
[Ben 10] Omnivers:Reborn Branch

Max Turner wakes up in the body of Ben Tennyson, As he grapples with newfound realities and faces immediate threats, Professor Paradox appears, revealing that Max has crossed into a parallel branch of the main Primus world. Max, now in Ben's shoes, must navigate the complexities of being a hero while unraveling the mysteries of this alternate reality.

The_Segnis · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Training

Ben's day at school was anything but ordinary. The weight of the looming Aeonexus threat lingered in the back of his mind, making each class feel like an eternity. The final bell rang, bringing anticipation for what awaited him at home.

Upon arriving home, Grandpa Max awaited, a stern expression etched on his face. "Ben, now that you're here, get ready; we're heading to your training ground."

"What? But Grandpa, I just got home. At least let me relax and rest for a little," Ben complained, his tired face reflecting exhaustion.

"No time to waste, Ben. Get ready. You need to be prepared to face this new threat. You can rest in the Rust Bucket; it'll take about an hour or so to get there," Max stated with an unwavering sternness.

The ride to the undisclosed training base was filled with heavy silence, the gravity of the situation hanging in the air. Max finally broke the quiet, "I've sent a message to The Plumbers Organize. Some members will slowly contact the others. Some may not want to be here again."

"The Plumbers will start operating slowly. My word alone is not enough. They have to confirm the situation before mobilizing to counter the Aeonexus threat. But, Ben, we can't solely rely on them. Your training is crucial."

"Yes, I know, Grandpa. I will give it my all. But I'm worried it won't be enough to defeat whatever that thing is. Can I defeat it?" Ben's gaze fixed on the passing road, distant doubts plaguing him.

Max sighed, the weight of his years settled in his eyes. "Seeing you and Gwen at odds fighting to save the world cuts deep, Ben. We've been through a lot, and I don't want this family torn apart. You mean the world to us."

Reassuringly, Max placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. "Despite the clashes, we're here for you. We believe in you, and we'll stand by your side through thick and thin. You're not alone in this, and you never will be."

Ben looked up at Max, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "Thanks, Grandpa. Knowing you guys are with me makes a world of difference. I won't let you down, I promise."


The Plumbers' base, located underground beneath Mount Rushmore, served as the headquarters for the secret organization dealing with extraterrestrial threats.

Approaching the hidden location, Max explained, "This is where you'll learn to fight not just aliens, to know how to face the danger and be trained by me. I've set up simulations, obstacle courses, and combat scenarios. It's time for you to become the hero Earth needs."

"This base is as good as abandoned, exposed during your fight with the Negative Ten. So we can use this for your training, temporarily," Max said as they entered the facility. Ben was greeted by a high-tech environment with holographic displays and state-of-the-art equipment. Max guided him, explaining each section's purpose.

"This area is for combat training," Max gestured toward a holographic arena. "We'll work on perfecting your combat skills, strategizing against different adversaries. Aeonexus won't be a walk in the park, Ben."

Looking around the training area, Ben had a puzzled expression. "Hey, Grandpa, where's Gwen? Why isn't she here training with us? I don't know if there is magic training here. I know she's taken martial arts classes, but wouldn't it be better with you teaching both of us? Your experiences could help us learn a lot more."

Max adjusted a piece of equipment, a wry smile on his face. "Gwen's parents are keen on her prioritizing education. They're protective about keeping her out of danger. If they knew what we're doing, especially with you, us fighting, dealing with aliens and now a threat that could kill everyone, every dimension, it wouldn't sit well. They're not thrilled about her being part of our extraterrestrial adventures."

"We're saving the world, but yeah you're right. No one wants their child to face a threat that could get them killed. And well, we didn't tell them what we were doing either but what about me? How did I convince my parents, what did you say" Ben questioned.

Max nodded, "Well, I just told them that, with you going to school then coming home not doing anything productive, said that maybe I could take you and teach you something as I was not just a plumber but also an Air Force veteran. Maybe you could pick up something, you want. It's a tough balance. We've got to be secretive and keep things low-key. Your parents are more lenient, luckily, but they have their limits."

Gesturing towards the base, Max explained, "That's why our setup is discreet. We've got to be careful, Ben. It's not just about saving the world; it's about making sure we have the freedom to do it."

As the training session commenced, Max became the mentor, imparting his vast knowledge. "The Plumbers are doing their part, but you can't solely rely on them. The fate of our dimension rests on your shoulders. Now, let's get to work."

Under Max's guidance, Ben faced simulations testing his abilities. Holographic scenarios challenged him to think strategically and utilize the diverse powers of the Omnitrix.

Max observed Ben facing a holographic adversary. "Remember, Ben, it's not just about brute force. Think strategically. Each alien form has its strengths and weaknesses. Use them wisely."

Ben underwent diverse training scenarios, his alien transformations adapting to challenges. Max provided guidance, encouraging him to switch forms strategically.

Facing a strong combat alien, Max suggested, "In this scenario, try Four Arms. Enhance your physical strength, but remember, agility is key."

For a puzzle-like challenge, Max recommended, "For this, Grey Matter would be handy. Use your intellect to navigate through."

Switching to a combat simulation, Max nodded, "Heatblast now, Ben. Let's see how you handle intense battle situations."

Breathless, Ben questioned, "This is intense, Grandpa. I've never trained like this before."

Attempting a swift attack, Ben was countered effortlessly by the hologram. Max intervened, "You're relying too much on power alone. Dodge, think ahead, and exploit their vulnerabilities."

Max adjusted simulation settings, emphasizing the importance. "It's crucial, Ben. You've got incredible abilities, but mastering them takes practice. Let's try a scenario where speed is key."

Facing a faster opponent, Max coached, "Use XLR8 for quick manoeuvres. Anticipate the moves. It's not just about the aliens; it's about your strategy."


As the training progressed, Ben seamlessly transitioned between alien forms. Max encouraged, "The key is versatility. Know when to be fierce, when to be strategic."

Breathing heavily, Ben grinned, "This is wild, Grandpa. But I'm getting the hang of switching things up."

Max chuckled, "That's the spirit. Your Omnitrix is a toolbox; use each tool wisely. You're not just mastering aliens; you're mastering the art of adapting to any situation."

Through rigorous combat training and simulations, Ben grasped his newfound abilities. The recalibrated Omnitrix responded more efficiently, unlocking a seamless transition between alien forms.


As the training session progressed until evening, Ben's exhaustion mirrored the intensity. Max walked over, "You pushed through, Ben. That's commendable. But we've only just started. Your Omnitrix is powerful, yet your skills and strategy will make the difference."

Max emphasized teamwork and unity within the Tennyson family. "Teamwork training is about understanding strengths. For now, you'll be training on your own until we can get Gwen here."

Ben nodded, still catching his breath. "I never thought training could be this intense, Grandpa. But I can feel myself improving."

Max offered a hand to help Ben up. "That's the spirit. It's all about pushing your limits and adapting. Tomorrow, we'll continue, but for now, rest up. Becoming a hero isn't just about the powers; it's about how you use them."

As they walked away from the training area, Max continued, "And always remember, Ben, the best heroes know when to fight and when to strategize. That's the key to making a real difference."


The Rust Bucket drove silently, Max glancing at Ben sleeping in the passenger seat. A mixture of concern and affection played on his face as he pulled into the driveway.

"We're home, Ben," Max said softly, gently shaking Ben awake. "You can go rest now."

Ben groggily woke up, rubbing his eyes. "We're here already. Yes, sweet bed, sweet resting place." As Ben got up, his muscles cramped. "Uhh, today's training was... intense."

Max smiled with a hint of pride and concern. "It was, Ben. But it's necessary. Take care of yourself. You're going to have muscle cramps all over your body, but you did great today. I'm proud of you. You can take two days off; it's not good in your condition to train more. I'll be talking with Gwen's parents to have her with us."

As Ben stepped out of the car, he turned back, a sincere expression on his face. "Thanks for everything today, Grandpa. I appreciate it more than you know."

Max's eyes reflected a grandfather's love and worry. "Anytime, Ben. Always here for you. Get some rest."

Ben waved, heading towards his home. Max watched him go, his thoughts a mix of pride and concern for the challenges that lay ahead. The night settled over them, casting shadows on the path that stretched into the unknown.

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