
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Movies
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58 Chs

The Guardian's Sacrifice

Within the tornado, Mardon, the creator of this catastrophic whirlwind, stood like a deity amongst the chaos, his control over the storm absolute, tearing and twisting everything in its path into oblivion.

"I am God," he declared with a madman's glee, his distorted face swelling with the delirium of power. Today, he believed, he would ascend to godhood.

But amidst the howling winds and the merciless debris, a streak of yellow lightning wound around him once more. It was Barry. No—it was The Flash, now ready to lay down his life to protect everything he held dear.

Mardon's laughter boomed over the roar of the storm. "Foolish mortal, you dare to challenge a god?"

With a sweeping gesture, Mardon's invisible grip on the tornado tightened, and the vortex's speed intensified, tearing deeper grooves into the earth, uprooting trees, and sending them flying chaotically through the air.

Barry, embracing a resolve born of desperation and duty, ran harder than ever. His speed force aura blazed brighter, and his eyes sparked with intense arcs of electricity. His figure blurred, becoming one with the lightning, tearing through the tornado's core.

A smile crossed Barry's face as memories of his life with Joe, his friends, and all the good in his world filled his mind. His arms pumped faster, his legs became a mere blur, and his speed surged to new heights.

Mardon, from within the eye of the storm, saw the yellow lightning become clearer and more intense. Barry's smile grew wider, a silent thanks to Elon for teaching him the true meaning of sacrifice.

Barry's speed broke new barriers, forming a continuous circuit of yellow lightning that generated a powerful counter-current against the tornado's fury.

As the world turned gray and the tornado raged on, the yellow lightning enveloped everything. Mardon, in his hubris, increased the storm's ferocity, pouring all his remaining strength into its destructive spin.

Everyone—Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, and Elon—watched with bated breath, pinning their hopes on Barry. Elon never doubted Barry's ability to succeed, despite the many changes he had wrought through his time traveling. He had felt the speed force's power and knew its terrifying potential, especially within Barry.

Caitlin, monitoring from the control room, saw Barry's vitals dropping. His speed was an incredible 250 meters per second, but still not enough to dissipate the tornado. He needed to reach Mach 1, the speed of sound, to counteract the vortex, and he was far from it.

"Barry, you can't keep this up! You'll die," Caitlin warned urgently, though her voice couldn't reach him through the storm's roar.

Inside the tornado, Mardon laughed, mocking the futile efforts of The Flash. But Barry, now the embodiment of lightning itself, accelerated once more.

His smile vanished as he thought of his childhood sweetheart and the beautiful city of Central City, with all its people and memories. "Central City, I will protect you," he vowed with a steely gaze and clenched jaw.

In an instant, countless arcs of yellow electricity burst forth from Barry's body, wrapping him in a cocoon of raw power. His cells overloaded, and he felt them bursting with energy, fueling his incredible speed.

Even as his body screamed in protest, his mind was resolute. Even if death was imminent, his run would not end.

Barry, like a bolt of lightning, tore through the sky and the tornado, disrupting its very foundation.

Mardon's laughter stopped abruptly as he realized he had lost control. All he could see were the yellow arcs of electricity that now surrounded him, reflecting his own terror. The yellow lightning became his entire world.

"No..." Mardon screamed, but it was too late.

With a thunderous boom, the tornado was neutralized as Barry broke the sound barrier. Trees and leaves that had been sucked into the sky now fell to the ground, and a cloud of dust filled the air.

Joe, protecting Eddie, was startled by the explosion. As the dust settled and the debris cleared, he stood up, searching and calling, "Barry! Where are you?"

After a few moments, as the last of the debris landed, Joe surveyed the devastation. The ground was torn up, and the scene was chaotic, resembling a battlefield.

As the dust dissipated and the sky cleared, both Barry and Mardon were nowhere to be seen. Joe frantically searched the area until he found Mardon in a deep trench, impaled by a sharp piece of wood, lifeless, his eyes open in a final display of defiance.

Ignoring Mardon's corpse, Joe continued his search for Barry and finally found him buried under a pile of leaves and branches. Joe checked for a pulse and felt a faint beat under his fingers, a relief flooding through him.

He immediately called for an ambulance and notified the police.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin announced over the communicator, "Good news, the tornado has been neutralized by Barry. Bad news, Barry's vitals are critically low, and he's in a deep coma. I think you're going to have to carry him back."

Hearing Caitlin's words, Elon and Cisco's tense hearts eased. While they had faith in Barry, the changes brought by the crossover had left them anxious. They knew Barry was safe, at least for now.

Elon replied with a hint of relief, "Don't worry, Barry will be fine. We're still waiting on the fifth red light."

For the first time facing a villain, the ordeal ended with Elon waiting through five red lights, a trial that transformed him into a knight of lightning.


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