
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 138: Ming Ye's accident

Ye Ming knocked on the door. It didn't take long for a young girl in purple to come out. Seeing this young girl, Ye Ming and Bao Fanfan felt bright. The young girl not only had five facial features, but also had a very special temperament. Ye Ming secretly made a comparison. If Su Lan stood with the girl in front of him, he couldn't really say which one is more beautiful, he could only say that he was good at it, regardless of Xuanyuan.

"Are you guys coming to the Yin Yang Group?" The young girl asked lightly, her tone not cold nor hot, but her voice was very nice.

Ye Ming said: "I am Ye Ming, a new student, and a disciple of Yin and Yang. I hope to join the Yin and Yang group."

The girl seemed surprised. She looked at Ye Ming. The corners of her eyebrows were full of beauty, and she saw that Bao Bao was drooling. Ye Ming had Su Lan, but his resistance was very strong.

"You said that you are a disciple of Yin and Yang? But as far as I know, there are only thirty-two people who worship Yin Dong at Dong Qi College. I know each of them, but I don't know you." Shao obviously became suspicious, I think Ye Ming may be impersonating.

Ye Ming said: "My master is Gao Fengxian, should you know?"

Who knew that the girl immediately sneered: "Your Master is Gao Fengxian? But all I know is that Elder Gao Fengxian has never accepted a disciple. Who are you in the end? Do you know what kind of punishment a disciple who fakes Yin and Yang teaches?

Ye Ming said nothing, "二" had to pull out the dragon armor sword, and one sword flower came out, which was the move in the yin and yang swordsmanship. Together with Jianguang, Yinyang and Yangqi hovered and strangled, and the cold air hit the face. Bao Fan and the girl all stepped back a few steps.

"Can you prove it now?" Ye Ming said lightly. "Yin and Yang swordsmanship will not be passed on."

The girl was slightly surprised, she nodded, and asked, "You are a disciple of Elder Gao, why don't others know?"

"I was originally a disciple of Chiyangmen. The Master has only accepted me as a disciple for a short time, and I have never been to the Yinyang Church." Ye Ming said, "But I will return sooner or later."

The girl then opened the door and said, "Come in." Then added, "Non-Yin and Yang disciples must not enter."

Bao Bao, who had wanted to follow up, grinned and waited out obediently.

The villa was very large, and the girl took Ye Ming to a living room and said, "I have already informed the leader, please wait for a while."

Ye Ming asked, "I don't know your name yet."

"Luo Bingxian," said the girl.

When Ye Ming moved, he remembered Bao Baofan saying that among the three beauties, there seemed to be an iceberg beauty Luo Bingxian. It was no surprise that she was so beautiful. It seems that the names of the three beauties are not called in vain.

"Sister Luo, who is the leader? Is Xiu Gao Gao?" Ye Ming first arrived and naturally wanted to find out.

Luo Bingxian said: "Our head is Murong Xuejiao, Sister Murong's self-cultivation is high, and she is already a great martial artist of the eighth rank."

"Xiaoxianxian, are you a newcomer? Who is it?" A grinning voice sounded.

Ye Ming saw a woman wearing a short red leather skirt, a short-sleeved black leather jacket on her upper body, and navel eyes coming in. The woman looked around twenty, her lips were plump, her legs were straight and long, and she was wearing high boots, making her taller than Ye Ming by half a head. Her skin tone was wheat-colored, especially the two clusters on her chest, as if she was about to burst a small leather coat, giving a feeling of rushing towards the face.

Women are not like the stunning women of Luo Bingshan, but if you look closely, you will find that the other party 's features are very delicate, no less than Luo Bingxian. It's just that her carefree temperament is not in harmony with her appearance, which weakens the first impression score given by others.

Luo Bingxian actually showed a smile: "Sister Murong, you come very fast."

The comer was actually Murong Xuejiao. She stepped on the table with one foot and looked down at Ye Ming who was sitting on the sofa, and suddenly smiled: "Who is your boy, why hasn't your mother seen you?"

She leaned down so that the pair on her chest came out, and Ye Ming's heartbeat accelerated. He coughed, and quickly got up: "I've seen my sister, my name is Ye Ming, and I'm a new disciple."

Luo Bingxian said: "Sister, he is a disciple of Elder Gao Fengxian, and we haven't been to our yin and yang teaching."

Murong Xuejiao nodded: "Since you are your own, then do the task. To complete the task, you are a formal member of the Yin Yang regiment."

Luo Bingxian explained: "Brother Ye Ming, you have to undergo the pre-assessment assessment, which is to complete the task designated by the leader."

Ye Ming said: "Yes, what is my task?"

Murong Xuejiao tilted her head for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Do you know the three beauties of the college?"

Ye Ming nodded: "I know."

Murong Xuejiao said: "In addition to Bingxian, there are pipa beauty water magic sounds, and Su Yi beauty Yan Ruyu. Then Yan Ruyu has been stealing the limelight of our ice fairy. You go to sleep her, this is your task."

Ye Ming was shocked and didn't know how to answer.

Luo Bingxian stroked her forehead and said helplessly, "Sister Murong, don't make a joke!"

Murong Xuejiao laughed and said, "Of course it is difficult for you to sleep with her. I will lower the difficulty of the task. Listen, your task is to touch her **** in public. This Easy, right? "

Ye Ming couldn't laugh or cry. What kind of task is this? He couldn't help but said, "Sister, does this task make sense?"

"It makes a lot of sense," Murong Xuejiao said with a smile, "I can't tell you yet, just do it."

Luo Bingxian had no objection to such a boring task. Ye Ming was speechless, what should I do? Really touch it?

"Well, you can do the task." Murong Xuejiao waved and motioned Ye Ming to leave. "Remember, you can't complete the task, don't come here again."

Bao Fanfan saw Ye Ming who sighed and sighed and walked out. He asked jokingly, "What's wrong? Luo Bingxian touched you?"

Ye Ming rolled her eyes: "She didn't touch me, instead she asked me to touch Yan Ruyu."

Bao Fanfan was startled: "Grass! Such a vicious! Do you know how high Yan Ruyu's status in the hearts of male students? You dare to touch Yan Ruyu, you will immediately become the public enemy of the college!"

After speaking, he touched his chin again: "But this task is really good, Yan Ruyu's ass, it must be extraordinary to the touch, right?"

Ye Ming knocked on Bao Fanfan's head and said, "I really want to touch it?"

Bao Weifan smiled "Hey": "Touching people is learned, there are bright touch, dark touch, accidental touch, bright or dark can't be unexpected, dark can't be unexpected, understand?"

Ye Ming didn't know what to say, how much shame this bag should be, so thorough study of touching people. However, he was in need of such a shameless person for guidance at the moment, so he asked carefully: "What is accidental touch?"

Bao Fanfan said: "The so-called accidental touch is to create an accident. Your hand accidentally touches her plump little butt. The most difficult of the three major touches must be coordinated by others, and you must find the right time."

Ye Ming suddenly thought of touching Lu Fei's chest that day, it was an accident. He nodded again and again: "This method is good, but before that, I need to get familiar with Yan Ruyu."

Ye Ming and Bao Fanfan "researched and touched people" while returning to the dormitory.

In the villa of the Yinyang Mission, Luo Bingxian said, "Sister, do you really want to do this?"

"The college's annual ranking is still more than one month away. You also know that the rewards received after the listing are very generous. Many people enter the college just to reward them. Especially for high-ranking rankings The rich reward is simply jealous. If we want to achieve good results this time, we must find out the roots of other forces. That Yan Ruyu is not easy. The three boys are interesting to her, and countless male students become her Fans, "said Murong Xuejiao," Ye Ming is doing this, maybe they can attract them. "

"Then? Ye Ming is afraid it will be dangerous?" Luo Bingxian said, "After all, he is a yin and yang man. Elder Gao Fengxian has a bad temper."

"What are you afraid of? With our yin and yang group guarding, who dares to really hurt him?" Murong Xuejiao said indifferently, "Brother Wang is about to leave the customs, and we are just looking for a chance to let him start with the other three boys."

Luo Bingxian said: "Brother Wang can be escorted directly to Qinglong College if he can get the first place of Wu Zong. However, the other three sons are also in retreat. Will they shoot?"

"Surely. The charm of Yan Ruyu is even more incredible than we think." Murong Xuejiao laughed. "Her physique is extraordinary, and men will turn into soft-leg shrimp in front of her."

The residence of the Black Dragon Regiment is also a villa. In the villa, Du Lingfeng, who had become an idiot, sat on the ground silly and was playing with an ant. Beside, a few strong young men looked ugly. One of them was wearing a black robe with dark dragon-shaped patterns on the black robe. He described it as very cold and cold, and his eyes were as cold as a star.

"Brother." Someone asked, "What happened to Du Lingfeng?"

"He hit someone else's way," said the young man in the black robe. "It could be poison or Wu Jun's shot. The former is most likely."

"Du Lingfeng was ordered to bring Ye Ming's kid before. Is this something to do with him?" Everyone was surprised.

"Big Brother" sneered: "It's clear to bring people to ask."

One person stood out, with a scar on his face that stretched diagonally from the left forehead to the corner of his right mouth, making his image very fierce.

"Brother, let's go!" That humane.

"He Ye, don't hurt anyone first, bring questions clearly. The kid can fight in the samurai realm, it is a cash cow." The master reminded.

"I understand." He Ye nodded and turned out of the villa.

Ye Ming and Bao Fanfan are looking for Yan Ruyu at this moment, and want to touch others, at least to know what it looks like. Unfortunately, after inquiring, the two knew that Yan Ruyu had gone to Shenwutang to do the task, and they were surrounded by a large group of male students, many of whom were masters.

Bao Fanfan said with emotion: "Beauty is just fragrant. You look at Yan Ruyu, and there are so many people who help with any task. I'm afraid she can complete the task without her efforts."

Ye Ming said, "Well, we should follow?"

Bao Wenfan patted his thigh and said excitedly: "It makes sense, so we have a reason to approach her. But Ye Ming, are you going to touch half of your butt, or touch both sides?"

Ye Ming's black line, the task itself made him crazy, and if there was such a person as Baofan, he was even more crazy.