"The year of 1128 is over the new Emperor has taken the throne!"
"All hail Emperor Gaozong!"
"A new Emperor?"
"The Song dynasty has returned, but we lost half of our land!"
"What will this new Emperor be like?"
"Surely he will stomp out the scourge."
"So noisy, how can anyone meditate in this?"
It is the year 1129 CE now.
This is just an example of some history that I have looked through. Remember I am trying to keep things within the time period even if I deliniate from how the real world timeline works. As in characters that don't exist or things that I am not researched well in. Such as much major make up of lives of the lesser classes. So making up how the lives of the peasantry and non-royal land owners and members of the lordship during the time.
Any history geeks about Song dynasty or any corrections you wish to add please comment and I will repair it.
Thank you and see you when I arc drop.
Jsuk- I publish entire arcs all at once so be patient with me while I write.
Yes he did go through Yangzhou around 1127-1128. Didn't know till I researched. Better explaination. This carriage ride at the end of the year is explainatory of how the court only restarted in 1129.