
Chapter 29: Explanation

The four students arrived at the Ravenclaw Common Room, accompanied by Professor McGonagall. After solving the riddle and opening the entrance to the Common Room, the professor stopped them for a moment.

"Mr. Potter, while I can understand your behavior towards Professor Snape, please remember that he is still a professor. If he continues this treatment, please remain professional and don't lose your temper. After that, come to me or Professor Flitwick, and we will do our best to handle him. I will overlook your outburst today, considering the circumstances. And I am sorry if I may have handled the situation unprofessionally myself. I was just worried about the students with a troll roaming the castle," explained Professor McGonagall before turning to Hermione.

"As for the situation with Mr. Weasley, I will warn him. If he continues with such behavior, please report it to me."

"Okay, Professor McGonagall, thank you," nodded Hermione, still distracted by what they witnessed in the bathroom.

"Have a good night, Professor," they said as all of them entered their Common Room, and the entrance closed behind them. The other first years and some of the older students were already waiting for them with worry.

"There you are! Are all of you fine? Did you run into the troll?" asked Penelope, the fifth-year prefect, with concern as she checked them all over.

"We are fine. The professor found us before we ran into the troll," said Harry with an innocent smile, while the other three who were with him stared holes into the back of his head before nodding.

While they were chatting with the other students, more and more people left to sleep as the Common Room emptied. Harry himself didn't dare to leave, as every time he wanted to, Hermione, Daphne, and Tracey would look at him with a scary look that promised he would regret it if he did what he planned.

Once they finally were the only ones in the Common Room, all three looked at him and said, "Explain!"

Sighing, Harry said, "Give me a moment." Two magic circles appeared above his palm and overlapped. "Silencio!" he cast as a spherical barrier surrounded them. This was another combination spell he created after learning the silencing charm. The Silencing Charm combined itself with a very weak barrier spell, creating a Silencing Barrier that stopped all sounds from entering and leaving.

"Another strange spell without using your wand. How are you doing that? Wandless magic is really rare and shouldn't be that strong, especially for a first-year," asked Daphne.

"Well, the world is much bigger than just the Wizarding World. Wizards are just one kind of magic users who use imagination-based magic. But imagination-based magic isn't the only type of magic. Other groups of human magic users, who call themselves Magicians, use calculation-based magic. Through calculation and magic power manipulation, they are able to form a magic circle to cast a spell. At least, if they are smart enough. It requires a lot of study," he explained in simple terms. "The people I stay with got me a tutor who belongs to a Magician Organization but also has the ability to use imagination-based magic. It's possible to combine the two methods and cast even stronger spells. That's what he taught me and what I was using to knock out the troll."

"I've never heard of these Magicians," muttered Daphne, confused.

"Like the Wizarding World, they keep themselves hidden from the public," added Harry.

"Wait, they aren't born as wizards or witches. So anyone can learn their kind of magic?" realized Hermione after thinking for a moment.

"In theory, yes," nodded Harry with a grin. "In practice, the majority of humans would have to study for decades just to learn one spell. It depends on two things: their intellect and their talent to sense energies. If both of them are high, it would take weeks or months, based on their talents, to learn their first spell. The lower their potential is, the longer it takes and the more work it requires. That's why they are quite a reclusive bunch," summarized Harry.

"But it would be possible for anyone? So my parents could also learn magic?" she asked hopefully.

Harry answered with a nod, "Their talent shouldn't be too bad since they gave birth to you. Maybe they can learn some magic in a few months to years. They would still need to dedicate quite some time to studying. It helps if they are good in math." He also added, "And I can't give you the materials right now. I am not allowed to share them with others or copy them. It would take too much time for me to even write all the important information down myself." After all, he is a devil and wouldn't do things like that for free. But he would soon learn how to form Devil Contracts properly; this could be one of his first contracts.

Devil Contracts were a way for devils to become stronger, earn money, and gain social status in the Devil Society. Money is pretty self-explanatory, while social status is gained through a rise in rank. To become a higher-ranked devil, besides strength, you needed enough contribution and recognition. Contracts were one way to earn them. If you completed enough contracts, you could apply for a higher rank. The other ways were some other form of public recognition like fame or military contribution or through winning rating games.

As for strength itself, every contract would be sealed not only with a payment but also with the excess of soul power every contractor had. The prejudice of devils taking souls didn't come from anywhere. In ancient times, they did it to empower themselves. Nowadays, because of image issues, they only took the excess soul power every being produced at that moment. Of course, the amount of strength gained is much lower than with complete souls, but with thousands of contracts, it would help raise the strength of a devil even a bit.

"And what did you do with the troll itself? You just pulled it, and it disappeared. What happened to it? And why didn't you want to tell the teachers about it?" chirped Tracey with interest in her voice, as her brown eyes watched Harry.

"Before I tell you more about that, you have to promise me that you won't share it with anybody. The information about Magicians isn't a big secret. I'm pretty sure that most of the Pure-blood families and higher-ups in the Wizarding World are aware of them to some extent. But that ability is a personal secret of mine, and I am putting a lot of trust in you three. I don't want to make it public knowledge since it is one of my trump cards," requested Harry with a serious look on his face.

Without even thinking about it, Daphne said, "I, Daphne Greengrass, heiress of House Greengrass, swear that I won't share or talk about the information with anybody besides the people present, not even members of my family without your explicit permission."

"I, Tracey Davis, an ally of House Greengrass, agree to the same," followed Tracey instantly.

Hermione hesitated for a moment before she remembered the image of a dark-haired boy standing in front of her as the troll ran at them. "I, Hermione Granger, agree to the same promise," she said, copying the same manner as Daphne and Tracey.

"Thank you for trusting me," nodded Harry with a smile. "This is an ability I was born with. It's called a Sacred Gear, a special ability that humans are rarely born with. Even wizards can be born with it, but from what I've heard, it's even rarer than with humans. Because of that, very few wizards know of their existence. My Sacred Gear allows me to have a pocket dimension that I can control. I put the troll inside there since I collect magical creatures there," he summarized, not mentioning the true power his Sacred Gear possesses, downplaying it a bit since he didn't completely trust them. Better safe than sorry. It was still the truth since that's what his Sacred Gear, Innovate Clear, does, just on a much bigger scale than he suggested.

"A Sacred Gear. I've never heard of that. Did it protect you from the Killing Curse as a kid?" wondered Daphne.

"No, from what I've learned, it was a piece of rare magic my mother performed. I'm not clear about the details," replied Harry without hesitation.

"Can we see the space?" asked Tracey with an excited glint in her eyes.

"Sure, but not today. It's time for us to go to bed since it's late." After a short moment of disappointment, they agreed and headed to their respective dorm rooms to rest for the night.

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