
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 107: Two major prohibitions

Gongsun Yan quickly said: "Don't get angry, old reality, is there any other choice for the Magic Sect? Or, are you willing to join Tianyimen and fully integrate into Sheyang Sect?"

"That is even more impossible!" The old white-browed man shook his head again and again.

Gongsun Yan smiled: "Of course, we in Chiyangmen are not without sincerity. You also know that our last secret trip, we have a little gain in Chiyangmen. For example, my nephew, he got a volume from it Taiyi Divine. "

"What? Taiyishen? Seriously?" Several old men jumped up, eyes staring like bronze bells. Even Qi Qianli was not calm, staring at Ye Ming as if looking at a peerless treasure.

Ye Ming was uncomfortable. He glanced at Gongsun Yan and said, "The junior did get Taiyi Divine Art and practiced for a while."

Qi Qianli took a long breath and said, "Taiyi Religion was one of the five major religions of the Five Elements Gods at that time. It has a deep foundation and is not under the Holy Land today. Unfortunately, the chaos that made it soared and failed to leave Taoism .Unexpectedly, the treasure of Taiyimen will fall into the hands of your little baby. "

"Little baby, didn't you lie?" The old man with white eyebrows was talking sharply because of excitement. He stared at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming rolled his eyes: "I don't believe you can try it."

"Okay!" The old man with white eyebrows stretched out a piece of straw paper from his arms, with a bunch of symbols drawn on it. After drawing for a long time, he handed the grass paper to Ye Ming and said, "Taiyi divine art can deduct all things. This is a problem that I ponder and meditate. If you can solve it, I will believe you."

Ye Ming did not understand arithmetic. He simply asked the meanings of the symbols, and then used the ternary arithmetic matrix to calculate. The answer was instantaneous, saying, "I have thirteen solutions to this problem. I will write to you. Come out. "After that, he brushed down a bunch of symbols with a brush.

He only wrote about half, and the old man screamed, "So, why didn't I think of it?"

Everyone was surprised. They didn't understand the question. Ye Ming solved it at a glance?

Qi Qianli was moved and said, "Boy, I'll take you to a place and there's something to show you." He said Ye Ming and left.

Gongsun Yan wanted to follow, but was blocked by several old men. They said with a beard and stare, "Great place, outsiders must not enter!"

Gongsun Yan rolled his eyes and said that Ye Ming was not an outsider, either?

Ye Ming was held by an old man, and he felt strange in his heart, and flew away halfway, asking, "Qi, where are we going?"

Qi Qianli did not speak, and passed through several major halls in a row, and finally came to a magnificent palace. Obviously, there is a very powerful prohibition in the palace. Bei Ming told him that this prohibition cannot be broken even by Wu Zun.

There are six steles standing in the hall. The steles are three feet three feet three feet high, three feet three feet three inches wide, and the body is jade. Each stone has countless black, weird and weird symbols. .

Qi Qianli pointed to the symbol on the first stone monument and said, "This is the first chapter of the" Chaos Arithmetic ", the chapter on numbers. Can you understand?"

Ye Ming scratched his head: "Qi head, I don't understand the meaning of these symbols."

Qi Qianli patted his head and said, "I ignored them. These symbols are the basic symbols used in the Scriptures. Each symbol represents a different meaning." Then he took out a book and gave it to Ye Ming for reference.

Ye Ming glanced quickly. He was very intelligent and had a ternary calculation. Knowing the meaning of the symbol, when he looked up and looked at the sutra, he immediately realized that it was wonderful and unfathomable.

The ternary calculations are running fast. He clearly feels that he will soon be successful, but he can't always complete them. He stopped the calculation and asked seriously, "Qi, can you tell me the origin of the Chaos Arithmetic?"

Qi Qianli's complexion changed, it took a long time before he gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay! In fact, this chaos calculation is a god-level spell with Taiyi Divine Power. Since you can practice Taiyi Divine Power, you can also participate in it. Do you understand chaos? "

Ye Ming was silent for a moment, and said, "I can't understand, I'm not sure, and I need time, and something else."

"What is it?" Qi Qianli asked.

"Essence of spirits," Ye Ming said, "the more the better, the enlightenment of the Scriptures is very mentally consuming, and I must add at any time."

Qi Qianli's eyes widened, but Spirit Soul Dan was quite expensive. However, thinking of Ye Ming's possible understanding of the Chaos Scriptures, he patted his thighs: "Okay! The magic sect happens to have the spirit soul dan, all for you!"

So it didn't take long for Ye Ming to have five hundred soul spirits in his hands. I guess it should be enough.

However, he was not in a hurry to enlighten himself, but asked Qi Qianli: "He is in charge of Qi, since the Magic Sacred Classic has such a treasure as Chaos Sacred Classic, why has it fallen into such a state?"

Qi Qianli sighed longly: "When it comes to speaking, in the Five Elements God Period, there are two giants who are the strongest in deductive arts. They are chaos and Taiyi religion. Chaos is good at predicting the general trend and teaching nature ; Tai Yijiao is good at fine deduction and goes against the sky, but in fact they are good at it. Chaos teaching has "Chaos Arithmetic", which is divided into six chapters, which are causality, math, inscription, and rune. , The fortune, and the heavenly heart that compliments the first five. "

"At that time, the chaos religion was divided into six branches, and one of them was studied separately. Later, the chaos religion was wiped out, and the chaos arithmetic flowed out. It was obtained by the mythical mountain ancestor of the mythical ancestor. So he delved into the mathematics chapters and created the Miao Sect. The Miao Shoushan people left a lot of insights in those years, and it was by virtue of those experiences that the Miao Sect was gradually strengthened and became a first-class master. "

"Ran Zongmen was unfortunate. He had a traitor in his early years. The traitor burned down all the experience of numeracy. He also killed a few of the elders who learned the most and fled away. After that, I had a good plan. Zong is not as good as a day. To this day, it has been reduced to the gate of nine grades. "Qi Qianli sighed." It is only blame us for the incompetence of those who have succeeded, and none of them possess the wisdom of the wonderful people of Shanshan. They have lost their experience. After that, I will no longer be able to comprehend chaos. "

Ye Ming thought it was so difficult? He waved his hand toward Qi Qianli: "Head of Qi, go and talk with Elder Gongsun, I want to be alone."

Qi Qianli then stepped back, closed the hall door, and quietly left.

Ye Ming pinched his nose and swallowed five hundred soul spirits one after another, then asked, "Beijing, do you know the Chaos Arithmetic?"

While suppressing the power of Jinghun Dan, Beiming said: "To understand this Scripture requires a high level of wisdom. The master has taken Taiyi Shendan and has a ternary calculation. It should not be a problem to understand it. It does not help much in combat power, and I suggest that the host start with the inscriptions and runes. "

Ye Ming listened to Bei Ming's suggestion, and turned to look at the stele where the inscriptions were recorded. After some attempts, he knew that enlightenment would take a long time, so he asked for the soul spirit and wanted to enlighten him with the help of Beiming's God.

In the first step, Ye Ming first printed all the symbols on the six stone monuments in his mind, so that he could learn at any time as long as he had time.

This is not the first time that God has performed magic, and Ye Ming soon enters the state. In the illusion of God Acting, he fully urged the ternary calculus, and he enlightened the "Inscriptions" of the Chaos Scripture. Time flies fast in the fantasy, one day, ten days, one month, two months. Ye Ming knows the sea, and above the ternary abacus, there is a forbidden motif, which hesitates. This prohibition is not yet complete, and he needs to continue to build.

After half a year, the ban was fulfilled, Ye Ming opened his eyes, and was surprised to say: "It turned out that this inscription is not to teach how to make an inscription, but to teach people how to delineate the inscription." Do you recognize the ancient text on Ming Tian? "

"Yes, the master." After speaking, Bei Ming directly input the translated information into Ye Ming's knowledge of the sea.

"Ming Tian" is an ancient book, which mostly teaches the basis of inscriptions and is very simple. As for what you can accomplish after learning this book, it depends on your talent and wisdom. The higher the talent, the better the performance, and the greater the achievement.

It took only a few days for Ye Ming to eat through Ming Tian. At this point, the inscription prohibition was running on its own, and in between, countless thoughts came out of his mind. He couldn't help but feel itchy, and wanted to try the inscription level.

However, Ye Ming eventually held his temper and continued to comprehend the Rune articles, condensing a Rune ban. This process also took him half a year, and then continued to comprehend the second ancient book, Rune Array, using the rune ban, and deduced many changes of Rune.

Of course, at present these two bans are still one-stop bans, which belong to the simplest category. Above the one-time ban, there are two-time ban, three-time ban, etc. With each additional ban, the difficulty and complexity will double, and the time for enlightenment will double.

According to the chaos calculations, according to the strength of the force, the bans are from low to high, which are the small thousand ban, the medium thousand ban, and the large thousand ban. What Ye Ming now has is a small thousand ban, a thousand heavy small ban, which can be transformed into a heavy medium ban; similarly, a thousand heavy ban can be transformed into a large ban.

According to the Scriptures, the Xiao Qian ban can be effective in this world. The Zhong Qian ban has an effect even in Tianwaitian. As for the ban on big thousand, it is generally applicable to the big three thousand worlds and can be used in all worlds.

Ye Ming's two bans are one-off, that is, the first-level ban.

Ye Ming did not continue to participate in other chapters, but used the rest of the time to calculate the ban, and the ternary arithmetic team was fully operating.

Time and shuttle, two years later, became a double ban; six years later, the ban became triple; fourteen years later, the ban rose to four bans. At this point, the spirit soul Dan has been exhausted, and he had to withdraw from the performance of God. It is a pity that if he could have a quaternary array, he could cut the cultivation time in half.

As soon as Ye Ming opened his eyes, he saw Qi Qianli sitting in front of him and staring. He immediately asked eagerly, "Ye Ming, did you realize it?"