
"Void Century Chronicles: Azrael's Odyssey in One Piece"

Witness the extraordinary journey of Azrael D. Franz, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to the captivating world of One Piece. Bestowed with five divine blessings from a higher power, Azrael embarks on an awe-inspiring quest to uncover the enigmatic secrets veiled within the Void Century. Join him on an adventure of epic proportions as he strives to ascend to unparalleled strength and claim the title of the mightiest individual in the realm of One Piece. Disclaimer: i do not own one piece note: #english is not my main language#proud to be filipino#OP MC#im only written it through cp

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20 Chs


As the battle between Franz, Moria, and Wrath reached its climax, the clash of their conqueror's haki created a phenomenon unlike anything ever witnessed. A swirling collision of purple, red, and yellow auras engulfed the battlefield, causing the earth to crack and the sky to split. The once serene Sabaody Archipelago was torn asunder, with half of its land lost in the wake of this devastating encounter.

Franz, tapping into the depths of his power, overwhelmed both Moria and Wrath. His conqueror's haki surged forth, its immense pressure causing even the strongest warriors to tremble. He utilized his dominion over water, summoning a colossal pillar of water from the ground. The pillar surged towards his adversaries with incredible force, threatening to engulf them.

Not one to relent, Franz encased Moria and Wrath in a water burial prison. The watery confinement restricted their movements, making escape seemingly impossible. Moria, known for his ability to manipulate shadows, attempted to teleport but found himself trapped by the suffocating water. In a desperate bid to free themselves, they attempted to absorb the water using Gluttony's power, but their efforts proved futile.

Amidst the raging battle, Franz's laughter echoed through the prison of water. His voice carried a sinister undertone as he revealed a chilling truth to his adversaries. "Did you know that the human body is composed of 60% water?" His words hung in the air, perplexing Moria and Wrath.

Before they could fully comprehend the implications of Franz's statement, a sense of horror washed over them. Their bodies began to swell, bloating with an unbearable pressure. Panic gripped them as they realized their imminent demise. The realization struck them too late as Franz calmly uttered a single word, "EXPLODE."

A cataclysmic explosion erupted from within the water burial prison, obliterating Moria and Wrath in an instant. The force of the blast shattered the remnants of Sabaody Archipelago, leaving behind a scene of devastation and awe. Marines and onlookers stood in horrified silence, witnessing the unimaginable power unleashed by Franz.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the silence was deafening. The once formidable adversaries were no more, their bodies disintegrated, and their powers extinguished. Franz stood amidst the wreckage, his body unscathed, his smile a haunting testament to his triumph.

The marines who bore witness to this unprecedented display of power were struck with awe and fear. Franz had shattered the very fabric of their understanding, leaving them to question the limits of strength and the nature of their own existence. The legend of Franz grew in their hearts, a name spoken in hushed whispers, a symbol of both awe-inspiring power and indomitable will.

As the echoes of battle faded, a profound silence settled over the shattered archipelago. Franz, the conqueror of souls, stood as the lone victor in this clash of titans, his power and resolve unyielding. Yet, in the depths of his eyes, a flicker of anticipation remained—a hunger for the next challenge that awaited him on the path of his relentless quest.

As the news of Franz's overwhelming victory reached the ears of Fleet Admiral Sengoku, a surge of anger coursed through his veins. He slammed his fist on the table, the sheer force causing the room to tremble. The defeat of Moria and Wrath, two formidable adversaries, left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Foolishness! Incompetence!" Sengoku growled, his voice filled with rage. "We were supposed to capture Franz, not be crushed by him! I will not tolerate such failure!"

With a resolute expression, Sengoku issued a stern command to his subordinates. "Order a retreat! Do not engage Franz any further. He is far more dangerous than we anticipated. Akainu, your mission now is to retrieve the fallen officers and bring them back. Under no circumstances are you to confront Franz directly."

The marines swiftly relayed the order, their faces etched with a mix of relief and apprehension. They understood the gravity of the situation and the overwhelming power that Franz possessed. Discretion became paramount, and their mission shifted from capturing Franz to salvaging what remained.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil sanctuary of Shakky's bar, Franz and Dunbar sought refuge after their arduous battle. They entered the establishment, the scent of adventure and camaraderie permeating the air. The patrons glanced up from their conversations, briefly acknowledging the presence of the formidable duo.

Amidst the gathering, a figure caught Franz's attention—the legendary Dark King himself, Silvers Rayleigh. A wry smile formed on Franz's face as he approached the seasoned pirate, his eyes glimmering with respect and curiosity. Rayleigh returned the smile, recognizing the aura of strength that emanated from Franz.

Seated at a table, Franz and Rayleigh engaged in a conversation that transcended words. They exchanged insights, dissecting the intricacies of their respective battles and delving into the depths of their fighting techniques. The temporary respite allowed Franz to not only replenish his energy but also gain valuable knowledge from a living legend.

As the night wore on, Franz and Dunbar found solace in the presence of fellow warriors. They reveled in the company of those who understood the trials and triumphs of their journey. Their minds remained sharp, analyzing every detail of the battles they had fought, seeking to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.

In the depths of Franz's gaze, a fire burned brighter than ever—a relentless determination to push beyond his limits, to conquer the challenges that awaited him. Resting for now, he knew that his path would soon call him once more, beckoning him to rise and face the unforgiving trials that awaited.

In Shakky's bar, amidst the camaraderie and shared tales of adventure, Franz prepared himself for the next chapter in his extraordinary journey, driven by the insatiable hunger for power and the unwavering will to protect those he held dear. The clash with the marines was just the beginning, a precursor to the battles that would shape his destiny.