
[Dropped] current title: Luffy big bro now.

( The MC is an original creation of mine by the way.) GO TO THE OTHER BOOK, IT'S THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT AS WELL. _________________________________________ I'm only writing this for fun so don't expect big work from me. I do not own any characters in this novels apart from mine.(I think you already knew lol) First novel ever, please don't be cruel. I will try to finish it if I can.(if I still have motivations).

VastoHeaven · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 47: Burst of Silver.

Without dwelling too much on the name, Edam called both Garp and Z.

"Hey Gramps, Grandpa Z, let's go, stop arguing already..." He pulled them, by the sleeves as they stopped shouting.

Edam was maybe one of the few in the world who could forcibly pulled those two old monsters so fiercely and stop them without incurring their wraths... Even the great Sengoku had some difficulties to stop them when they began to... as such when even the Great fleet-admiral couldn't do it, he would always call out the little expert Edam to resolve the matter, by of course... offering some candies or chocolates in exchanges for his service because...Yeah...nothing is free in this world...

Seeing them stop, Edam then reach out to the door, but just as he was about to touch the handle, he took a step back as the door shot open abruptly with a " Bam" like sound as a man suddenly barged out in a hurry with his nose bleeding profusely, he the stopped a bit to look at the bar while he shouted."Jus-...Just you wait...!!! You two damn old hags...!!!" And he turned around to run away.

However as he didn't look at where he was going, he bumped into Edam rather violently, as he yelled out.

"Dammit, look at where you're going to...!!!" And after having yelled this he got away without caring to look at whoever he had bumped into.

Edam looked at the guy in a puzzled manner, wondering about the reason of this man's anger without even caring that he was bumped into as his gaze then came to rest itself on the bar.

On his side however in deep contrast to his own expression, Hancock's two dark blue eyes were looking menacingly toward the direction of the now gone guy with a quiet upset expression on her beautiful face.

Behind them, Stella and the two younger sisters expression's too were deeply frowning, showing their disagreement toward this situation.

While further behind Garp and Zephyr didn't even care about it as if it wasn't their business at all or just that they didn't want to lose their time on small fries, it wasn't worth it or something...

"Never mind..." Edam shrugged his shoulders and said as he opened the door.

And then... what appeared before his eyes was...


A... pretty... goddamn... normal... bar...

Nothing more, nothing less...

So much that being even more normal was nigh impossible...

Inside was a bartender, a woman of about thirty years old or even younger.

A relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards.

She wears a pink, v-neck t-shirt that exposes her stomach with a black spider on it beneath a black jacket with pink lines running down the sleeves that has a collar with wing-like cuffs. 

She was at the moment beating up a guy while beside her a long gray-haired old man was sitting right in front of the bar drinking a glass of beer while reading the newspaper peacefully.

On the left side of the bar there were some other side-tables where another gray-haired grandma could be seen also reading a newspaper quietly highly focused.

On the ground behind the old man were some bloodstains left behing by the impolite guy from earlier.

When the bartender saw her "new clients", she then exclaimed.

"Welcome, what can I do for you ? Hum ? Kids ?" Her gaze slowly moved from Edam to Hancock before slowly going behind on Stella and the sisters and finally resting on Garp and Zephyr as she then spoke.

"Heh... who would have thought that two persons of such statues like yourselves would come to my humble bar..." A small and weird smile was plastered on her face as she laughed out sarcastically.

Zephyr gazed at her from the corner of his eyes with his arms crossed and said.

"Well you're one to talk, Shakuyaku, I could asked you the same thing, what is a woman such as yourself no... such as yourselves are actually doing here...?" When he corrected himself and said "yourselves" he looked at the grandma sitting at the side-tables as if to implied something.

And as he said that another voice rang out.

"Eh...what is The Marine doing here ?" This voice belong to the grandma at the side who had finally broke out from her newspaper and lifted her eyes from her newspaper.

Her face was one of surprise and astonishment.

But then,

Her gaze was suddenly attracted to Hancock and her sisters like a magnet as she began to observe them quietly.

As for Edam he was currently observing the old-man who had not said a word since they stepped in the bar.

He didn't know why and had no proof of what he was thinking but he just knew that that seemingly normal and quiet old-man drinking peacefully was the one who had oppressed him a moment ago, his instinct were practically screaming crazily loudly "It's him, don't be deceived by his kind-grandpa looks ! ...you maybe don't know but, we do trust us... !" kind of.

Stella and the sisters were too just observing quietly.

"So what is the Hero's Marine and the Great Instructor doing here." Shakuyaku's eyes narrowed.

At this, Garp laughed out loud leisurely and said. "Bwahaha... don't worry Shakuyaku, we're not here for "business"... see we don't have our suit, haha..." showing his clothes and laughing some more.

But then, another voice rang out.

"But you still keep it around you huh..." This time it was the old-man who finally opened his mouth.

Garp smirk and then said in a deep voice. "Well there could be some unforseen event right Rayleigh...?" His smirk was even larger at the end of his sentence.

Unknow to everyone, a faint smile had too come across this Rayleigh guy when Garp said that.

"Anyway...? What do you want if it's not for arresting us...?" That Shakuyaku asked sceptically as she crossed her arms.

Garp then said. "Well, those three little girls need your helps to go back home." He pointed out to the grandma called Gloriossa.

"Oh they are from there huh..." Garp and Z didn't even have to explained anything as the two woman got the gist of it instantly.

"But why are they with you..." Shakuyaku and Gloriossa wondered as Garp tried to replied but was interrupted by Rayleigh who finally turned around and spoke.

"They have escaped huh..." Rayleigh said looking at them with some pity in his eyes.

This Rayleigh had a tall height with a very strong and defined build even though he was sitting one could still see it.

He wore round glasses and facial hair, which is arranged embattled across his lower jaw. He also has a scar over his right eye and was dressed in some plain clothes.

Overall he looked really badass...

"Huh ? Wait, do you mean that..." Gloriossa and Shakuyaku exclaimed as they understood and then looked at Hancock and her sisters in shock making them feel a bit uncomfortable under their gazes.

Seeing this Zephyr was going to say something when however the door was for who know why suddenly flung open violently as four guys with big build walked in.

One of them was the one who bumped into Edam earlier.

Anyway adter entering like that they then did something weird...

They kneeled down on the floor while another guy dressed in beautiful clothes walked in.

"Hum...are you the ones who beat up my subordinates earlier...?" The guy looked at his fingers nails while he spoke to Shakuyaku in a condescending tone.

He was clearly showing how much he clearly didn't care to who he was speaking to.

"Indeed we are..." Shakuyaku replied plainly to this weird and kinda arrogant man.

"Then do you know who I am ?" He finally looked at her but still with the same goddamn expression.

"No, not really no..." Shakuyaku replied indifferently.

Seeing this the arrogant guy made a sort of signal to one of his guy who began to speak.

"Be honored to know that you have in front of you the great Osef-sama who is..." In short he explain that he was actually some sort of young master of a great family who controlled the majority of Saboady Theme Park and some other things and to resume it all he was filthy rich and they had offend him and he came to have some compensation.

After he finished his explanation, everyone nodded at them and said.


"So...?" Just at their faces alones, one could see that everyone present didn't gave a shit about him.


Faced with this more than embarrassing situation, the Osef guy's face was twitching and spaming in a weird way as it kept changing between anger, humiliation...

He then took a good look at everyone of them and decided. 'Humph...I'll make an example out of one of them...'

He gave up on the three old-man thinking that giving a lesson to some old guy wouldn't be too impactful, he then looked at the women and thought the same, he then looked at Edam and thought. "Hum... Yeah he will be the one."

However when his eyes wandered at Hancock who was just beside Edam, his mind made a U-turn and he decided something else.

'Hehe...if I were to sold her..." Greed for money started to appear in his mind when he looked at the girl.

But then,

When he looked at her closely something else began to emerge in his mind, something that he was too familiar with...Yes...it was...


At every seconds that passed while he kept his eyes on her, his lust was growing stronger and stronger without stopping and seemingly without reason.

'I wanted to enjoy her first...'

Though he sure was an asshole, it wasn't in his habit to touch young girl as young as that...he was sure that he was pretty normal in this way...well at least it was until he saw her.

"Hey, hey, young girl how about you-..." He was going to say something rather immoral for someone his age but he didn't get to finish that he was interrupted by a brutal...

"No...! Shut up...!"

It was actually Hancock herself who shouted out before he finished.

"Wha-...?" Osef...

"And don't talk to me...humph..." A very cold and disdainful expression that held nothing but contempt for him was plastered on her nonetheless beautiful face.

A stunned expression came across Osef-sama's face as he wondered how the young girl from earlier, who seemed to be so innocent was gone to.

Her gaze was so cold and kinda murderous that the cute little girl from before was nowhere to be seen at all.

It really made anyone thinking, "Just what happened...!?"

But in fact it wasn't really so surprising in reality, although she seemed to be a docile girl now, it was only in the presence of a certain somebody...

Everyone apart from Edam's group who were a bit used to it now, became surprised as their jaw nearly dropped down.

Even Edam at the side was sweating a bit as a forced smile was on his face as he laughed softly.

He had already seen how differently Hancock was interacting with the others, especially men. The replies that would come out of her mouth were brutally straight and cold as ice.

But it was their fault in first place everytime they would look at her it would always be in lustful and pervertful ways. Even during those few days that he spent with her on the ship or on a random island that they would stopped by or even here on Saboady Archipelago, nearly all of the men they came acrossed would look at her weirdly.

And also her hate of men wasn't really helping...

"I...uh I..." Osef was completely taken by surprised as he stuttered a bit.

"Ahhh fuck it ! Take the girls and beat up the rest !" Osef yelled out finally pissed off, making a grand gesture as he made his way out or at least tried to...

The four big guys then tried to surrounded Hancock.

As Edam was standing closed to her shoulder to shoulder he too was surrounded by them.

Seeing this Garp and Zephyr didn't even intervened and just looked at the scene unfolding itself with great interest wondering about what would happened next.

However in contrast to them the sisters were looking at Hancock with some worries in their eyes.

Meanwhike Edam was just looking at them with great curiosity, even amusement, in fact there wasn't a single bit of stress or such a thing visible in his eyes and he even closed his eyes leisurely.

Seeing this, two of the bodyguards took this action of his as a sign of fear and threw themselves on them.

"Come here...!"

Edam's eyes then snapped half-opened up and gazed by the corner of his right eye at one of the guards as his eyes were glittering a pale-yellow color for an instant before dying out slowly. It seemed that he was going to do something but gave up on the way because...

Unknowingly to the guards just behind them a jade like hand was moving about as something like a gray water or such was following that hand every moves.


When his eyes fully opened, the four bodyguards were frozen on the spot, still in the same motion, not moving a muscles.

Looking at them closer, their bodies were in fact restrained and encased in a solid thing....

They were almost wrapped up in this thing from top to bottom, only their noses were uncovered.

Edam looked at them calmly not really surprised and said. "Well I could have beaten them up you know..." Walking up to them he tapped on the solid thing with his fingers making. "Ting, Ting" sounds.

"Yes but it would have been violent..."

Stella was the one to replied in rather dull voice.

If an expert in precious metals were to look even closer to that solid matters they would see that it was in fact...


Mistakes please.??

VastoHeavencreators' thoughts