in a hurry, and bowed to the ground, Ye Ming quickly supported him and laughed: "Brother Fang, what are you doing?"

Fang Yibai said positively: "Do n't you give me your life?"

Ye Ming said sternly: "Brother Fang, you and I are the same as before, there is no need to be polite. If you insist, I can only say goodbye, and I dare not visit you later."

Fang Yibai was helpless, and said, "Okay, Brother Ye can come, I am very happy. I should have visited Brother Ye first, but I was so busy with cultivation that I had no time." After that, he introduced Ye Ming to the table. Of five people.

"Brother Ye, these five are my close friends." Then introduced them one by one.

The name is Jin Hu, who is wearing a gold shirt. At the age of fifteen, the son of the Jin family of the silver family has just gathered his strength and is a nine-pin samurai. Another teenager, of similar age, named Yi Zhongnan, was dressed in spotless white robes. He didn't talk much and had a good looks and temperament. The girl in the goose yellow skirt and the girl in the purple skirt, named Liu Fen and Liu Fang, are the granddaughters of the three elders of the Yin and Yang religion, and are deeply loved by them.

After listening to the introduction, Ye Ming arched his hands toward the crowd: "In Xia Ye Ming, I have seen several people."

Jinhu couldn't help asking: "Brother Ye, I don't know which school you belong to?"

Ye Ming said: "Yan State, Chiyangmen."

Jinhu deliberately asked Yi Zhongnan: "Brother Yi, have you heard of Chiyangmen?"

Yi Zhongnan is a real person. He shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. I know Yan country. It is a small country within the scope of our Yi family business. It has no resources. Fortunately, it has a population of more than 300 million, and the country is well managed. "

Ye Ming then knew that the Yi family's business actually went to the state of Yan. There was no special expression on his face, not surprised or surprised, such a performance surprised Jin Hu.

Fang Yibai felt the intention of Jinhu, and he immediately laughed: "Although Brother Ye was born in a small place, he has extraordinary talents and his future achievements are limitless."

"The talent is extraordinary? How extraordinary?" Jin Hu said again, and he turned to Liu Fen, "Fenfen, what kind of constitution are you here?"

Liu Fen pouted with a grin: "Hu brother, you make fun of me again, people are only the top quality glazed spirit body, how can it be compared with the top quality basalt spirit body of tiger brother?"

Jin Hu smiled, "I'm just a top-quality spirit body, nothing great. Zhongnan and Yibai, which is not a top-quality spirit body?"

Fang Yibai was annoyed secretly, saying that he had taken the wrong medicine today? He had said clearly that Ye Ming could not be taken lightly, but this dead fat man deliberately said endlessly. He was about to have an attack, and Zhou Hao, who was originally quiet behind Ye Ming, spoke. He asked Ye Ming: "Brother Ye, don't you say that I am also a top quality spirit body? Why is the spirit body so worthless? "

For a while everyone was amazed, the treasure was worthless? Who is this bear child? Doesn't he know that the top spirit is almost able to ask Ding Wujun easily? Is it not worth it?

Ye Ming said lightly: "Children don't talk nonsense. The few people in front of you are either geniuses or geniuses of the great religion. Of course, their qualifications are excellent."

Zhou Hao pouted his lips: "Brother Ye, didn't you say, what kind of treasure are you? So surely more powerful than them?"

Zhou Hao's innocent words shocked everyone. Is he a treasure?

The scene was quiet, and everyone, including Fang Yibai, stared at Ye Ming. Zhou Hao is only a five-year-old boy. Such a small child cannot lie, is he really a treasure?

Jin Hu felt his face a little hot, as if he was being beaten, but he was still unconvinced, and said lightly: "Treasure? So, there is a future Wu Zunyu standing in front of us?"

Ye Ming asked Fang Yibai to help, not to compete with others. He said lightly: "Children talk nonsense, please don't mind."

He wasn't interested in continuing to talk to Jin Hu, and the other side said bluntly: "Brother Fang, I'd like to ask you for help. Is it convenient?"

Fang Yibai looked back from shock. His eyes were bright and bright, instead of answering Ye Ming, he asked, "Brother Ye, are you really a treasure?"

Ye Ming reluctantly said: "Yes, I am the treasure of heaven and earth."


Everyone around them blew air-conditioning, heaven and earth treasure body?

Yi Zhongnan said one line at a time: "The treasure body in the heavens and the earth, the treasure body fifth in the treasure body ranking, is no small matter!"

All kinds of physiques in the world can be distinguished, so people who have good things compile a list of treasures. The treasures above have hundreds of me, and the heaven and earth treasures are the fifth most precious treasures. body. Of course, there are spiritual list, Eucharist list and so on.

Fang Yibai laughed: "Brother Ye, I didn't read it wrong, okay, it's so good!" Then he remembered Ye Ming's words and immediately said, "Brother Ye, your business is my business. Say, even if I can't do it, I will find someone to help. "

Ye Ming pulled Zhou Hao in front of him and said, "This is Prince Yan Guo, the old lord died, he was framed by other princes. By accident, I rescued him from the guard. He told me that he had a place My aunt was Dongqi Houfei, so I sent him to Dongqi. However, I was low in status, I was afraid that I could not enter Dongqihou government, so I wanted to ask Brother Fang if there was any way to help him? "

Fang Yi stunned for a while, but did not expect Zhou Hao to be a prince. He groaned at the moment: "Hou's house is really not easy to enter, but there is no other way, wait for me to think about it ..."

Yi Zhongnan suggested: "I know a way, the Eastern Qihouhoufu is recruiting guards. As long as they can become the guards of the Eastern Qihoufufu, it is not difficult to see Houfei."

Ye Ming asked: "Excuse Brother Yi, is Hou Fu currently recruiting guards? When?"

Yi Zhongnan nodded: "Yes, it's tomorrow. It's just that Hou Fu recruits people, which is more demanding than recruiting disciples from the university. You must know that Hou Fu's guards have a greater chance to enter Dongqi College for further studies, even to the east. Qi College is a springboard to enter Qinglong College for further studies. "

Liu Fang nodded: "This is true. As Dong Wu, as a martial arts saint, the qualifications of the guards on the court must be the same as those of the inner disciples of the Great Teacher. The most important thing is that after becoming a guard on the court, there are ten * * Can also become a student of Dongqi College. "

Fang Yibai said, "The matter will be left to me. Brother Ye is assured. Within three days, I will bring you into Houfu."

What Ye Ming himself can do, he never wants to ask for help. He only asks: "I do n't know what requirements the Hou government has to recruit guards? I am a member of the Yan Kingdom. May I participate?"

Fang Yibai was startled, and said, "Brother Ye, do you really want to apply for a guard? There is no hard requirement to be a guard. Hou's house is not a great religion or a sect, anyone can join, and can join other forces at will. Only However, the guards must obey Hou's command and be loyal to Dong Qihou. "

"Is the guard free?" Ye Ming asked.

Fang Yibai nodded: "Most of the time, it is free. Only in the pre-training period stays at Houfu or Dongqi College. After passing the training, it is a formal waiting guard. In fact, in essence, they are more like He is a guest of Houfu. Unless Houfu gives an order, he can always move freely and do whatever he wants. "

Yi Zhongnandao: "Brother Fang is right. The so-called recruiting of guards is actually a way for Hou government to cultivate strength. There are rumors that His Majesty Dongqi Hou has tens of thousands of guards. The masters are like clouds, and the overall strength is not weaker than one party. Great Teacher. "

Ye Ming nodded. Since there are no restrictions on being a guard in Hou House, he doesn't mind trying it. Yan Guo is a small place after all. Dong Qi is a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty. Rich in resources and masters like clouds, it is more suitable for his development.

"Why, Brother Ye, do you really want to try?" Fang Yibai said, "In fact, it is not necessary, I will be able to help you enter Houfu."

Ye Ming laughed: "Being a guard at Hou House is a good choice for me."

Fang Yibai no longer advised: "Hou's Fulu is a good place, but it's a good place to go. But serving others is not a long-term solution. Fortunately, Hou's guards are personally free and can leave at any time. If Ye Xiong God does n't want to do it and can leave at any time. "

After all, they met Ye Ming for the first time, and then they didn't talk to him much. Especially Jin Hu, because of the past, Ye Ming didn't like how he saw it, and he didn't like to talk to him.

Ye Ming was not a frustrated person. After speaking a few words, he didn't take a bite of the food, he got up and left, no matter how he kept it, he didn't keep it.

As soon as Ye Ming left, Fang Yibai repeatedly shook his head and pointed at Jinhu angrily: "Jinhu, you don't give me face!"

Jin Hu smiled, "Hey, don't be angry. Although he is your life-saving benefactor, but we are friends from childhood to age, can you compare it? I do n't believe it can be a heaven and earth treasure from a small place." Treasure body! How many of us are there in Dongqi? Hou Fu recruits the guards extremely harshly and will definitely test his martial arts qualification. When that happens, we will take a look at the excitement. I would like to see that he is a real treasure body. Still a fake treasure! "

Yi Zhongnan said with a smile: "Jinhu, you are a little too much to do this. In the case of me, I don't want you to give Ye Ming such a shame."

Jinhu drank a glass of wine and laughed: "Since you say the same, then I bet. If Houfu tomorrow can really detect that he is a treasure, I would like to personally apologize to him, okay?"

Liu Fang chuckled: "Her brother, don't make trouble, yes or no, what's it to us?"

Fang Yibai said indifferently: "Okay, it's one word. If you apologize, it's easy to say. The question is, what is the" li "you prepared?"

Golden Tiger smiled "Hey": "How about something no less than 10,000 Wujun coins?"

Fang Yibai "slaps" and pats the table: "Okay! Don't regret it, Jinhu."

After the banquet was gone, Fang Yibai returned home in a depressed mood. He saw the light in the study and went in, and found his father, Fang Jingtu, sitting there, looking at the books of the family business. Fang Jingtu looked up to forty years old, quite a bit angry at the book, and sat there like Yue Yuanyuan stopped, actually a martial arts master!