

Dreaming was a luxury for Seven. A child who had no parents, an abandoned child trained to steal and kill. Hands covered with blood, he destroyed the origin of his misery. Just as he was about to achieve his dream and live a normal life, the remaining members of their organization came hunting him down. Trying to run away he stumbled inside a forest wherein a mysterious black hole suddenly appear and swallowed him alive. Once he opens his eyes he found himself in a completely different world outside of Earth. Here Seven has a completely new life, a loving family, a place to call home, and a strong ability. It was perfect if only his past didn't come hunting him down. A past he wish to forget and a past he needs to remember came tumbling his way. Can he still achieve his dreams with all these problems and live a normal life?

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52 Chs


Seven spent days practicing martial arts, he wanted to try out what his new and improved body can do with all the changes he had gone through.

He drink his 'breakfast' first before starting "I still can't get used to the taste" he said as he emptied the nutritional drink.

He first started his warm-up, it has been quite a long time since he last practice martial arts, in the military, physical training only covers basic offense and defense since Mecha coupled with mental strength are more than enough to disarm enemies.

Though he thought it was such a waste not learning them since the system of their mecha has been changed, it wasn't exaggerated to say that it was like a second body.

Maddox had made it possible to make it flexible as a human body when synthesizing it with the pilot. If they can learn martial arts, they wouldn't need to expend more mental energy in performing complex commands, they can just easily perform them on their own.

He even out his breathing and slightly bent his knees. Closing his eyes, he used his internal energy and regulate them all over his body. Internal energy was different from mental energy, it was something you can only achieve after training your body for several years. Internal energy enables you to put more force in a simple flick of a finger.

He slowly moves his bended knees and raises one of them till it reaches his chest. His movement was slow, however, they were concise and strong. With a slight change, he kick the air causing a bit of ripple in the wind.

He then changes his stance, this time he recalls his days as an assassin. The practice he focuses on was the speed of his footwork while at the same time making it as quiet as possible. They weren't particularly strong, they even have a lean body, not so many muscles can be seen in their bodies, however, with their speed, they can easily disable their opponents with a single attack. This was the advantage of martial arts and speed in terms of combat.

Seven paused for a bit and thought something was different. He taps his foot as he tries to remember what's missing. A minute has yet to pass when he stopped tapping his foot. Starring down he said"light.....right it's too light" he tried jumping and as expected, he was able to reach a little over two meters and he has yet to put all his strength into it.

He has been used to wearing heavyweights on his body during training, this was done to push their body to the limit. The weights would then be changed whenever they got used to the old ones. The older they get the heavier they become.

No matter how much he loathe Cerbrus, that training was effective so he wants to apply that one to his training.

If he try to use them now it would be useless, he had a 2S-class physique, just a mere weight won't stop him.

"Should I try using a gravity chamber?" he thought for a bit and nodded, it was plausible. The gravity chamber was used as security measures but who would have thought Seven would use it to train.

He went towards the door and tap the monitor, he press the option and choose safety activation. Seconds later he felt a force around him, he nodded but thought it was lacking so he put the level higher. Once again he thinks it was not enough, this only stops when he had reached the max.

"I can still move even with this high," he said disheartened. Then he remember his gravity and decided to use it and make the training grounds' gravity heavier.

He channel his ability and covered a part of the room with his gravity. A black mist surrounded an area of the room, it has a suppressing power to it. Anyone who gets closer wouldn't be able to move freely.

Seven went in enthusiastically, however, he was even more disappointed. The pressure didn't affect him at all, there was no force pulling him down either. Even the gravity chamber was rendered useless because his ability canceled it.

"is it because I created it myself?" he pondered over.

He sighs in defeat as he cancels his ability and just uses the gravity chamber.

"I guess this security measure isn't that splendid" he whispered feeling dejected, he had heard that this is one of the top security systems they have created.

He went back to his training still feeling frustrated, he wanted to hasten his training by using that technique and shortened the years in his training.

As he focuses on kicking his robot opponent he suddenly heard a voice in his head. It sounded clear and respectful.

"Lord Seven cancel your energy"

Seven looked around, he was the only one here. He shakes his head thinking it must be him just imagining things.

He continued practicing but the voice speaks again and echoed in his mind. He looked around, there was no way other people are there. This place was owned by Maddox and only the three of them knew that he was staying here.

He used his mental energy and focus it on his surroundings. He was going to see if intruders were trying to plot something.

Closing his mind an image of his surrounding show. He stared at it seriously trying to detect another energy but there was none.

"Lord Seven you need to cancel your energy"

What bothered him, even more, was that they were calling him Lord Seven. Why call him that? and what energy? did it mean his internal energy?

Seven who felt that they wouldn't stop calling him until he canceled his energy. To make the voices stop he could only follow them, which he thought was crazy.

"now what....sh*t" he could only curse in disbelief.

The moment he cancels his energy, he dropped face flat on the ground. He tried to move but he could barely wriggle his fingers. The gravity around him was so strong that he was almost buried on the metal floor. Using all his strength, he push himself up, but he could only raise a bit of his body before falling once again.

Then he tried to move, and the harder he tried, the stronger the pull of gravity was. His head began to hurt and his nose was bleeding from the pressure. He felt like the world's weight was on his back.

He didn't expect that having his internal energy circulate in his body caused the gravity system to be useless. Now he realizes how stupid he was, there was no way an object installed in Maddox's place would be considered weak and useless. Maddox was meticulous in choosing the items he use, he wouldn't settle for less if he can have the best.

He then recalled all the things he said about the gravity chamber and can't help but feel embarrassed. He was so proud earlier yet look at him now. Bleeding and barely moving.

Now that he learned the truth, the hard way, about how powerful the gravity chamber is, he channeled back his internal energy and circulate it over his body. The pressure slowly disappeared and he could finally move.

He took a deep breath, his body still felt the after-effects. He didn't stand up as his legs and hands were trembling hard. He rolled his body, now he was staring at the red ceiling.

He wiped the blood on his nose before slowly stretching his arms and legs. He crawled towards the wall, just above him was the monitor controlling the gravity chamber.

Seven made an oath as he stands up to not underestimate the technology in this era ever again.

He turned it off and finally sigh in relief, the feeling of not being able to move scared him. He stopped using his internal and went back to his room. He was going to rest for a bit.

Seven open the door and went straight to bed, he didn't bother changing. He felt the softness of the mattress inviting him to sleep and so he did.


Seven was lying on his bed, now that he has rested, he remembered that voice. It didn't look like it came from someone but more like it was in his mind.

"what was that voice?" he asked himself however he couldn't give out an answer. He didn't know what it was nor does he know what's there purpose. It suddenly stopped when he stop using his internal energy.

He was contemplating, he wanted to confirm whether they were real or were just a fragment of his imagination.

He sit up and circulate his internal energy and called out. " are you there.....if you can hear me speak up"

He waited for a bit but no one answered his call. He tried once again, voice even louder, but only receive a falling object's sound. Opening his eyes he thought to himself.

'There's no ghost here right?'

He slowly look behind, no one was there, then stared at the door. Seven don't believe in a supernatural being, before. Now however was different, he had just been reborn in a new world opening his understanding of souls and ghosts.

"M...Master here, were here" a voice rang in his head as he was about to retract his internal energy. This voice was masculine and a bit cold, but he could feel respect behind it.
