
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 89: Ancient city

"What?" Ye Zisheng covered the killing riots, and the layers of black light revolved around him, whistling sounds, like a ghost crying, "Damn! Why tell me now?"

Ye Zhan knelt down on the ground and quickly said, "The teenager was breaking through and killing the slugs at that time. The little man was worried about the master's distraction, so he kept hiding it till now."

Ye Zisheng clenched his fist, and his eyes were cold and radiant. He asked in a deep voice: "I remember that my father said in the letter that he had Zhenying abolished Ye Ming. How could he kill my father?"

Ye Zhan told the Ye Sheng today what he knew. Ye Sheng Sheng heard the last, his eyelids beating again and again, he said in a yin, "Ye Ming, a little beast, actually worshipped at Chiyangmen! Huh, no matter what What adventures are there, in front of me, ants! "

He later groaned, "It's a pity that I have to participate in the selection of the guards of the Dongqihou House, and I can't go back immediately to get revenge!"

Ye Zhan hurriedly said: "Master, the clan said in the letter that the Huang family in Maple City has already taken action. The Huang family does not yet know the truth of that year. Instead, they worry that Ye Zihui's descendants will grow up and threaten Huang. Home safety. "

"Huh! Don't bother with the Huang family, I will kill Ye Ming myself!" Ye Zisheng said coldly.

He said that Ye Ming took Zhou Hao, rented a carriage, and rushed to the Eastern Capital of Qi before it was dark. The capital of Dongqi is Guyang City. Guyang City is more like the kings of the Yan Kingdom. The entire Guyang City is more than two hundred miles long from east to west, more than a hundred miles wide from north to south, and has a population of tens of millions.

When Ye Ming entered the capital of King Yan, he not only had to register his name and place of origin, but also had to undergo many investigations. But when he entered Guyang City, he didn't have to register at all, and no one checked him. This is the style of the big city. No matter who you are or what purpose you can come to Dongqi. Dong Qi is not afraid of chaos because they have the ability to deal with any chaos in the first place. In contrast, King Yan is much more stingy.

Entering Guyang City, looking at it, it is full of ancient buildings. These buildings have a history of at least hundreds of years and a history of thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands of years of wind and rain, Changzhi and chaos, painted them a layer of vicissitudes and mottles. In the midst, there was a thick breath that calmed Ye Ming and Zhou Hao.

At this time, Bei Ming suddenly said: "Master, in the Eastern Qi City, enshrined a city urn."

"City God? What about it?" In Ye Ming's memory, Maple Leaf City also seems to have the City God Temple, but it is already dilapidated and there is not much incense at all.

"This city dweller is alive and can sense the hearts of the people in the city." Beiming Road, "It can collect the general trend of the people's hearts, and thus report the Qinglong Dynasty."

"What? A living city? Isn't that just a god?" Ye Ming was taken aback. "And shouldn't the gods be under the control of 'Heaven'?"

Beimingdao: "The so-called 'Heaven' is' Heaven '.' The four gods and the five dynasties can control part of the God's will. With the God's will, you can enclose the land city and the Hebo water god. The dynasty was booked, and of course he was responsible for the Qinglong dynasty. "

Ye Ming's mind was so shocked that the Qinglong Dynasty could actually enclose the land and mountain gods!

"Brother Ye, look at it quickly." At this moment, Zhou Hao suddenly pointed forward, curious.

Following Ye Ming's direction, Ye Ming saw a ten-meter-tall tiger monster walking across the street. On his back, a mighty warrior sat in a black robe, his face was vague, and he could not see clearly.

"Master, it's a Level 6 monster flying sky tiger. The person sitting on it is a martial artist, and the other side is also an inscription master." Beimingdao.

Ye Ming quickly lowered his head and said to Zhou Hao: "Don't watch."

Zhou Hao lowered his head and muttered, "What awe-inspiring, I will do the same in the future!"

Ye Ming laughed: "You are a top spirit, it is not impossible to become a martial arts monk, but you must abstain from pride and arrogance, and never have arrogance."

Do not know or do not understand, Zhou Hao nodded hard.

Entering Guyang City, Ye Ming took Zhou Hao for a walk, which was really eye-opening. In his current capacity, it is quite difficult to bring Zhou Hao into the Eastern Qihou House, so he decides to live first, and then slowly finds a way.

After finding an inn to settle in, it became dark. Guyang City's nightlife is quite rich, but Ye Ming is not good at going out alone with a towing oil bottle, so he has to meditate in the inn to practice.

Before that, he had already cultivated seven kinds of Yuan Jin, and at this time, he would naturally cultivate the eighth Yuan Jin and maneuver. With the experience of practicing seven kinds of Yuanjin before, it is not difficult to practice the maneuvering. By noon the next day, he successfully carried the maneuvering force with six Yuanjin arrays.

At this point, there are forty-eight elemental arrays in his body, all of which carry strength. That is to say, he now has eight basic changes in elementary energy, namely, cow hair, maneuver, disintegration, and so on. As for the remaining four Yuan Jin arrays, it is more important. They are used to carry the advanced changes of Yuan Jin.

Ye Ming still continued to cultivate, Zhou Hao was unwilling, came over and shook him, and said, "Brother Ye, when are we going to see my aunt?"

Ye Ming opened his eyes and said helplessly, "I'm having a headache. As a prince of Dong Qihou, it's hard for me to see such a small person."

Ji Tianpeng's memory tells him that Dong Qihou himself is a martial saint-like powerhouse with a high status and a status no less than the leader of a great religion. Don't talk about him, even if Master Gao Fengxian came over, he might not be able to see the other party.

Zhou Hao suddenly had a small face: "What can we do? If we have acquaintances in Guyang City, we can ask them to recommend."

With a movement in his heart, Ye Ming laughed suddenly: "As soon as you said, I thought of a way, and I didn't know it would work." After he said, he pulled Zhou Hao up and hurried out.

In Dongqi, in addition to Yinyang Church and Dongqi College, there are still some forces that cannot be underestimated, that is, families of all sizes. Among them, the three silver families are the strongest. The Fang family is one of the three silver families, and its ancestral land is located in Guyang City. Ye Ming saved the silver son Fang Yibai's life in the secret area of ​​Linghe. With this friendship, he believed that Fang's family would help him.

Fangjia Garden, located in the core area of ​​Guyang City, covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, is a famous garden in Guyang City. At the gate of the Fang family, Ye Ming and Zhou Hao appeared. The gate was elegant but not extravagant. It had a strong ancient meaning, and it was unknown that it had been built for thousands of years. The door was open, and beside the door, only a child with a clear eyebrow stood and groaned with a smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Ming and Zhou Hao as visitors, the boy stepped forward with a smile, then bowed politely, "What's the matter for the two?"

Ye Ming said: "In Xia Ye Ming, Fang Yibai's friend, come to visit today."

The child immediately and enthusiastically said, "My son is actually a friend of Shizi, and the villain is polite. Unfortunately, my son Shizi went to 'Drunk Xianlou' for a banquet in the morning, only to be able to return in the evening. Have a cup of hot tea at home, and I'm going to notify Shizi? "

Children are very enthusiastic. Generally, there are no more than three children in each family. In the future, the strongest of them will inherit the position of owner. As a child, Fang Yibai naturally treated his friends warmly.

Ye Ming thought for a while and shook his head: "No need, I'll go to Zuixianlou to find him."

As soon as the child waved his hand, a teenager hurried forward and asked, "What's the commander?"

The boy was so old-fashioned, "Fang Cong, this son is a noble guest of the Fang family, and the son of the son. Now the son is not at home, you bring a good sedan, and take the son to the drunk fairy house to find the son."

The boy gave Ye Ming a gift and turned to prepare a sedan. Ye Ming did not quit, thanked the child. Within a short while, there were two Qipin samurai carrying a luxuriously decorated sedan.

Ye Ming secretly sighed that the Silver Family really had money, so he sent a stranger to carry a sedan with a samurai.

After getting on the sedan chair, the two samurai bearers shook their legs and flew like electricity. The seventh-ranked samurai cultivated his energy, grasped the power of the fire, and Ye Ming in the sedan did not even feel the bumps of the sedan. But at half an hour, the sedan chair stopped, and the voice of the young Fang Cong came from outside, "My son, the drunk fairy house is here." Then he opened the curtain and asked Ye Ming to come out.

Ye Ming and Zhou Hao got out of the sedan chair, and they saw a nine-story tall building in front of them. At the entrance gate, there were three characters in the book: Zuixian Tower. They were strong and powerful, and their artistic conception was extraordinary.

As soon as he got out of the car, a young lady outside the gate greeted him and asked politely, "What's your son tell me?"

Fang Cong said: "This son is a friend of my family's son. If you want to meet my family's son, please go and whisper."

The little sister apparently recognized Fang Cong and immediately said, "Please go to the living room, I'll send someone up."

The first floor of Zuixian Tower is a large living room, where diners' followers and family members can wait. Ye Ming casually found a chair and sat down to wait. On the other side, someone has already gone to Tongfang Fangbai.

At this moment, on the ninth floor of the Zuixian Tower, the most luxurious "Extreme Pavilion" sat five young men, three men and two women, all of them were noble and intimidating. One of them was Fang Yibai, who was already three points drunk.

Putting down the wine glass, a beautiful girl in a goose-yellow dress asked: "Yi Bai, tell us about your experience in Linghe's secret place. You seem to have mentioned that a small faction saved you?"

Fang Yiba nodded and said with emotion: "That was my Ye brother. I was about to die at the time. Originally in the secret territory, everyone was in a competitive relationship. He could kill me and take my weapons. But he didn't, and He also fed me a panacea. "

A fat-eared, large-sized boy in a golden robe dismissed it as saying: "Of course, people from the small martial arts did not have the courage to shoot at the silver son. He saved you at that time, maybe it was to tie up our silver families."

Fang Yibai frowned: "Golden Tiger, you have a lot of nonsense! At that time, Brother Ye didn't know my identity at all. And his qualifications were still above me, no need to tie anyone up."

The fat-eared Golden Tiger pouted and said, "Yibai, you are too naive. I have seen such things a lot. I bet the other party will come to you soon and cling to your Bai family."

Fang Yibai was a little unhappy and sneered, "Even if Brother Ye came to me, he would never be as uncomfortable as you said."

A young girl in a purple skirt has a good-looking look. Compared with a girl in a goose-yellow skirt, she smiles softly: "Okay, you don't have to quarrel. Yibai successfully condensed twenty-six yuan, faster than us. A step further, we congratulate him today. "

The goose girl said with a smile: "Yeah, there is a twenty-six yuan team. In the future, there can be four basic changes and two high-level changes. This is a great achievement."

Fang Yibai smiled. He was about to say that ten of them were sent by Ye Ming. A young cricket came over and said in Fang Yibai's ear: "Fang Shizi, there is a son named Ye Ming. Did you ask him to go upstairs? "