
[I Am No Weakling] Martial Art Reigns

Step into a different world full of Cultivation and Adventure made up of extraordinary things such as strong Cultivators, magic, beasts, ancient beasts as well as magic weapons and relics. A world governed by the strongest. In the Continent of Tianyuan, those with great abilities can move the mountains and the seas, tear the sky with a single punch and smash the earth with one foot! Ye Ming, a boy born out of an ordinary family, seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He constantly strives to strengthen himself and acquire great strength. Under these circumstances, he obtained the “Divine Treasure Cloak,” took the ‘Divine Foundation Building Pill,’ and studied the ‘Arts of repairing Meridians.’ With sincerity and ambition, he bravely forge ahead. On his path when seeking for strength and revenge, he finds love and make formidable friends that will help him achieve his goals. and whoever blocking his path and stopping him from reaching the peak of the martial arts cultivation will be destroyed with no mercy! The immortal Imperial Dynasties, the Great Religion of the ages, the gigantic demons of the Great Desolation, the hands of the Divine Devil, in the face of these deities that fill the whole sky, he has nothing to fear, *my life is not in the hands of the heavens!*

N_Aime · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Chapter 101: Terrible corpse poison

Chen Xing also heard scalp tingling, something very evil? Although he was very reluctant, he obediently followed Ye Ming and left. Soon, they entered an alley again, and through the alley, they found a round hall. There are no statues in this hall, but there are twelve pillars as thick as people's waists, about ten feet tall, standing upright in them.

The pillars are made of metal or precious black gold. On the pillars, there are intricate inscriptions engraved by the inscription master, extending from the top to the ground. It turns out that the ground is also a huge array cast by black gold. Twelve pillars, under the connection of the array, form a large French array.

On the metal floor, there is an intricate pattern, and in the center of the pattern, there is a large depression in the palm.

Chen Xing touched his chin and analyzed with his not-so-rich knowledge: "Brother, I feel like there should be a burst of eyes. You feel no, we have walked a lot of alleys all the way, and each alley connects a hall, And there must be a large array in the hall. "

Ye Ming glanced at Chen Xing. He didn't expect to be guessed by him. He nodded: "Yes, the whole hall is composed of many large formations, and there are connections between countless large formations, thus forming a A huge and complex super array. "

At the other end of the hall, three old women are also exploring. As soon as they entered the alley, they quickly found a huge rectangular hall with 981 bronze coffins. The bronze coffin and the ground are cast in bronze, connected together, with intricate inscriptions engraved on them, forming a large array. And on top of each coffin, a spirit stone is inlaid, and the sixth-level spirit stone!

The chunky warriors and tall and thin warriors are very eye-catching. They immediately cheered, trembled with excitement, and jumped into the battle.

The old woman was so angry, she said angrily, "Stop it for me! Do you know where this is?"

But who of two warriors hit him? A six-level spirit stone worth thousands of Wujun coins! Get rich as soon as you get one! Without waiting for the old woman to finish, they had already pried a piece of spirit stone, and they couldn't help laughing and joy.

"I'm rich!" Shouted the chubby samurai, excited, and his eyes lit up.

The expression on the old woman's face was unpredictable. Although she knew something about this formation method, so many sixth-level spirit stones really made her feel good.

"Anyway, they've moved a lot. I'll take a few and leave immediately!" She said to herself, so she went into it and began to dig out the spirit stones on the coffin.

At this moment, Ye Ming is studying the twelve pillars. Although he doesn't know the matrix method well, he can see it with the help of ternary arithmetic. Finally, he pointed to the depression on the ground and said, "Brother, I think this place should be used to put spiritual stones."

"Really?" Chen Xing thought for a while, "Would you like to try it?"

"Don't try it anymore?" Ye Ming had no idea in his heart. "It would be bad if something unexpected happened."

Both felt chills and said in unison: "Don't try again!"

"Master, not good! The three are destroying one of the formations, and we leave quickly!" Bei Ming warned.

Ye Ming said nothing, pulled Chen Xing away and returned along the same path. As he passed the hall with the purple gold coffin, his body lengthened, and he pulled out four eyeballs on the two statues, all of which were grade nine spirit stones, two town soul stones and two town magic stones.

He moved too fast, and even Chen Xing who was running didn't even notice his action of picking up the spirit stone. The two flew to death, and soon came to the entrance of the hall.

At the same time, the three women had pry off the spirit stones from the 81 coffins, and they were very happy.

But at this moment, a lot of green smoke suddenly burst out of the eighty-one copper coffin.

The old woman's face changed greatly and she cried, "Hurry up!"

The three immediately held their breaths and fled to escape. Even so, they were all infected with green smoke. At this time, Ye Ming and Chen Xing had already stood outside the hall, and they glanced at the hall door and found that it was closing slowly.


The old woman was the highest, and she rushed out first. At this point, there was only one gap left in the gate. The tall and thin warrior rushed out at the last pass, but the chunky warrior got stuck at the door when he squeezed out due to his body shape. He screamed in panic: "Save me!"


The temple door was closed at once, the body of the chunky warrior was cut in half, the first half remained outside the ground gate, and the second half remained in the main hall.

Seeing the green blood, Ye Ming noticed that the complexion of the tall and thin warrior and the old woman was also pale green. What's more, the level of green is still deepening.

The tall and thin warrior also seemed to realize this. He reached out and grabbed his face, and the flesh turned instantly. His skin was like a rubber blanket, and it was pulled straight down, just like a wax figure under high temperature, quickly melting.

"What's going on? What's going on?" He was terrified, his voice hoarse, and he was speechless quickly. Like a mime performer, he danced in horror, seeing Ye Ming's scalp numb and backing up again and again.

"We are poisoned by the corpse." The old woman glanced at the palm of her hand, looking green, and she showed despair.


Suddenly, the belly of the thin man and the old woman was like an inflated ball, which suddenly bulged, and became bigger and bigger. Then they all screamed.

"The master quickly left, they were poisoned by the corpse and could not approach." Bei Ming reminded.

Ye Ming and Chen Xing hid away immediately. After a while, they heard two sounds like artillery battles. The tall and thin samurai and the old woman exploded into a pile of dark green pus. Earth, very disgusting.

Fortunately, Ye Ming's storage ring contained a lot of anti-poisonous things. He immediately put on his clothes, put on a mask, and walked over to take away the things from the old woman and the tall and thin warrior. As for the chunky warrior sandwiched by the door, everything was left in the door, and Ye Ming couldn't get it.

The old woman and the tall and thin warrior had no storage weapons, and each brought a small leather pocket. Ye Ming picked up his pocket and quickly left with Chen Xing. They came under the whirlpool, jumped, and rushed into the whirlpool. After a swim, I quickly returned to the island.

Chen Xing's face was a little white, and he cursed, "Grass! I didn't expect it to be so dangerous. If Ye Ming weren't you, I'd be afraid to die."

Ye Ming laughed: "Fortunately, we are okay, and we still have gains." He opened two leather pockets, and actually saw a large number of sixth-level spirits, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"What is it?" Chen Xing asked, then glanced over.

"Lingshi! Very high grade!" He was shocked.

Ye Ming counted, and there were fifty-three spirit stones in two pockets. In addition, there are some less valuable sundries for walking rivers and lakes. If you think about it, if these people were rich, they would have bought storage weapons.

"These spiritual stones are at least 522. At a price of at least two or four hundred Wujun coins, they are worth more than 200,000 Wujun coins." Ye Ming blinked, "We are rich!"

Chen Xing smiled "Hey, most of it is Ye Ming's credit. Just give me a few pieces." He knew in the heart that without Ye Ming, he died early, let alone made so many spiritual stones.

In fact, Ye Ming also quietly picked two nine-level spirit stones, their value is only higher than these six-level spirit stones! At that time, even Chen Xing didn't notice. He naturally didn't mention it, but thought about it, and said to Chen Xing, "Brother, I'm not polite to you. How about these spirit stones, I am seven, you three?"

Chen Xing was startled and quickly waved: "Too much! Just give me two."

Ye Ming smiled "Hehe": "Why, are you afraid that you have more money and nowhere to spend? Just as I said, thirty-seven. So you take sixteen yuan, and the remaining thirty-seven yuan belongs to me." Take out seventeen spirit stones and put them into Chen Xing's storage belt.

Chen Xing was full of excitement. The sixteen six-level spirit stones were worth seventy to eighty thousand Wujun coins. He was afraid that he would not make so much in his lifetime! He couldn't help but glance at Ye Ming, both moved and grateful. In fact, Ye Ming could not give it to him, after all, he had the most credit.

Ye Ming patted him on the shoulder: "My brother, you're welcome. I've taken 70% of it."

Chen Xing exhaled softly and said, "Ye Ming, you will be my brother Chen Xing in the future. As long as you say a word, my life is yours!"

Ye Ming rolled his eyes: "I don't want your life. Hurry up, I always think this place is inappropriate."

After the two left, dramatic changes were taking place in the hall at the bottom of the lake. The lids of the eighty-one copper coffins were blasted open by a strong burst of green light. Eighty-one green lights converged into a huge skull, and two hollow eyes released an extremely cold light, which flew towards the hall of the twelve statues.

As soon as these bone marrow heads arrived, the twelve statues burst, and twenty-nine spirit stone bones rolled down to the ground. The central purple gold coffin suddenly "shocked", the surface of the spiritual stones exploded, and the mysterious gold array also cracked.


A violent, thunder-like heartbeat came from the purple gold coffin, shaking the world.

"Boom! Click!"

Within a thousand miles, a lightning flash and a thunderous cloud suddenly formed, and it rained heavily without any reason. Ye Ming and Chen Xing hurriedly returned in the rain.

"Strange, just fine, why did it suddenly rain?" Ye Ming and Chen Xing were puzzled.

"Ye Ming, so many spirit stones, what are your plans?" Chen Xing asked him on the way back.

"Sell it if you do n't need it, and replace it with Wujun Coins." Ye Ming said, he is quite experienced in this. It won't take long. "

Chen Xing deeply felt that he has been living beyond his means over the years. Since meeting Ye Ming, the situation has only slightly improved. Immediately nodded: "You're right, only money spent can produce value."

After walking for a while, I can no longer see the rain, and it is still shining. When he returned to Chiyangmen, Ye Ming saw several men and women sitting in front of the mountain gate, young and old, with a sad face on his face.

"Brother Ye Ming, save us!" Suddenly, a ten-year-old kid fell on his knees, crying and begging Ye Ming.