
[Dimensional Traveler]

New Sypnosis: Some dude suddenly finds himself with cool eye powers in a world of monsters. Oh, did I mention he has the ability to travel worlds? I don't own anything

UchihaFanatic · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

3rd Path - Name

Looking at his body, the boy grinned to himself as he felt strength coursing through his whole body. It seemed that he passed out while he was thinking to himself. Though he was surprised when he woke up as his body was bound with his hands and feet tied but found his whole body rejuvenated.

It seemed that his new body had higher regenerative capabilities than normal human bodies. He had some bruises on his arms and had busted lips from his beating yesterday but now it was as good as new, as if he was never hurt in the first place.

Knowing this he smirked coldly as he thought of his plans of escaping.



The door slid open as a new man, different from the one that had beaten him appeared and entered the room. This man was bigger than the other, he was not fat but chubby at least.

"Ah, well hello there number 203! Good to see you are awake" The man said greeting him with a number which the boy guessed was his 'name' or at least something to call him, since these guys had to at least call him something. Numbers were easiest since you could remember it better and plus they seem to not give two shits about giving him a name or using his given name... does he even have one?

"Well good news, we tested your blood samples and had discovered even more shocking results. You seem to be healthy, no illnesses of sorts, and even more shocking is your new body!" He said

"Don't mind us, while you were sleeping we had to inject you with a substance to knock you out for a few days!" The man said, shocking the boy.

'WHAT' The boy thought. He thought it was just a few hours since the man from before had beaten him, but he was drugged in his sleep? For a few days? He was even more angered as he grit his teeth and glared at the man.

"Ah, judging from your face it seems you didn't know. Well not like we need your permission, after all you belong to us, HAHAHAHAHA!" The man said as if it was common sense.

"Well anyhow~, back to the topic at hand" He said waving his hand " After doing tests and x-rays, your body has no problems!"

"Even more shocking is the fact you are now a being even greater than normal humans, yes, you are now the very first High-Human. Now with five times the human lifespan along with superhuman strength, speed, and even more knowledge. Your brain calculates things 40% faster than the normal human being along with near photographic memory, it wouldn't be shocking to see you easily master anything quickly." The man said, looking at the boy in the eye.

"You see, it's because your body has the 'adaptability' attribute. We humans also have this attribute, in fact it's thanks to that, that we have evolved enough to reach the top of the food chain. Now your body's adaptability has reached 100% making you able to further 'evolve' your body" The man said as he grinned.

" Anyway, after some tests you could also have children! Though we will have to test whether or not they turn out defected. Well, we will be testing that next week along with injecting you with monster's blood to see if your body does actually evolve" The man said as he walked towards the table and took out a syringe and walked towards the bound boy.

But something unexpected happened.


"H-Huh?!" The man said as the ground started shaking.

"An earthquake! At a time like this?! FUCK!" The man said as the ground shook even more violently than before.

Though amidst the man's panic he did not see the boy's smirk along with the fact that his left eye was different from before. Instead of the kanji for six, it was now replaced with the kanji for 1. Yes, the 'earthquake' was a result of the ability of the Naraka Path's illusions.

If the man had paid any attention to his surroundings instead of panicking he would have noticed that even amidst an 'earthquake' the room was still neat, no papers or medical tools were being moved around in the so called 'earthquake'.

The boy used that time to break free of his bindings, using the ultimate eye's ability to calculate the fastest ways to free himself. It was quite easy as he had enhanced strength and with the ultimate eye's ability to see through weaknesses he used it to his advantage, with minimal effort he was free.

Now off the bed that he was bound to for who knows how long, he couldn't help but smile as his bare feet touched the cold flood.

The boy laughed as he made his way towards the man huddling up protecting his head.

He crouched down as his right eye switched to Deva Path. Though once he switched paths his illusion stopped. But before the man could get up he put his hand on top of the man's head activating his ability to control minds.

"Kufufufu~ Now… let the games begin" He smiled coldly.


The boy was hidden in the corner of the room as he hid behind a shelf. From the outside perspective he was completely invisible due to the lighting.

He smiled as he looked toward the man he was currently using as his puppet. The door then opened as over 10 people entered with panic written all over their faces.

"Is it true!?" One of them asked the man he was controlling.

"Yes! I asked you all to come here to confirm it with your own eyes, #203 escaped! I searched this room but he wasn't here! What do we do now?!" His puppet said.



Several of them said, while the others following in as they started cursing>

"Do you know how this happened?!" One asked.

"No I don't! I entered the room to find him gone!" His puppet asked.

"Shit! Is everyone here!?" The man who seemed to be the leader asked.

"Yes! Everyone is present sir!" Another person smiled.

'Perfect' The boy thought as he switched to the Naraka Path and trapped all 18 scientists in an illusion.


The reactions were instantaneous as all of them stopped moving. He trapped them all in an illusion similar to that of the 'Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes' from Naruto. Except it turns off all their other senses except the sense of touch.

"Kufufufu~" The boy laughed though he didn't forget to project his voice into the illusion, making sure they heard him.

For them they can't see, hear, smell, or move… well unless he allows them too of course. And he wouldn't want them to die too early so he allowed them to breathe.

The boy watched as he got out of his hiding spot and walked around the room as he circled the people shackled in an illusion.

He observed as none of them had a weapon on them.

"Tch!" The boy clicked his tongue.

Looking around the room he found a metal pipe and got an idea. He made his way towards it and after a few practice swings he smiled coldly.

He went near one of the men and hit one of his kneecaps.


The man instantly fell but he still couldn't move or yell because of the illusion. The only indication of pain was the man's expression.

He smiled before he busted the other kneecap along with the man's elbows, crippling him from moving his hands and feet. The boy looked at the man who's feet and arms were disfigured and smiled as he took pleasure in seeing the man suffer.

He repeated this with all of the men before he stopped.

He looked at them all on the ground before making his way to one of the tables. It listed some info about him but one thing that got his attention was a picture labeled '# 203'. Looking at hit the boy's eye's widened as he dropped the metal pipe.


The noise of the pipe hitting the ground was what snapped the boy out of his stupor.

"This face!" He yelped as he grabbed the picture. "It's Mukuro Rokudo's from KHR!"

He quickly looked around the room searching for anything with a reflective surface. Making his way towards the cabinets that had glass doors he leaned his face forward to see his reflection and with shock in his eyes, he came face to face with Mukuro Rokudo with the eye of the Six Path of Reincarnation on his right and the Ultimate eye on his left.

"Pft-What the hell!?!" he said bursting into laugher.

"Well since I have his looks I might as well take his name as well. Besides I lost most of the memories of my previous self. Only the fact that I was a nice person or my knowledge of general education and animes are retained" The now newly named Mukuro said.

'I'll leave them bound here for now as I search outside. They said it was all of them, though just to be sure I'll be on guard' He thought as he grabbed the metal pipe and exited the door.



So his lifespan right now would be 400-500 years. As for what the dude said about 'adapdability'... I think some of you already have an idea on it considering how the man explained injecting monster blood to evolve.


UchihaFanaticcreators' thoughts