
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

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197 Chs

Chapter 102: Bucket sword leaf saint

Ye Ming looked intently before realizing that the child belonged to Ye family, and it was Ye Wanliang's vein. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart and asked, "Aren't you Ye Xiaobao? What happened?"

Ye Xiaobao was a very good kid. Ye Ming often teased him when he was a kid, and was quite impressed, so he recognized it at a glance.

Ye Xiaobao cried: "My grandfather, my dad, and many others have been killed by Ye Sheng. He is still killing us, and we are almost dead. Brother Ye Ming, you are very good. You must save us, oh ... "

The other men, women, and children also knelt down and cried, "Master Ye, please save us."

Ye Ming's face sank, and he asked, "Ye Zisheng is back. He's killing you guys?"

"Not only ours, but the other branches have also been killed a lot. He is a devil, a beast!" An old man cried.

Ye Ming touched Ye Xiaobao's head and said to Chen Xing, "Brother, you take them to eat something, take a rest, I will go back to Ye's house."

Chen Xing knew everything about Ye Ming, and he frowned, "Is this tribe worth your shot?"

Ye Ming sighed and said, "It's always the same ancestor, I can't just sit by and ignore it. You can rest assured, a leaf saint, I haven't taken it to heart."

"Okay, you have to be careful." Chen Xing refused to persuade and turned to take the Ye family to the inner court for a temporary stay.

At this moment, the Ye family was in a **** storm. Hundreds of corpses were piled up in the yard. Some of them were stink, but no one dared to come forward to collect the corpses. Ye Zisheng swarmed and killed, and he stood at the door, not far away, all the people, squashed into a ball.

"You humble things, actually killed my father! You people, you must die now!" Ye Zisheng said coldly.

"Yes, kill them! They are the traitors of the family!" Ye Wansheng's veins screamed, eyes full of cold blood and brutality.

The people in Shanshui Town lived in an atmosphere of fear, and the gates of each house were closed, and they dared not come out. Especially near Ye Family, people don't even dare to come out.

Ye Ming, from Chiyangmen to Shanshui Town, would have to walk for more than an hour, even if he was driving Feiyun. When he came to Ye Zhai, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Zisheng twist a neck of Ye Wanliang's grandson. Ye Zisheng seems to be crazy, he has already killed hundreds of people one after another, and he will torture each time before killing one person.

"Yiye Sheng, you are like beasts like Ye Wansheng!" Ye Ming said coldly, striding into the yard.

As soon as Ye Ming appeared, outside the courtyard, countless Ye family members burst into tears: "Ye Ming, you have to decide for us!"

Ye Zisheng laughed. He squinted his eyes and stared at Ye Ming. "I wanted to clean up the Ye family and went to you. I didn't expect you to come to the door. Very good! Since you are here , Don't go! "

He approached Ye Ming step by step, and the Ye family around him avoided each other and did not dare to get too close.

Ye Ming took the dragon armor sword out of the storage ring, one sword in his hand, and his power suddenly increased by 30%. The breath between the man and the sword was connected, and the blood was connected.

Ye Zisheng glanced at Ye Ming's dragon armor sword and said scornfully, "Do you use a sword? I will play with you!"

After that, he also had a steel sword in his hand. Starting with the sword, the surface of the sword was suddenly covered with a layer of killing, like a snake letter, flustered.

"Kill some weak people, is it interesting?" Ye Ming said coldly, "You can join Tianhemen for my father's life. Today, I will take your fate and take revenge for my father ! "

"Hey!" Ye Zisheng sneered, and he exclaimed, "Zhenxiong, come out and watch, see how San Shu killed this little beast."

With a pale face, Ye Zhenxiong, with the help of Hu San'er, came to the yard in three steps. His face was full of resentment, staring at Ye Ming fiercely.

Ye Ming glanced scornfully at him and said, "Ye Zhenxiong, are you not dead yet? I thought you would not have the courage to live."

"Ye Ming, you must die earlier than me, and you will die now!" Ye Zhenxiong shouted, his face twisted like a lunatic.

"Ye Ming, don't you know? The Tianhe swordsmanship I practiced is a martial art. Hehe, you who measured you out of the Jiupin martial arts have never seen a martial art. I will let you open your eyes! The words fell, his body was long, a sharp sword light, ignoring the distance of more than ten meters, and immediately reached Ye Ming's heart.


The sword pierce pierced the air and made a slight sound.

But the sharp sword of Ye Zisheng went out, Ye Ming disappeared instantly. At the same time, he heard a sword howling from behind, a sound that sounded like a boulder falling from high altitude, which was shocking.

Ye Zisheng didn't know it well, he didn't even look at it, and a sword turned back to his back. His sword hit Ye Ming's dragon armor sword, just like a leaf in a rapids, hitting a large piece of wood.


An extremely heavy force came in. For a moment, Ye Zisheng felt eight kinds of vibrating vibrations. He only felt a numbness in his arm, a steel sword fluttered and fluttered, and half of his body was shaken. He was taken aback and flew back quickly.


Ye Mingru Ying accompanied him, but it was cut out with a sword. I saw a black light that cut through the space and came to him with the momentum of indomitable and indomitable destruction. Epee's attack range is very large, Ye Shengsheng can not hide, can only be connected.

"Tianhe Feixiang, defeat me!"

Ye Zisheng screamed, stabbed himself into a large sword, stabbed straight at Ye Ming.


However, the earth shook, Ye Ming suddenly became nine phantoms, each phantom stabbed at him. For a moment, he lost his goal, I wonder which is true and which is false.

"Tianhe Dangbo!" Ye Shengsheng immediately changed his moves, a wave of black slaughter, lasing in all directions, while attacking Ye Ming's nine phantoms.


However, at this moment, the nine phantoms merge into one, Ye Ming still holds the epee, and one sword is cut. Killing him in front of his mighty sword, the ice disintegrated and could not stop him.

Ye Zisheng's face changed greatly, and he screamed in horror: "Dare you!"

Before the sword arrived, a terrible Yuan Jin blasted into his body. The powerful killing failed to resist the overbearing Yuan Jin. Ye Shengsheng was suddenly blown away, spurting blood.

In the air, before Ye Mingjian arrived, his body was twisted and suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he knew he was an enemy, and when he flew back, he destroyed a rune and did not know where he fled.

Ye family is stupid, Ye Shengsheng lost?

Ye Wansheng's veins suddenly turned pale, as if losing his soul. Ye Zhenxiong made a terrible cry, tearing his heart to tears, as if a person suddenly lost all hope.

"Kill these bastards, kill them!" The other mutilated ones immediately roared angrily, raised all available weapons, and rushed to the Ye family of Ye Wansheng.

The screams kept coming and going, Ye Ming did not stop, the hatred between the two sides could not be resolved, and only blood and death could resolve all grievances.

Ye Zhenxiong was surrounded by a group of people and he was beaten hard. After a short while, he lost blood in Qikong and died. Hu San'er's eyes were wrong and he hid as soon as he slipped away, and a pair of thieves' eyes went back and forth for a moment.

"Stop! Stop all!" Several older Ye family members came out, but nobody listened to them. When Ye Sheng killed, they didn't come out. Who would listen at this time?

"Ye Ming, just control it. If you continue like this, the Ye family will be over!" An old man cried.

Ye Ming sighed, the people on both sides had killed their red eyes, and they were about to attack the children and women. He couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately said, "Stop!"

No one was more effective than his words, everyone stopped, countless eyes looked at him.

Ye Ming replied coldly: "You want to solve the grudge? Easy, both sides send a group of people out to fight for life and death. The dead will have to confess their fate, and they ca n't take revenge for a lifetime. Those who have won can also lose their anger . "

After listening to his proposal, both sides immediately dispatched a large number of manpower each, and rushed to the ring. Ye Ming looked on coldly, not helping each other.

At this time, a Ye family came to Ye Ming and said in surprise: "Ye Ming, it's not good, the Wu family in Shuangjiang Town is here!"

Ye Ming frowned: "What do the Wu family come for?"

"I don't know, anyway, I brought a lot of masters, I'm afraid the visitors are not good." That humane. Next to him, an elderly Ye family suddenly patted their thighs and shouted, "Oops! The Wu family was afraid that they would get news from our Ye family to fight, and come over to pick up the bargain. Don't snore anymore, and be ready to welcome enemy!"

Without waiting for the Ye family to prepare, Wu Shihao arrived with a large number of people. They kicked open the courtyard door and rushed in one by one.

There were too many people at the scene, Ye Ming was standing in the crowd, but he couldn't see it. Behind Wu Shihao is a group of warriors in black and white grimace masks, who are not weak.

"Wu Shihao, what are you doing here?" A Ye parent asked loudly.

Wu Shihao snorted coldly: "Ye Ming of your Ye family has hurt my daughter, and I am here to avenge it. Your Ye family is almost fighting now, is n't it? Hmm! It seems that Ye Sheng is gone too, my Wu family is just right Receive your Ye family! "

"Oh! Let's have your dream! This is my Ye family's territory." Ye family cried.

"Huh! I'm dead, and I have to talk hard." He waved, "Kill me, leave no one!"

The Wu family, together with the masked black man, immediately killed hundreds of Ye family members. And at this moment, Wu Shihao had a shadow beside him, and Ye Ming finally shot. He didn't use the dragon armor sword, and directly punched Wu Shihao's chest with a punch. The thief captures the king first. He wants to capture Wu Shihao alive.

Wu Shihao suddenly looked at him, a flash of taunt flashed in his eyes.

"Master retreats!" Bei Ming was too late to explain, and warned.