
[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Jia Hyson finds he has hit the jackpot after he dies. He's got a system! He's a transmigrator! So cool! System: "Please help us fix the plot." Jia Hyson: "Of course!" System: "Firstly there are too many love interests." Jia Hyson: "Okay." System: "The main character is too annoying." Jia Hyson: "Um." System: "Needs more world building." Jia Hyson: "..." Oi, is he fixing the plot or is he rewriting the whole damn thing?! (This is not omegaverse, beta stands for beta reader) (This is bl/yaoi/danmei btw. 1v1, 2v1, 3+v1) Lovely Cover by my fanart empress @noc

LittleBlueLake · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
206 Chs


It had been three months since the battle with the seventh prince ended in failure on the prince's part.

However, even if the emperor's faction won. It was not without great loss.

Ignoring the powerful soldiers under the seventh prince, the seventh prince himself was insanely powerful. Maybe in the cultivation world, he would just be one of the lowest of cultivators but here, that sort of ability was unprecedentedly terrifying.

The seventh prince was not only essentially a disciple of Chef Wen who held the unique skill of cultivating the surrounding spiritual energy, but he was also a prince who could afford to find spiritually rich materials and land to cultivate in. Not to mention he was young, healthy, and intelligent. His body could better absorb the influx of energy due to practicing during his youth and his mind also benefited. 

Unfortunately one could argue that there was no way Chef Wen's technique could've been perfected given his limited abilities so it was also possible that while the seventh prince benefited greatly from it, his body couldn't handle all this unfamiliar power and the result was his personality warped slightly. 

To be honest if he wasn't the villain in this story he could've made a great protagonist that could revive the cultivation era. After all he was smart, outrageous, his thinking was a bit strange but the seventh prince was also charismatic, hardworking and handsome. With those points, what was not to like really? 

However things are what they are, and what can only be. 

As the people who were on the frontlines, Duan Mengyao, Tang Muxin, Da Gong and Jia Hyson all had been battered or injured on some level.

Tang Muxin as the protagonist of course was not unscathed but while she looked very scary most of her injuries were more or less superficial with only some deep cuts, one very serious stab, a sprained ankle and her hair was now at shoulder length. 

Jia Hyson with his lucky dragon physique and his own shitty karma also came out more or less fine but he had more than his fair share of bruises, shallow and deep cuts, two of his claws were broken and his scales were a bit battered or had been lost as they defended him from the weaponry. 

Duan Mengyao was much worse, having protected Tang Muxin at the last moment and fallen into a coma, but after a week or so he had woken up and other then a scar on his face and a rather large wound still healing on his chest he was relatively okay and would fully recover after a few months. 

Da Gong had…

During their fight with the seventh prince, it was understandable that Jia Hyson and Da Gong would fail. After all they weren't the protagonists and he was the final boss. If Tang Muxin doesn't get to show her abilities then, there would no longer be a good place to show them at all. 

Therefore in this fight, they could only serve as a stepping stone. 

Jia Hyson knew this, and while he was a bit unwilling he also knew that his job was not to rise up against the heavens and live a perfect life where everything goes his way and he can faceslap all the enemies that had wronged the original body. His job was simply to make craft a good plot. 

Even though he wanted to defeat the seventh prince with some of his most OP skills would that create sufficient drama and satisfaction to a reader who was following Tang Muxin's story? Even if Da Gong stole the limelight a few times it was comedic and small victories, this endgame fight was very different and needs to be emphasized as such. 

Not to mention, Jia Hyson had not revealed any great fighting skills in the past and did not dare to reveal most of his skills to Tang Muxin, therefore at this point the story which should be from her point of view more or less would be clueless as well. It would seem a little bullshit if he pulled out a [Hyperbeam] out at the critical moment. 

Sure he could always pen in to add this skill sometime before the battle but then there would have to be a small scene containing the use of that skill or something. And of course such a powerful skill would cause many people to change their opinions and views on dragons thanks to fear of such overwhelming power, which would produce consequent subtle changes that would fail to be inserted thanks to one thoughtless add in to the plot. 

That's why stories improved by the beta system were always pretty decent quality, as more or less a chain of logic formed by consequences and based off aspects of the plot's reality would produce a fairly smooth story progression. 

Unfortunately reality was cruel and the rules of a good story could be crueler.

Not just Jia Hyson, but Bebe, the world's consciousness and the heavenly path of the world also knew it. 

They had to lose, in order for the real protagonists to win. 

However that also didn't mean that Jia Hyson was going to just roll on his back and surrender either. If Da Gong was fighting, then of course Jia Hyson would fight wholeheartedly by his side. The villain boss was too dangerous, the man didn't care about leaving his own mother and maternal nine generations to die, how could he care for the life of a rooster? 

But now looking back on it, Jia Hyson regrets it. Maybe if he had held back, had not gotten so into the heat of the battle and attacked so fiercely, their combined power would not have been so good and the consequence of their loss wouldn't have been so harsh. For a moment he had forgotten his job and just wanted to win. Win with Da Gong. 

Self confident in his luck and in the genre he had pushed the story into, Jia Hyson felt like he had made the worst mistake since coming to this world.

"Hahahah! Good! You beasts are better than I expected hah!" The seventh prince had laughed like a madman as he continued to swing his sword violently yet alarming swiftly at the animals. Da Gong had jumped back in a flurry of feathers while Jia Hyson in contrast struck the prince's leg the moment the prince's attention was distracted by the large movement of the rooster. 

At this point Jia Hyson still had some confidence. After all he was a dragon. While for plot he can't win he can at least do some damage. 

Unfortunately he thought too beautifully. 

Attacking the leg, the best and most brutal way was to bite the flesh. His front teeth especially were sharp and easy for cutting and slicing things, as long as he pierces through the skin, it will be incredibly damaging even if he simply clenched his jaw. Jia Hyson had already tried with a few unfortunate enemies. Their armor was like tissue paper at best, bak kwa* at worst. Simply put, it was no issue to him. 

*bak kwa is a Chinese pork jerky. It's a sweeter taste to western jerky but I guarantee it's very addictive! (∩❛ڡ❛∩)

However the moment he bit down on the seventh prince's leg, his expression contorted hideously. Dragon scale inner armor! For the first time Jia Hyson had experienced the feeling of enthusiastically biting into a rock! For the first time he had felt his teeth literally crack! Fuck!

The hidden armor is already hard to make since it's meant to be underneath normal clothes and would server to be more flexible then normal armor. Don't think how big the dragons hunted down are, the means to bring them down are extremely violent meaning it was easy for the goods to be damaged. Not to mention the groups of people who worked together all had their own agendas and it was impossible not to fight over the spoils. Therefore this sort of high defense but easy to move in armor was probably the only one. 

In pain he instinctively loosened his jaw, not wanting to damage himself further, but by then how could the seventh prince not notice him? The man nearly sneered, and started shaking Jia Hyson off his leg. Jia Hyson gripped on tightly and cursed as even his claws was unable to pierce through the hidden armour. At best he probably inflicted some very ugly bruising and pain but compared to the backlash it was so not worth it.

Tsk, if Jia Hyson didn't hate the seventh prince's guts right now for attacking himself and Da Gong he would want to write a story based on the prince's character with his foresight and radical planning abilities.

Well, even if he wasn't really willing to write about such a good character, he's still willing to fuck him if he got the chance though. Just bend him over and absolutely wreck him ah. Just get him so addicted to his dragon cocks that the proud and probably psychotic prince would prostate himself naked on the cold ground for more kekeke. (∩❛ڡ❛∩)

Bebe: … 

Of course this sort of absentminded thinking, Jia Hyson really couldn't afford as he finally felt himself reach the end of his energy trying to climb up and attack the other fiercely. It was difficult to ignore the relentless blows raining on him by the prince as he fruitlessly slashes, bites and uses a various attack skills. Unfortunately his offensive skills were very low levelled, and golden fortune dragons as a whole could be considered closer to a supportive class in a gameplay. The best example is the special skill [Karmic Insight] as one of his most familiar skills in this world being less then useless in this man-to-dragon confrontation as well. 

The seventh prince had extremely good fortitude, both mentally and physcially. Even his best and highest level move [Cutie Beam] could only cause him to go into a daze for a few seconds before the damned man shook it off with pure willpower and forcibly cleansing his meridians with spiritual energy.

Of course his efforts weren't completely in vain, from the way the seventh prince's violent actions toward him were increasing it was clear that he was weakening the integrity of the hidden armour. While he couldn't do much damage himself, Jia Hyson knew that it was better to help pave the way for Tang Muxin's final battle. 

Still, that didn't mean he wasn't frustrated and ready to vomit out blood. Fuck! This blind man who refused to bow to his cuteness-! Should Jia Hyson say, as expected of the big final boss?!

Not only did he dress himself in dragon scale armor which made it difficult for Jia Hyson's little teeth to withstand much less bite through, he had such a powerful weapon and was also resistant to the power of meng. Jia Hyson really wanted to quit ah. This guy was too perverted*. But of course the perverted seventh prince wouldn't allow his prey to slip through his hands just because the other didn't want to play anymore. 

*Perverted in this case meaning too abnormally strong etc. It could also mean the mind is strange (again not necessarily in a sexual context). The meaning can be more flexible in Chinese. 

"We need to retreat!" Jia Hyson finally couldn't take the beating and screeched, Da Gong clicked with understanding, his feathers now matted with his own blood. He too instinctively knew the fight was deeply unfavourable. Even with the seventh prince's attention partially on Jin Bao who acted like literal dead weight, he could still fend off Da Gong's attacks and carved more than a few cuts and gashes on the bird. It was a testament to Da Gong's own abilities that he hadn't lost anything yet. 

Unfortunately Jia Hyson was currently riding the tiger's back*. He either had to keep clawing at the prince and taking his repeated blows, or get pulled off and risk being skewered by that stupid OP dragon slaying sword of his.

*stuck in a dangerous situation where he couldn't get off without consequence essentially.

After some hesitation, Jia Hyson decided it was better to risk being skewered sooner than later. Using his claws he vigorously pushed off the prince's body like he was a springboard, twisting his body and whacking the other's head with his tail before tumbling to the ground.

With a growl, the seventh prince, ignoring the heavy impact on his face, unhesitatingly kicked the fallen dragon. His strength was not light, completely ruthless.

Jia Hyson cried out as he rolled painfully, having to dig his claws into the dirt to slow down his momentum. Da Gong saw this and was furious. His little worm had never been wronged so badly under his care! 

Knowing now from Jin Bao's reaction that there must be a very strong defensive hidden armor, therefore what he should aim for is the uncovered and must vulnerable area of the body- the face. Unfortunately, only a fool would not guard their head. Still, Da Gong was deeply unreconciled.

Silver eyes burned brightly as he ran up to the seventh prince. The seventh prince didn't dare underestimated the large rooster and took a strong offensive stance. After all his fighting style always favoured the idea of offence being the best defence. 

Kicking the ground with the intention to blind the rooster with the flying sand and grit, the prince smoothly raises his sword in a powerful sweeping motion at Da Gong. However despite how fluid and quick the movement was, Da Gong's reaction to the swing was still faster than expected.

Maybe this move would've worked for a human, but Da Gong was a rooster and their ability to remove dirt from their eyes was much more effective than a person. Roosters don't technically blink, instead they have a third eyelid which acts like a windshield wiper on a car window. 

Therefore he had been more or less unfazed by the dirty trick, instead he ran straight through the dirt thrown at him with a burst of speed. Because he was not as tall as what the prince was used to, the seventh prince's posture had to be adjusted and lowered, producingd a few gaps in his perfect form. Da Gong's intelligence after being awakened was not necessarily improved to the point of becoming a genius but his analytical ability had been. 

With only a few seconds he processed the optical information from his eyes, and supplied corresponding previous battle experience to find the best place to exploit. A prey animals' reaction speed is faster than a predator's and even the honed senses of the seventh prince could still not reach this reaction speed.

Just barely dodging the swing of the sword, Da Gong boldly flaps his wings and leaps onto the prince's arm which had been raised after swinging the sword upward, like a falcon summoned from hell. Da Gong was large and of course would be heavier than a normal rooster, the sudden unexpected weight caused the seventh prince to curse as he almost fell off balance. 

As he steadied himself, Da Gong smacked the seventh prince's face with his wing as hard as he could, bruising the handsome face. What was even more damning was his wings had been purposely dragged onto the ground, covered with dust and grime that immediately irritated the seventh prince's eyes. 

Jia Hyson, who swallowed down the pain ran over and tackled the prince further off balance and causing him to fall down. The pair of animals glanced at each other with warm tacit understanding before Da Gong jumped to scratch the man's face while Jia Hyson targeted the hand holding the damned sword.

Of course the seventh prince who had been dealt such an embarrassing blow would not stand for it. Instead of rubbing the dirt from his eyes he forcibly ignored the instinct, and immediately punched the weight on his chest as hard as he could.


"Da Gong!" Jia Hyson yelled out, not expecting the prince to react so quickly when their raised claws hadn't even touched his skin yet. Suddenly his own intuition rang out and Jia Hyson immediately lifted his arms to protect his face as he was suddenly grabbed painfully by the mane and violently shoved into the hard earth.

"Fucking beasts!" The seventh prince hissed as he spat blindly at the ground before smiling madly, his handsome face completely ruined. "This was fun but I think it's time to end this."

Not letting his grip waver, the seventh prince let go of his sword and used the free hand to secure the dazed dragon onto the ground before pulling up Jia Hyson's mane and shoving it down again, and again, and again. Jia Hyson screeched and struggled as his head was continuously slammed against the ground, however the seventh prince was unhindered, and adjusted his posture so his knee cruelly weighed down upon Jia Hyson's back. It wasn't enough to destroy his flexible snake-like spine but it was enough to effectively pin him helplessly in pace. 

Da Gong clucked weakly as he struggled to get up after the devastating punch. While he was strengthened by spiritual energy and was considered formidable even in human standards but in the end his bones were still hollow*. That punch had cleanly hit the side of his body and undoubtedly fractured various bones.

*Birds have hollow bones so they are lighter and more agile for flight purposes. Of course the downside is they are more breakable, and brittle than non-hollow bones.

Unlike a snakes skeletal structure, a bird's structure was very different. To structurally strengthen the bones in compensation of its hollow structure and better prepare for flight, some of a bird's vertebrate are fused to provide a supporting foundation. However it also made the skeletal structure more rigid. To summarize, in the face of receiving such a high impact force to the body, the damage would become more widespread. 

Da Gong coughed, a bloody mucus splattered on the ground making him stare a little blankly at it. He could hear his own breath making a faint wheezing noise. It's seems his respiratory system was severely damaged as well. For the first time Da Gong was dealt such injury, it was like his body was in pieces and everything was a mix of hot, cold, numb and excruciatingly sensitive. It was extremely painful. 

However, hearing his beloved's screams just a few feet away was even more painful. Da Gong could not bear it. In contrast to his weakening body his silver eyes seemed to become brighter as if there was a fire burning inside, growing hotter and stronger as if defying death, threatening to burst free.

Shaking from exertion and his wounds, Da Gong got to his feet and silently moved closer to the prince. Limping and dragging his body, Da Gong could not even care about his pride and image, burning eyes only seeing the seventh prince hurting his little worm. 

Once he reached as close as he dared, Da Gong looked at his little worm silently. The human was too brutal, even now that his little worm had fainted from multiple blows to the head, the damned prince kept going. 

Da Gong clenched his beak. Even though roosters didn't have tear ducts in favour of their third eyelid, Da Gong inexplicably felt his eyes grow wet for the first time.

Little worm…

Soundlessly Da Gong determinedly raised his shaky wings up in an aggressive pose. His body was dirty, and bloody. His feathers broken and damaged and some places had lost his plumage almost completely. However this dying figure, if anybody had seen, was full of majesty and could make one's heart clench with an unknown emotion. 

What gave the rooster an even more mystical feeling was the stream of liquid flowing from his eyes. It was a bright, silvery red. Like lava.

As it dripped onto Da Gong's wounds, the bird's blood, as if it was gasoline to a match, caught on fire. A beautiful, violent fire.

Da Gong cried out and ran toward the seventh prince.

The fight with the seventh prince ended with both parties injured. Unfortunately as expected, it was Jia Hyson and Da Gong on the losing end. 

Maybe it was Jia Hyson's lucky constitution finally kicking in but father dragon had finally arrived on the scene and saved them last minute. Jia Hyson had been knocked out and did not know what had happened in the last part of the battle with Da Gong but father dragon more or less filled him on the details once he had woke up.

Da Gong had phoenix blood in him.

However… he was not a phoenix. 

It was simply that many, many years ago, one of the rooster's ancestors was indeed a great and powerful phoenix. Unfortunately when dragons moved to heaven, not everyone could follow them. Due to the increasingly weakening spiritual energy, there were many mythical beasts with high intelligence that felt a great sense of urgency to prolong the bloodline. Unfortunately these sort of amazing mythical beasts were also rare and, while not as bad as dragons, had a relatively low fertility as well. 

Therefore the explanation was to breed with lesser beasts that could survive with less spiritual energy. However not all the beasts nor the resulting offspring could handle the immense spiritual energies and power of a mythical beast bloodline, much less from a phoenix. There were many spiritual beasts that had been burned alive during the process of either intercourse, pregnancy, or labour. 

As for the female phoenixes- forget it, the sperm they took in was immediately baked and fried. There was really no hope there.

The very few offspring that did survive disappointingly showed more signs of their mother's traits than their father phoenix. And so while those children did show a few traits of the phoenix, as the generations continued it became less and less prevalent. 

In fact, it was only through sheer luck at the genetic lottery did Da Gong be blessed with such strong genes inherited through his phoenix heritage. Expressing greater intelligence and power than any normal rooster, as well as a higher body temperature and longer lifespan, it was already the strongest show of the phoenix genes for centuries ah. 

But just like how mermaids can't be called fish, Da Gong couldn't be called a phoenix. In fact more or less he was just a mutated rooster.

Jia Hyson, listening to this: …huh.

Father dragon who smiled for a brief moment at how cute his dumbstruck son was, then recalled the rooster's current state and could no longer hold the edges of his mouth up. "There's more Jin Bao… your mate…"

If Da Gong hadn't fought it wasn't known how long he could live, but considering his previous health and his supplementation of spiritual energy father dragon could conservatively estimate possibly another eight or nine years, maybe more. That was roughly about fifteen years of life. Most wild roosters could only live up to two to five years. 

However thanks to a great stimulation during the battle, Da Gong had fully awakened the phoenix blood he had inside him. His strength and agility had increased exponentially, and his body had been burning erratically. The seventh prince had clearly struggled fighting Da Gong who had gone completely berserk at the time, and the blood that the rooster had shed immediately burned the skin. 

When father dragon came, the seventh prince's state was really a little embarrassing to look at.

But Da Gong's was much worse.

Da Gong's body couldn't handle the pure phoenix heritage that had awakened under stress. Even if he had been at the peak of health his body would've broken down from the intense spiritual energy and phoenix fire bursting inside him, much less when he had been severely injured…

"When I came, your feathery friend was lying on top of you." Father dragon says softly. To be honest he too was very moved by the rooster. Even if he didn't see the entire proceedings he had good predictive intuition and could guess using his own past knowledge and extrapolation ability. "He was in a poor state and looked like a coal on its' last embers. The seventh prince was just about about to stab both you and him. Fortunately I came just in time to scare him off."

Jia Hyson's heart clenched. "But Da Gong? What about him? Is he okay?"


Da Gong was not okay.

The phoenix blood inside Da Gong allowed him to barely survive but it didn't allow him to heal the worst of his injuries. 

One wing completely mangled, various fractures in his skeletal structure, multiple cuts and scarring, and completely blinded in one eye… not to mention his feathers which had mainly been burnt off, singed, pulled or cut. The proud and powerful Da Gong had become a disabled bird who could barely balance himself. 

When Jia Hyson pulled his weak body to see Da Gong the first time he had cried desperately, emotionally he really couldn't stand the sight. If Jia Hyson couldn't take it, Ye Cheng who had raised Da Gong since he was a chick and had little experience in true bloodshed, practically collapsed mentally and physically right there and then. Both Ye Cheng and Jia Hyson had refused to leave the rooster's side.

Tang Muxin, Pan Shuchun and father dragon were all helpless. They did the best they could but because Da Gong's health and spirit had been consumed by the phoenix flame inside him, he could not afford to absorb any large amounts of spiritual energy which could feed the flame and further wreck his body. Without the ability or option to absorb miracle ingredients there was very little that could be done. 

It had been so bad that they had all feared the rooster might not wake up at all.

However Da Gong was strong, and eventually pulled through. But once he woke up he really wasn't the same. 

It was understandable. One couldn't go through such a life changing tragedy like this, something that had physically reshaped them into something they couldn't and didn't want to recognize, and continue to be normal. 

Jia Hyson did his best. He really felt affectionate toward the rooster and even when he was ugly, Jia Hyson did not want to leave or seriously consider other alternative options. Maybe it was because of his own guilt to Da Gong's state, or maybe it was the theory of feelings strengthening under a suspension bridge effect, but whatever it was, his feelings were definitely even better toward Da Gong. 

Da Gong also knew it. Even if he was more reticent and easily irritated, he did not doubt his little worm's thoughts for him. 

During these hard times, there were still many sweet moments.

For example Da Gong would open his beak and Jia Hyson would immediately understand and push a soft grape or some grain into his mouth sweetly, before lightly boop-ing his snout on the tip of his favorite rooster's beak. 

Or Jia Hyson would patiently lay down in front of him and let the bird slowly wipe him down with a damp cloth like they did in the past. Both would silently not acknowledge how much slower and weaker the wiping was, only enjoying the intimacy.

And on rainy days, too cool down Da Gong's internal heat, they would sit next to each other in the rain. Even though Jia Hyson couldn't lie on top of the bird, and was too big for Da Gong to nest on him like before, he could still gently curl around him as they basked in the cool drops of water hitting their bodies. 

It was a bit difficult. But… Jia Hyson thought it wasn't so bad.

Unfortunately this time could only last three months. 

Deep down he knew that Da Gong wasn't happy, that he couldn't handle any of this. The bird had always been prideful and domineering. Even though he says he doesn't regret it, that doesn't mean Da Gong doesn't mourn the outcome of the fight.

However… he didn't expect that Da Gong wouldn't recover from this either. At the very least, he didn't expect him to give up.

After three months Jia Hyson stared at the rooster blankly, not fully comprehending what Da Gong had just clucked. "You… you want to leave?" 

"Da Gong…" Jia Hyson's heart trembled in anger and grief, "You, you, I know that… it's been hard but.. my father! I'm sure we can find something, or maybe Tang Muxin could produce, no, yes! Pan Shuchun! She- she just has to do some things and she could probably earn enough points to get something that Tang Muxin could- you just have to wait a bit more okay? Da Gong? Da Gong!"

Da Gong watched him panic and babble and beg. Silent and coldly still, there was an air or reluctance and defeat in him. Compared to his usual sticky and domineering self, it was frighteningly different. Unfortunately the only thing that was the same was that stubborn determination in his eyes. As if he knew the best thing to do and nothing could stop him from doing what he wanted.

Jia Hyson felt something in him collapse a little bit. 

Why? Was the story too sweet? Why was something like this happening?

Before the battle Jia Hyson remembered he had felt guilty. No matter how amazing, Da Gong was still a rooster. The swords have no eyes, and even as mascots they were not necessarily safe from a tragic end. 

Maybe because of this guilt, it had brought a bit of insecurity in him. And so a few days before the battle with the seventh prince, he decided to ask a question that had been slightly bothering him for a long time. 

"Da Gong, why do you like me so much?"

Da Gong cocked his head before he tsk-ed as if he was being asked a stupid question. "Does it matter? I like what I like. Why must I have to explain why this feeling exists when the only thing that matters is what existing feelings I have. To me, you are the cutest. You are silly but obedient and I just find you charming."

Da Gong looked at him, before he stretched out a wing and gently caressed the side of the dragon's face. Jia Hyson naturally leaned into it. It was warm. "When I see you I never want you to be sad." Da Gong clucks, "However I'm sure they'll be times you are and so, whenever that happens… I want to be the one to wipe your tears away."

Jia Hyson: …

He couldn't even joke at how moved he was. Such simple words of love. It made his heart really ache. 

Da Gong tsk-ed helplessly and his primary wing feathers gently stroked the dragon's face which had unknowingly shed glistening tears. The tears glittered and we're very beautiful to look at, but Da Gong who was a rooster and only thought about his little worm's sadness and happiness. "So silly, why are you crying?"

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't lying." Jia Hyson retorted, feeling a bit embarrassed at how emotional he was being. 

"Hm." Da Gong could tell his little worm was trying to defend his sensitive little honour and wisely didn't argue. Instead, after understanding this crying was not from bitterness but affection, Da Gong excitedly touched the warm tears, happily soaking his soft feathers. It was like he was absorbing a little bit of his little worm's love like this. "How could I lie to my little worm? Just trust me. Everything will be okay."

Now Jia Hyson was crying again, but there was no feathers wiping his tears.

Da Gong hesitated, gaze wavering as he outstretched his broken, mutilated wing before dropping it in shame. How can such an ugly and disgusting self touch his beautiful wife? "Everything will be okay little worm," He coaxes weakly. 

Jia Hyson wipes his own tears with his claws bitterly, he didn't even care about being called a worm again, "You're a fucking liar." He spat angrily. "See if I don't eat you!"

Da Gong was helpless at his little worm's anguish, however it was really the only way. He couldn't continue living like this, suffering and weak. Da Gong rather would go while people still remembered him as before, go while his cute wife still remembered him at his best. "Just trust me. One more time. Okay?"

Jia Hyson understood that the other was serious. He wasn't a child after all but a man who had undergone four lifetimes before this one. Not to mention he was a pragmatic, ruthless and fickle slag man. 

After the initial burst of intense emotion he could think a bit clearer. Da Gong's identity was unique, not just his physical body but his soul too. He probably wasn't giving him empty coaxing words but really had a possible way to do something about the situation.

Even if he didn't, the bird was truly in pain and as the dragon closest to him, Jia Hyson knew that life was not easy to live for Da Gong. He has experienced seeing loved ones and friends grow old and ill, and he knew it was better to let them go in peace then to prolong their days for his own selfishness.

But it was hard. He was selfish. He wanted to cry and make the other hurt and bleed and feel worse then himself. He wanted to yell painful words and emotionally manipulate the other until his self-worth was ripped to shreds.

He… really didn't want Da Gong to go.

But, he cared. He really, really cared. 

So it wasn't about what he wanted anymore.

Swallowing the heaviness in his throat, Jia Hyson finally nods with great unwillingness. 

"This… fine. But take this." Shakily, Jia Hyson pulls out something bright and shining from Bebe's space and presses it to Da Gong's chest. Bebe was for once, silent. It didn't have the heart to argue about what Jia Hyson gave the rooster. 

Even though it was an unknown thing, Da Gong trustingly stood still and let the bright item slowly and unnervingly enter his body. Once it was all inside, it was just Jia Hyson's claw gently against him. Both their breathing grew ragged. 

"Come back soon, Da Gong."

"..I love you, little worm."

And so.

Da Gong left with a newly freed Chef Wen. 

Jia Hyson hasn't seen the rooster since then.


My new years resolution is to hurt my readers more >:3

Also to get more ko-fi :3

(pls kofi me https://ko-fi.com/hweichan)

LittleBlueLakecreators' thoughts