
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

We Were Testing Equipment Against Meta-Humans

On the highway, Barry, surrounded by yellow arcs of electricity, raced alongside Elon. Elon, riding the Flash Battle Bike, left a silver trail as he transformed into a black blur, disappearing from Cisco's sight.

Cisco, excited, held a tablet and exclaimed, "Accelerated to 500 km/h in 4 seconds, my calculations were spot on. Elon, you and the Flash Battle Bike handled it perfectly. How are you feeling?"

The wind roared in Elon's ears, a sound like tearing fabric, enhanced by the smooth, fluid acceleration of the bike, making him feel like a bolt of lightning piercing through the air.

Under his black helmet, Elon replied, "Absolutely fine. Your thruster and converter are amazing. I really feel like I'm turning into lightning."

"Of course, anything made by Cisco is top-notch," Cisco boasted.

"Next, try 600 km/h. Be careful, at this speed, the bike might flip due to insufficient weight."

Upon hearing Cisco's words, Elon gestured to Barry to speed up.

Barry, with his yellow lightning, easily overtook Elon.

At 600 km/h, Elon felt the bike becoming unstable, with the tires barely gripping the road.

Elon leaned down, using his strong physique and control to maneuver the bike, which now faced significant wind resistance.

"Elon, can you still control it?" Cisco asked nervously, as his calculations indicated that around 600 km/h was the maximum speed the bike's weight could handle.

Cisco's claim of matching Barry's speed, reaching supersonic speeds, was theoretically possible with his plasma thruster and converter, but the bike's insufficient weight and the safety of the rider were major concerns.

"I can manage. Cisco, I think we should add gravitational magnetism to the tires to keep them firmly on the ground, preventing speed limitations due to the bike's weight," Elon suggested.

"Hey, buddy, I thought the same. That way, the Flash Battle Bike could stand without support, becoming even cooler. I fully agree. Since you're more familiar with magnetic fields, this task should be yours," Cisco concurred, having considered Elon's suggestion but ultimately not implementing it due to Elon's expertise in handling electrical energy.

Elon couldn't help but tease, "Did you create the Flash Battle Bike just to look cool?"


Elon was left speechless, racing through the wind, and he accelerated again.

Eventually, Elon reached 700 km/h, about 194 meters per second. This speed was extremely dangerous, with the tires barely holding, almost lifting off. Elon had already asked Barry to keep his distance, as the wind from Barry's running could potentially cause a crash.

A slight bump or a larger stone on the road could flip the bike at this speed, which was beyond what a normal person could handle. The wind resistance alone could be overwhelming.

After the test, Elon and Barry returned to the research vehicle.

Cisco asked with a smile, "How was it? Amazing, right?"

Elon gave a thumbs up, praising without reservation, "Absolutely amazing."

Barry, envious, said, "This is so cool. The Flash Knight will terrify the meta-humans."

Mentioning the meta-humans, Cisco, who had been basking in the praise, suddenly stopped smiling, and even Barry and Elon's compliments were cut short.

He said, "Wait, did we forget something?"

Of course, they had forgotten about the meta-humans.

They had originally been discussing a new meta-human in the control room when Cisco diverted their attention with the cool bike, and the group of men, unable to wait, had rushed to the Ferris Air Test Facility to test the Flash Battle Bike, completely forgetting about the meta-human.

Elon was exasperated, even his good memory had failed him this time.

The atmosphere immediately deflated, and they hurried back to STAR Labs.

When Elon wanted to ride the Flash Battle Bike back, he was unanimously stopped by Barry and Cisco.

No driver's license...

Elon felt it was blatant jealousy, a justifiable and undeniable form of envy.

Upon returning, they were scolded for neglecting the serious matter of meta-human crimes to go off and enjoy themselves, much to Caitlin's frustration.

"Can you tell me where you've been? You even forgot to investigate the meta-humans?" Caitlin asked coldly, arms crossed.

Anyone could tell Caitlin was angry.

Elon, however, didn't think much of it, seeing it as just another day with Caitlin's usual cold demeanor.

So, stepping out of the group being scolded, he earnestly said, "We were testing equipment against meta-humans."

Such a lie?

Cisco and Barry thought for a moment, realizing that technically, the Flash Battle Bike was indeed equipment for dealing with meta-humans.

The two quickly chimed in to support Elon.

"Yes, yes, Elon is right."

"Yes, yes, yes..."

"Let's find this meta-human."

"Right, I'll sketch the meta-human's face, and Cisco, you do the facial recognition search."


Caitlin eyed them suspiciously, but Cisco and Barry put on serious faces, pretending to be diligently working, and started searching for the meta-human.

Elon stood aside, calmly taking out a Leonidas chocolate from his pocket and biting into it, waiting for their good news, although he already knew who the meta-human was.

Caitlin continued with her cold expression, "No need, Dr. Wells and I found him through blood DNA analysis."

She walked to the computer and pulled up the file.

The television screen in the control room displayed a person's profile.

Caitlin said, "Danton Black, a biogeneticist specializing in therapeutic cloning to form new organs to replace damaged ones."

"It seems he was conducting an experiment on the night of the particle accelerator explosion..." Wells' voice came through.

Joe and Dr. Wells entered the control room together.

Seeing Joe and Wells together, Barry's expression turned uneasy, and he approached Joe, asking, "Why are you here?"

Implicitly, he was inquiring about the situation with Wells.

Joe didn't reveal anything, saying, "You went after the meta-human? You got hurt, and Iris was worried sick when she couldn't find you."

Barry's injuries had mostly healed, and he looked only slightly bruised, so Joe wasn't overly concerned, assuming it was just a minor injury.

Barry then remembered that after saving a security guard from gunfire, he had chased the meta-human, only to be ambushed and beaten. He had then rushed to STAR Labs without even checking on Iris.

Barry regretted, "Oh no, Iris must hate me now. I didn't keep my promise to her."