
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 63: Mystery opens

Ye Ming was seven, and when they heard Zhong Shenxiu talking about the ferocious contention in the secret area of ​​Linghe, they couldn't help but be creepy. It turns out that the secret realm of Linghe is not dangerous in itself, what is really dangerous is the people who enter it! In order to compete for the limited resources, different martial arts will inevitably fight. In order to achieve their goals, they will do everything they can to make every effort.

Zhong Shenxiu said: "There are only two secrets to living in the mysterious realm of Linghe. The first is to be careful, to be careful. Do not trust everyone in the other martial arts, or join the so-called alliances of other martial arts casually, let alone with others. Desperate. Some things, once robbed, or too dangerous, immediately give up. There are many good things in it, do not have to fight for the moment and one thing. The second is unity, the strength of seven people is always greater than the strength of one person. As long as you guys Being able to unite, even if you meet the geniuses of other schools, you have the ability to protect yourself. After all, the people inside are warriors. No matter how strong they are, they will not be much better than you. "

Speaking of this, Zhong Shenxiu's expression was a little excited and seemed to fall into the memory. He slowly said: "In the past, we also encountered extremely terrible opponents. There was a sister who saved me and Brother Gao Fengxian forever, forever Stayed in the mysterious realm of Linghe. "

Everyone's mood is also very heavy, yeah, sometimes, someone in the team must make a sacrifice, otherwise everyone may die. But how many people can die for others?

Ye Ming was suddenly curious, why did that sister want to give her life for her master and head?

Zhong Shenxiu spoke for a long time. After the crowd dispersed, he left Ye Ming and Su Lan alone. He glanced at Su Lan and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it's already a martial arts player. I was worried that your trip was too dangerous."

Su Landao: "Master, rest assured, I must be alive."

"Yes, it is the first task to be alive, and the second task is to find opportunities. No matter how good the chance is, you must have a life to enjoy." Zhong Shenxiu said solemnly.

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Ming and said, "Ye Ming, I gave Su Lan to you. If she has less hair, I will take you to blame."

Ye Ming quickly said: "Uncle Master is assured that as long as I live, Su Lan is absolutely safe."

Zhong Shenxiu was very satisfied and said, "Linghe Secret is very dangerous, and I hope you seven will come back alive." Then he paused and said to Ye Ming, "If you meet a disciple of" Shen Jianmen ", if possible , Kill them all. "

Ye Ming froze and asked, "Is the master in charge hostile to Excalibur?"

"Deep hatred." Zhongshen Xiu said, "At the beginning, I and your Master had gone through hardships in the secret place of Linghe, and it seemed that I would successfully leave with my elder sisters and brothers. But at that time, a man named Wei Jianfeng at the Shenjian Gate sniped at us and the other side. The strength is very strong and the number is large enough to crush us. He killed one of my three brothers at Chiyangmen one by one with one sword. Later, if my sister blocked her desperately, I and your master would be afraid to die in it. "

"After that, Wei Jianfeng's achievements were great, even stronger than your master. He worshiped in Jianchi, one of the nine holy places, and became an elder. His current strength should still be above your master. I'm afraid that it is already the peak of Wu Zong. When your Master came the last time, tell me a message that Wei Jianfeng will send his descendants into the Linghe Mystery. We speculate that Wei Jianfeng must have entered the second floor of the Mystery that year. Many secrets we don't know, he sent his disciples this time, and he should want more benefits. "

"At that time, Wei Jianfeng was the leader. This time, you can't let the Excalibur Gate succeed. Ye Ming, your strength is very strong, and I am very optimistic about you. If nothing unexpected, you should have a hard time meeting your opponent. Of course, It all depends on the timing. If time is tight or there are fewer opportunities, then it's fine, and safety must be put first. "

Ye Ming nodded vigorously: "Uncle Master, rest assured, I will go all out."

Zhong Shenxiu also said to Su Lan: "Your qualifications should still be above Ye Ming. These days, you have benefited from Ye Ming a lot and are very happy for the teacher. Maybe after a few years, I still need to be a teacher Your support can go further. "

Su Lan hurriedly said: "The teacher is too famous, Su Lan is not so powerful."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled "Hehe": "You don't have to be humble, you are very optimistic for your teacher. It 's rare to receive a disciple like you, and you still do n't feel assured of your safety for the teacher." Then, he took out a fist the size of his arms. The box was black and I didn't know what it was.

He gave the box to Su Lan's hands, and said in full color: "This is a hidden weapon obtained for the division in the early years, a superb weapon created by Tianjigu, a holy land of hidden weapons, called the Rainstorm God Needle. This needle can only be fired once. Once fired, You can kill the big martial arts within ten feet. It is a one-time hidden weapon. Do not use it until you have a life or death. "

Su Lan took the small box and thanked him quickly.

Zhong Shenxiu took out a set of soft armor and handed it to Ye Ming, saying, "This is the sixth-grade weapon, the ice hedgehog armor, which is made of the leather of the sixth-level monster ice hedgehog. It can resist the blow of the foot punch and absorb a lot of damage. .Even if the martial arts strikes with all his might, he may not be able to kill you. "

Ye Ming turned his hand to Su Lan and said, "Let Su Lan wear it."

Zhong Shenxiu waved his hand to stop it, his tone was solemn and solemn: "You are the main part of the Linghe secret territory. Only you are alive to protect Sulan's thoroughness, so you must wear this ice hedgehog, understand?"

Ye Ming did not insist, thanked the head, and put on the ice hedgehog on the spot.

Zhong Shenxiu said: "We Chiyangmen is only a Jiupin martial art, but among the martial arts participating this time, there is a martial arts martial art such as Shenjianmen, and even disciples. So be careful. "

Zhong Shenxiu is like an old mother, and she confesses and confesses. Until there is nothing to say, she leaves Ye Ming and Su Lan away and lets them do your final preparations.

For three days, Ye Ming did not practice, but practiced Liu Yun's dispersal and instant steps with Su Lan. He wanted to use this method to increase the tacit understanding between the two sides.

"Brush! Brush!"

Their bodies flickered, like two shaking lights, incredibly fast. In the end, Ye Ming also called Chen Xing and practiced with them.

Three days passed quickly, and the day when the secret realm of Linghe opened was reached. Early in the morning, Zhong Shenxiu summoned Ye Ming and others. Ye Ming unexpectedly saw that Master Gao Fengxian was standing behind his head. He wanted to come forward to say hello, but was stopped by Gao Fengxian's eyes. "

Zhong Shenxiu didn't say much, a roll of red sleeves, and a red light wrapped around the seven disciples soared into the sky. Ye Ming saw that Master Gao Fengxian and eight other elder elders followed behind.

Wrapped in red light, Ye Ming was not the first time. He looked calmly at the people present. What surprised him was that Cui Jingang and Zheng Yiping were both nine-armed martial arts soldiers, and their strength should not be weak, otherwise they would not be picked by the head. The remaining three are all ten-fold martial arts disciples.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "King Kong, Yi Ping, you are making rapid progress, and in just a few months, you actually rushed from the fifth place to the nine place."

Cui Jingang smiled, "Hey," and said, "Now we are all accepted as pro-disciples by elders in the door, and progress is naturally fast."

Ye Ming was also happy for them. Upon asking, it became clear that Cui Jingang's master was Fu Biao, and Zheng Yiping's master was Ma Tai. After visiting the teacher, they got a lot of resources, and made great progress, and soon reached the ninth level of the martial arts. Naturally, their martial arts ninefold gold content is far from being comparable to Ye Ming.

After flying for about a quarter of an hour, everyone landed in front of a mountain in the east of Yan Kingdom. After landing, I saw that many people had gathered in front of the mountain, and it seemed that they were elders and disciples of other schools. There are only a few dozen people like Chiyangmen, which is quite small. In some places, there are actually hundreds of people, which should be some high-grade martial arts.

As soon as the people at Chiyangmen appeared, someone cried not far away: "Zhongshenxiu, speak here."

As soon as Zhong Shenxiu shook his body, he reached a group of people. These people belonged to four families in Yan State. There are four gates of the Yan Kingdom: Chiyangmen, Tianyimen, Zixumen, Fengleimen, and Sheyangzong, Daizong and Miaoshuzong. Among them, Sheyangzong is the Seventh Pinzong Gate, Tianyimen is the eightth Pinzong Gate, and the rest are the Nine Pinzong Gates.

A greeting to Zhong Shenxiu was a middle-aged man, Fang Fangzheng had a face, a yellow beard and a chest, and was quite righteous. He smiled, "Brother Zhong, do you send seven people to Chiyangmen?"

Zhong Shenxiu smiled slightly and said, "Fei Zhengyi, we have no outstanding disciples in Chiyangmen, and only these seven barely make up. It is not as good as yours, Lei Zong, talented people, you have to send two Ten people? "

The head of Feng Leizong, named Fei Zhengyi, grinned and said, "In theory, Chiyangmen and Feng Leizong should be the two strongest of the Five Great Nine-Pin Sects of the Yan Kingdom. Hehe, I think you Chiyangmen Several more disciples should be sent in. "

"Send more people to death?" A voice of Yin and Yang sounded.

The young man was speaking, looking pale, wearing white clothes, holding a gold fracture fan in his hand, and hanging on the waist Long Yupei, an arrogant look.

When he said this, Fei Zhengyi's face suddenly darkened and he said, "Lü Tianhua is in charge. You shot Yangzong is awful, but why did you come out alive last time? It seems that you are still seriously injured, right?" Yang Zong, Fei Zhengzheng had no fear and taunted.

The young man named Lu Tianhua snorted heavily: "This time, I will definitely win the shot.

"Joke! Don't open your eyes to see how many forces are involved around us. The four cases of the Three Kingdoms of the Yan Kingdom add up to less than one tenth of the outsiders." An old man in purple sneered, "Red The Yangzong is a seven-pin sect door, but among those forces, I saw a one-pin sect door. "

The same is the gate of the Yan Kingdom, but the seven heads attacked each other when they met. Finally, the head of the magical door, a black-faced middle-aged man, calmed everyone down. He said: We ca n't stop the forces. Do n't quarrel. You have time to discuss cooperation. Should n't we support each other? "