

Dreaming was a luxury for Seven. A child who had no parents, an abandoned child trained to steal and kill. Hands covered with blood, he destroyed the origin of his misery. Just as he was about to achieve his dream and live a normal life, the remaining members of their organization came hunting him down. Trying to run away he stumbled inside a forest wherein a mysterious black hole suddenly appear and swallowed him alive. Once he opens his eyes he found himself in a completely different world outside of Earth. Here Seven has a completely new life, a loving family, a place to call home, and a strong ability. It was perfect if only his past didn't come hunting him down. A past he wish to forget and a past he needs to remember came tumbling his way. Can he still achieve his dreams with all these problems and live a normal life?

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52 Chs

Mysterious voice

Inside a beautiful castle, two magical beasts in their human form were excited. It has been so many years since they were able to speak with their master and just earlier they were able to convey their help.

"I want to see master again and hear him sing" A young man spoke sadly.

He was wearing a white hanfu with the intricate black lotus as its finishing touches. The robe over his shoulder was simple however his whole body was decorated with gold and crystals.

His skin was pale and the black lines around his body were striking. His long white hair was pinned on the side with a jade pin to not cover his beautiful face, his red lips were turned upside down. The silver crown on his forehead made his teary golden eyes bright. No one would expect that his real form was that of a beast.

"White Tiger you know Master can't sing so easily, what if the devil finds him? And you don't have to worry, will surely see the master soon ok! Let's just be happy that master is fine" the person beside him said.

He was wearing a white hakama and a no-sleeve white kimono. The long and silky white haori hangs freely on his body. The hems of it had red flowers that looked striking and gorgeous.

His clothes resembled Seven's ancient clothes during his time in the academy.

His tail swayed happily, as he smiled happily. The smile and his foxy red eyes held a seductive charm, his beautiful face has a red mark on his forehead.

"hmmp...Nine-tailed Fox you're only saying this because master choose a fox as a disguise, you even changed your clothes to match him" his voice was full of resentment, they both have white fur yet their master choose him.

He also wanted to change but recalls that the clothes he is wearing were something his master made, even the pieces of jewelry on his body were the things their master had worn before which he secretly took after their master left.

"well...we can't do anything about that" he didn't mind his glare, no one can ruin his happiness after seeing Seven wear a fox mask.

They were about to continue speaking to their master when they heard a deep voice from behind.

"What are you two doing?"

The white beasts trembled in fear, how could they forget about this stoic man? The two slowly turn around and they saw Black Dragon glaring at them. His black hair, gold eyes, and sculpted face were perfection to the eyes of others yet for the two it wasn't anything good.

"nothing" they quickly denied but they were once again scrutinized by his cold stare. They were about to run away when he spoke.

"what are you guys wearing?" he looked at them up and down.

The two wanted to complain, their clothes weren't bad, it was something their master had worn and created. Their master had a great fashion sense, unlike 'someone.'

'If he wanted to talk about clothes he should be looking at his'.

Black Dragon was wearing simple clothes consisting of robes and flats similar to ancient Rome. It didn't have much design and does not have vibrant colors, only white and gold. For someone who has such a cold facade his way of dressing was quite laid back.

'Just look how indecent it is' they were pertaining to his clothes that barely cover his chest. Maybe because they belong to the Eastern continent in their previous world, but they prepare to be modest and dignified when it comes to manners, the clothes they wear were a perfect example of it. They only showed a small part of their skin.

Though their master had joked once when they were arguing about what should they be wearing as to not embarrass him, telling them they were basically naked anyway when they were in their beast form so it didn't matter. They were stupefied upon learning this and the fight stopped.

The robes on Black Dragon were loose and though the length reaches his ankles, the chest area was pulled apart and only the satin fabric wrapped around the waist toward his shoulder was keeping it together. Everyone could see his sculpted tone and his wide chest.

Black Dragon didn't mean to say that their clothes didn't look good, what he didn't like is how they were trying to look like their master.

For him his master was akin to a god, he couldn't let any blasphemous act towards him, even with his clothing and accessories.

"you better rem..." all of them paused when they heard a familiar voice.

"Are you there?..... if you can hear me speak up" a stern voice echoed throughout the whole castle causing the beast living inside to panic.

How is this possible, Black Dragon panicked, it wasn't time for his master to find out their existence. If they awakened now when his master still hasn't recovered his powers, the devil would surely be attracted, his master wouldn't be able to fend him off.

They even went as far as to stop him from singing back on earth, because the devil left a curse on their Master. The moment he sings the spell would activate, and the longer he sings the curse becomes stronger and it will be easier to track his whereabouts.

The Devil was really smart, he knew his master loved singing more than anything, so he used this to his advantage. He didn't have to do anything and just let Master lead himself to him. To make it even worse, they can't say anything about it, the devil had also cursed them to not mention this to their master before they left.

Black Dragon felt bad stopping his Master to achieve his dreams but they couldn't risk being found by the devil. They would rather get punished than let the Devil take their master.

Only he and the other dragons knew about their Master's return. Others had thought that their Master had died, but he didn't, when the World was going to explode, he sent his soul to another place and escape from the devil.

Their master had warned them, not to contact him unless it was an emergency, until then wait before he gain his powers back to not leave traces for the demon to find.

When his master incarnates on earth, he and the 4 other dragons were the only remaining ones left awake, however, his master's life wasn't so smooth sailing. He was abused and become a killing machine.

They barely had any consciousness left as they looked at their Master suffer, but when they felt that their master was in danger, the other dragon use their power to send their master into this world even if they were to fully disappear. While he was tasked to remain and protect their master.

Although they were saddened to no longer see their Master, they still used all the energy they have. Who would have thought that this world contains energy enough to maintain their form and the space they live in.

The 4 Dragons fell asleep shortly after his Master was born and he watch over his master waiting for everyone. He did everything alone for the past 10 years, watching His Master find happiness once again with his newfound family.

However something unexpected happened, his master suddenly enter their space and unlock the room of memoirs where all his powers and memory were kept.

Black Dragon felt the energy around him and he recover some of his powers and two other beasts awakened because of it.

The two were still baffled about how their master was alive but he couldn't answer them in the meantime as they need to help stabilize his powers. After fixing the energy consumption on the body, the remaining were sent back into their space and helped other beasts. It wouldn't be far when they awake.

Now their master is suddenly calling, what should he do? His master doesn't remember anything, so how was he aware of their existence?

Then a thought came to him " you two...." the white beasts could only nod their heads. Black Dragon was looking at them as if he was planning to murder the two.

A huge room was found in the basement of the castle, a large nest placed in the center, and surrounding it were burning flowers illuminating the dark space. The floors and the walls had turned crystal after exposure to the fire and looked enchanting.

A Majestic bird who was in a deep slumber opened his slanted red eyes. His feathers were silky red and orange. The aura around him didn't disappear despite all the years that had passed.

"Master" he whispered still feeling confused. Why can he hear his master's voice, as far as he could recall, his master had been dead for thousands of years, To help them survive, their Master use all his powers to put them inside this space. Is he dreaming?

"Hello?" this time he heard it more clearly. The sleepiness was replaced with excitement and then change to fear. What if this voice was simply his imagination?

"Can you hear me?" This time he didn't wait anymore. That was their Master, he was sure, if not then why was his mark shining brightly? Once they form a contract a special mark would appear, once they are called, it would light up.

He immediately stands up from his chamber and flaps his large red wings. When he reached the center of the castle everyone stared at the ball of light. The voice coming from it was calling them.

He saw the Black Dragon's stern face glaring at two white beasts.

His arrival caused others to look at him, shock was plastered on their faces. He changed into his human form and went closer to them.

"What is happening here? Master...he is alive....but..how?" he questions the three.

Black Dragon didn't look at him and took a deep breath. He was torn between following the previous orders and his Master's calling.

"M...Master here, we're here" his voice almost cracked as he answered.

In the end, he choose to answer his calls, there was no way he could disregard his master's call.