
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 106: Lobbyist

Zhong Shenxiu said: "Lin, you understand the people. Dong Qi wants the state of Yan, and we can't stop anyone. Even if the four gates and the three ancestors join forces with the two big bronze families, they are not enough to sneeze. The quota is just There are only two of them, and I must take one of them. "

Lin Qiong snorted coldly: "You Chiyangmen have taken the lead, and we have nothing to say. However, if you think that Zixumen has no place to go, then you are wrong. And there are other places where we will not hang from a tree. "

Zhong Shenxiu's look remained unchanged, saying, "This statement makes sense. Do n't forget the head of Ke Lin, but wherever suitable for the establishment of sects, there are long lines of ancestors. Zixumen wants to go in, just not easy? Furthermore, Zixumen has operated for hundreds of years before it has reached today's scale. Is it really easy to relocate? "

Lin Qiong did not speak, and indeed, as Zhong Shenxiu said, the relocation of Zongmen was extremely difficult, and there would be many unexpected troubles.

Zhong Shenxiu said: "Zixumen and Fengleimen did not really join Chiyangmen, but Chiyangmen gave you a legal existence qualification. On the surface, it is just a division of Chiyangmen. What is there to resist? ? "

"That's nice! You asked our two to submit Gongfa and martial arts, and each year to pay 10,000 Wujun coins, and you must send outstanding disciples to your Chiyangmen for further studies. Hey, you just want to take us two slowly Home is empty! Speculation! "Roared Fei Zhengyi," we can never agree! "

Zhong Shenxiu sighed: "You haven't lost any of your martial arts skills? As for 10,000 martial arts coins, it's not even a problem. I know your bottom line. 10,000 is not much. As for disciples Come to Chiyangmen for further studies. This is actually helping you. "

Lin Qiong smiled: "Help us? I want to hear, how can you help us!"

Zhong Shenxiu said positively: "You know, the origin of my Chiyangmen?"

Lin Qiaodao: "This naturally knows. Chiyangzi founded Chiyangmen in Yanguo 1,300 years ago."

"You only know one, but you don't know the other." Zhong Shenxiu said, "The ancestor of Chiyangzi was originally an ordinary mountain dweller. By chance, he got a treasure and repaired it in one fell swoop. That's why the Chiyang Gate was created. "

"Oh? What baby?" Lin Qiong and Fei Zhengyi both came to the spirit.

"Chiyang Dongtian." Zhong Shenxiu said lightly.

"What? Dongtian!"

Lin Qiong and Fei Zhengyi were surprised. Dongtian is a super resource that can only be possessed by the great religion. Chiyangmen actually has a cave, what does this mean? Doesn't it mean that it has the qualifications to win the first prize in the future?

Bei Ming explained to Ye Ming: "Master. Dongtian is a space created by a martial saint-like powerhouse. It can attract the aura of heaven and sky and is very suitable for cultivation. Moreover, Dongtian has a huge area, is easy to carry, and has a strong defense force. You can build it at will. Almost all the world's religions have caves. "

This clock Shenxiu said: "Yes, it's Dongtian. This secret has been kept by Chiyangmen to this day. Because we know that once Chiyangdongtian is known to the strong, Chiyangmen will become the target of public criticism. He will be guilty of it and destroyed by powerful forces. "

"So, why do you tell us?" Lin Chong asked.

Zhong Shenxiu smiled and said, "It's very simple, because the Chiyangmen now has the strength to protect itself."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Po and Fei Zheng were moved and able to protect themselves? Could there be a Wujun in Chiyangmen?

Zhong Shenxiu further said: "It 's okay to tell you, my disciple Ye Ming has a close relationship with the Xiaohouye of the Eastern Qihou House, and even the sons of the three silver families are his friends. His teacher, Gao Fengxian, That is, my elder brother is the inner elder of the yin and yang religion, and a martial arts-level strongman. May I ask, which force will fight with me at Chiyangmen for a cave? "

Seeing that Fei Zhengyi and Lin Qiong stopped talking, he added a fire and said, "Sometime ago, when I entered the secret place of Linghe, Chiyangmen got a piece of cold ice recipe. If you agree to the conditions, I will share the ice. Trick. "

Lin Qiong and Fei Zhengyi looked at each other, they knew that I was afraid that they could not refuse the conditions of Zhong Shenxiu. There are only two places in total. If you do n't follow Chiyangmen, you can only follow Tianyimen, but the latter is obviously more unreliable. They have no choice at all, either stay or leave, but leaving is not easy, it is better to stay.

"Well, I can accept your condition from Zixumen. However, I also have a condition." Lin Qiong seemed to be in communication, said.

"Lin head, please. As long as it is not excessive, you can agree." Zhong Shenxiu's face showed a victorious smile.

Lin Qiaodao: "After Zixumen joined Chiyangmen, Chiyangmen must guarantee the security of Zixumen. Now the state of Yan is very chaotic. Sheyangzong will never be honest and wait for the result. It will definitely shoot, just not. You know which door to take. "

"This is natural," Zhong Shenxiu immediately said, "Even if you only belong to Chiyangmen in name, Chiyangmen will not sit idly by."

Fei Zheng later agreed, and he made no other request. To this day, they have no other way to go, they must agree to not agree. In fact, the reason why they agreed to Zhong Shenxiu was more because of the existence of Chiyang Dongtian. With Chiyang Dongtian, the potential of Chiyangmen will be very large. If one day, the Chiyang Gate can really become a Pinzong Gate, then the Zixu Gate and Fenglei Gate may not be fully integrated into it and become a whole.

After all, being an elder in Yipinzongmen is much more beautiful than being the head of Jiupinzongmen. For example, if an elder with an inner door of Yipinzong drives to the kingdom of Yan, then the heads of the four gates and three zongs will go out to greet him and treat him with great gifts. If it were the head of Jiu Pinzong, there would be no such face.

After everyone has a common interest, it will be easier to talk later.

Zhong Shenxiu said: "Sheyangzong will definitely join Tianyimen. This is undoubted. So we have to discuss now whether we can bring the magic calculation gate and the yamen into our camp."

Fei Zhengyi touched his chin and said, "I'm afraid it's hard. On the surface, Zong Zong is a sect, and in his bones is a power to do business. They mass-produce puppets, and then sell them to countries. They make a lot of money. You want it Joining Chiyangmen, I think it hopes to transfer to other countries for development. As for the wonderful calculation ancestor, Qi Qianli's old ghost has always been neutral and never blends in with outside affairs. These two ancestral gates are not convincing. "

Lin Qiong groaned: "I am not good at saying Zongzong, but Miaosuan Zong is definitely not a show. Speaking of this Miaoshang Zong, it has been around for more than 3,000 years. The Yan Kingdom had not yet established a country at that time. It is said that it At the peak, he once asked for a pedigree, and even almost became a great religion. Do you think such a pedigree will be invested in Chiyangmen? "

Zhong Shenxiu also had a headache. When he saw Ye Ming on the side, he suddenly thought something, and secretly said, "Ye Ming, that is too Taiyi, can you cultivate?"

Ye Ming replied, "Uncle Master, I am already practicing, and I have entered the country."

"Great." Zhong Shenxiu was overjoyed. "Put aside here in advance, you immediately go to the magic sect and let them see the magic of Taiyishenshu. You tell them that as long as they are willing to join Chiyangmen, the future will be Have the opportunity to learn Taiyi Divinity. "

Ye Ming was speechless for a while, would the imaginary door be fooled? However, the head of the order had no resignation. He immediately said, "The head of the disciples, let the disciples persuade Miao Sect."

Zhong Shenxiu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! I'll let Elder Gongsun go with you."

Gongsun Yan stood out and nodded to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming told Zhou Hao: "With so many masters in Chen Wei, the matter of Yan Kingdom is a foregone conclusion. You don't need to worry. I want to go out and will come back to help you as soon as possible."

Zhou Hao nodded: "Brother Ye, when I formally become a county guard, I must seal you as an officer."

Ye Ming's heart moved and smiled: "Okay, let me be the No. 1 catcher of Yan County."

Zhou Hao was stunned. Brother Ye likes to be the head catcher? This was a fresh thing, but he nodded hard: "Okay, Brother Ye will be the first catcher in Yan County!"

At this moment, even Ye Ming didn't expect that this seemingly joking comment made the world a slayer and kill the devil, acting for the heavens, and making the world's first forces catch the fear!

Gongsun Yan is a martial artist, able to fly with anger, he took Ye Ming flying to the air, and soon came to the gate of Miaoshuzong. The gates of Miaoshuzong look very old and more than the gates of Chiyangmen. As you can see, thousands of years ago, it flourished here.

"Who's coming?" Two outside disciples of Miao Sect screamed in front of Shanmen.

Gongsun Yan Shen said: "Go back and report to you, Chiyang Zonggong Sun Yan, please!"

The outside door knew that Gongsun Yan was coming, and he went to report it. A moment later, a big laugh came from far away: "Brother Gongsun is coming, please come in quickly!"

Gongsun Yan pulled up Ye Ming, and the two stood up in the wind, directly over countless buildings, and settled down in front of the welcome hall of the Miaoshuzong. ,

The head of Miaosuanzong stood there with a smile, arching and saying, "What wind brought Brother Gongsun?"

"Does n't go to the Three Treasure Hall without any incident. Does Qi 's head know what happened to the Palace of Yan Guo?" Asked Gongsun Yan.

Qi Qianli sighed and said, "Why don't I know? The rain is coming in the palace, I don't know where it is now?"

Gongsun Yandao: "The mysterious ancestors are really clever and clever. Do you have a decision?"

Qi Qianli did not answer, but said, "Please sit in the temple."

The guests of the two sides sat down, the boy served tea, and a few white-haired elders came out without talking, but sat on the side, but their faces were very bad.

Gongsun Yan opened the door and said, "The situation must be clear to you, Feng Leimen and Zixumen have agreed to join Chiyangmen. Of course, this is only superficial. I came here just to ask, what is the plan of Miaoshuzong? "

Qi Qianli didn't say anything. Several white-bearded elders were angry and glaring. An old man with white eyebrows longer than his beard said angrily: "I have counted over 3,000 years since the establishment of Zong Lizong. Win the first prize, almost establish a religion. And you, actually let us invest in Jiu Pinzong's account? You can say that!