
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 62: Final sprint

According to the above description of "Pure Yuan Gong", the vitality in Ye Ming's body must be purified more than 100 times in a cycle to achieve a certain degree of purity, so as to carry out the second purification. Then Ye Ming tried it, and he could run up to the 15th National Congress of the Sun in one day. In other words, with his current qualifications, at least seven days of cultivation are required to complete the first purification of "Pure Yuan Gong".

Ye Ming obviously didn't want to waste time on this boring practice. After Su Lan's warrior was ninefold, he immediately kissed thickly. Once a girl's kiss is given for the first time, the second and third times will be without difficulty. Ye Ming soon tasted the fragrant lips again, and the whole person was intoxicated.

The breath of the innocent body entered his body again. A magical scene happened. With the operation of pure Yuangong, the efficiency of vitality purification suddenly increased by more than ten times! The vitality has only run for a big week, and the purity of the vitality has reached the second requirement of operation!

Ye Ming was shocked and delighted, holding Su Lan up and letting go. In fact, Su Lan also felt that Ye Ming was using his breath to practice some exercises. So she and Ye Ming mouth to mouth quietly, feeling each other's heartbeat, temperature, sweet heart, and of course very shy.

"Pure Yuan Gong" second, Ye Ming only ran for two days. Third, he spent four Sundays. But even so, according to Bei Ming's estimation, he would have to take two to three years to cultivate to the thirteenth level. Of course, if he can increase the number of vitality days in a day, the time will be further reduced.

Half a month later, he broke through the eighth weight of pure Yuangong and condensed the ninth weight of vortex. Over the past half month, Su Lan's progress has also been great. She has opened up all 52 tricks and started practicing "Pure Yuan Gong" with Ye Ming.

I have to say that Su Lan's qualifications surpassed Ye Ming's in practicing pure elementary power. She came first, and now she has also cultivated the ninth weight of "Pure Yuan Gong".

With less than two months to go, he will enter the secret realm of Linghe, and Ye Ming decides to further enhance his strength. After careful consideration, Beiming suggested that he practice the second basic footwork of "Steps to Kill", Magic Step. In addition, he hoped that Ye Ming could practice Liuyun Sanshou to Dacheng, and then combine the three major killing styles to further enhance his power.

Su Lan and Ye Ming have the same idea, and she also wants to enter the secret realm of Linghe. Ye Ming considered again and again, and decided to let Su Lan practice Instant Step and Liu Yun break up, and further try to practice the "Crossing Cloud Sword" and "Broken Finger" as far as possible. He believes that these types of martial arts are more suitable for Su Lan. Even if he can't beat the enemy, his escape is more than enough.

After practicing day and night, Su Lan made rapid progress. After all, she is an innocent body and her qualification is above Ye Ming.

On the contrary, Ye Ming entered the country much more slowly. Magic steps are too difficult. There are only four steps in this basic step, which is harder to learn than one step at a time. The first step is to change the three positions in an instant with the outbreak of the vitality of 36 points. To learn the first step, Ye Ming must first open up 36 second-level tips.

It's not difficult to get the hang point, Beiming can finish it soon. The difficulty is difficult. Ye Ming wants to build a unique set of vitality vortex in each trick hole. Different vortices can produce vitality that cannot be characterized. Either sharp, or riot, or calm, or concussion.

This is more troublesome, even if Bei Ming can't help, everything must be experienced by Ye Ming himself. Ye Ming is like a lonely architect, constructing the vortex of vitality in each trick hole, once, twice, and it is not until half a month later that he completes all of this and officially begins to take the first step of a magic step.


Su Lan saw that Ye Ming suddenly divided into three, and the three phantoms appeared in different directions, and disappeared after a while.

"It's amazing!" Su Lan admired.

But Ye Ming was full of vitality riots, several skins exploded directly, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. Taking this first step, he was seriously injured. That's because the thirty-six vitality vortices are not coordinated.

It was the same as the training step, it was injured, recovered, and then injured, recovered. He kept practicing, and slowly learned the trick. After three days, he could take the first step completely without being injured.

The practice of magic step is too time consuming. After learning the first step, Ye Ming began to practice Liuyun Sanshou, practiced day and night, and even called Chen Xing to fight.

His strength improved quickly, and Chen Xing could no longer threaten him with dark energy, so he had to use the power of energy, which is equivalent to the strength of the Qipin Samurai.


Ye Ming was blown off with a punch, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. He wiped the blood off and Shen said, "Come again!"

Being repelled again and again, rushing up again and again, Beiming was repairing various injuries at all times.

The first three styles of Liuyun Sanshou are Meteor to catch the moon, lost legs, and magic cloud cutting; the middle three styles are divided into Blast, Ghost Step, and Instant Kill; the latter three styles are arc shift, phantom, and combo. In these nine styles, Ye Ming has cultivated to Xiaocheng, but there is still a considerable distance between them. After martial arts Xiaocheng, they can learn from each other and use it freely.

At Dacheng, he knew everything and knew all the tricks. The power multiplied.

Under the tremendous pressure of Chen Xing, Ye Ming made rapid progress. Just a week later, he suddenly shouted, the whole person turned into a streamer, and then split into three phantoms. Then he stood ten meters away and looked at Chen Xing.

Chen Xing looked down, and his clothes had actually broken six large holes, all of which were broken by Ye Ming. Ye Ming struck six times in an instant, and he didn't escape.

After that, he suddenly laughed "haha" and said, "Master, have you combined the three types of killings into one?"

Ye Ming nodded: "At the last moment of the battle, when I was suddenly agitated, I naturally merged the three styles into one. I didn't expect such great power. However, this trick cannot be easily performed, and it consumes too much physical energy. I I still feel weak. "

Chen Xing laughed: "That's for sure. The power of these three forms is equivalent to the killing of Wupin Wushu!"

Ye Ming is progressing, and Su Lan is not bad. Not only did she revise "Swords Through the Clouds" and "Broken Fingers" to small successes, but also instantaneous steps and Liuyun Sanshou. It can be seen that she is practicing martial arts much faster than Ye Ming.

Unconsciously, it was only a few days before the start of the Linghe Mystery. This morning, Ye Ming was practicing magical moves. A faceless elder elder came to the door and said, "Ye Ming, Su Lan, the head will call you past." . "

So Ye Ming and Su Lan followed the elder to the outer hall. When people arrived, they saw Zheng Yiping and Cui Jingang and ten other disciples arriving. Except for Cui Jingang and Zheng Yiping, the other eight were on the outside list, but did not include Ren Shaolong. Due to the breakthrough of the samurai on the ring, he has become an inner disciple and has lost his qualifications to enter the secret realm of Linghe.

Seeing that everyone was here, Zhongshen Xiu said, "After three days, the Linghe Mystery will be opened. The Linghe Mystery was built by Taiyimen, a large force in ancient times, to cultivate disciples. Every thirty It was opened once a year, and it was more dangerous every time. The last time, we went to Chiyangmen with ten people and only two came back alive. "

Everyone's heart was heavy, ten people only returned two, and the mortality rate was too high! Many people were afraid, and quietly started to retreat.

"Your twelve have good strength and are qualified to enter the secret realm of Linghe. However, Chiyangmen will not force you. If you want to withdraw, you can leave now." Zhong Shenxiu said.

Without waiting for Zhong Shenxiu to finish speaking, five people stood up and, after giving a gift to the head and elders, turned around without hesitation.

"Are there any?" Zhong Shenxiu's look remained unchanged, and he continued to ask. But this time, no one left.

Zhong Shenxiu was very satisfied, and nodded, "Yes. The warrior should have the courage to seek wealth and danger. There is no danger. Where is the opportunity?"

After he said, "You first enter the Treasure House with the elders and challenge weapons and weapons. Each person is limited to two pieces."

Then an elder came in and took seven people into a small building. Outside the small building, there are two martial arts guards with strict defenses.

Ascending the small building, Ye Ming saw a piece of weapons and weapons hanging neatly on the wall. Before he could take a closer look, Bei Ming said: "The master is not good at swords and can choose a few weapons. There is a pair of gloves in the front, which are eight-grade weapons, which can improve the power and speed of punches."

Ye Ming believed in Bei Ming's vision and immediately found the gloves. The gloves are dark golden, with strange cloud patterns carved on them, and weird waves of waves are released.

"There is a pair of boots in the front left, which can increase the moving speed. It is best to use it to escape." Bei Ming said again, "The only pity is that it is only Jiupin weapons, and the speed increase is limited."

The weapons are very precious, and Chiyangmen is unlikely to have too many.

Because each person can only pick two, Ye Ming went to help Su Lan after picking. At his suggestion, Su Lan chose a sword, a set of soft armor, all nine grades. In fact, most of the weapons in it were Jiu Pin, and there were very few of them, and they were picked away as soon as they came up. Ye Ming was quick to start, the first one to get the eight-pin weapon gloves.

After the selection, everyone was taken to the outer hall. Zhong Shenxiu was still waiting, he motioned everyone to sit down and said, "I have entered the Linghe secret place, and I know the situation inside. Below, I will tell you how to survive in the secret place. And how to find opportunities. "

Having said that, he took out a map and spread it out in front of the crowd, saying, "This is the map drawn together by those who lived out of the mystery of the Linghe then. I will explain the Linghe in detail to you according to this map. The situation in Peru. Listen carefully, and remember every word I say! "

"The mystery of Linghe is very vast. I am afraid that the area marked on this map is not even one tenth of it. And what I am talking about is only for the areas marked on the map. As for other places, then It depends on your own ability and means. "Zhong Shenxiu began to explain in detail.