
"Uchiha Resurgence: Last Embers of the Ninja World"

In the solemn morgue, where the fallen members of the Uchiha clan lay in silence, he awoke to a haunting reality. A mysterious voice, barely audible, whispered beside his ear, stirring his confusion. "Saving the ninja world—what does it have to do with me?" As a second survivor and a remnant of the Uchiha lineage, he grappled with the weight of destiny thrust upon him. ........................................................ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Note: Book cover is not mine I taken it from pinterest so If original book cover creater wants to take down the cover from novel . he can just DM me or message in comments, I will withdraw it. Daily 2 chapters or more updates.

Anubhav_Bharshiv · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 43:The Strongest Support

On the night of the fireworks festival, Shinji's suspicions about Karin intensified. Later, upon learning that Karin and Mizuki had been together the night Naruto was attacked, he became convinced that something was amiss.

Mizuki was Orochimaru's informant within the village, without a doubt. Connecting the dots between Karin, Mizuki, and the attack on Naruto led Shinji to speculate. It wasn't difficult for him to deduce that someone was targeting the Nine-Tails, whether to unleash its rampage upon Konoha or for some other purpose.

Looking at Karin's reaction now, his suspicions seemed confirmed.

Karin snapped back to reality. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Shinji chuckled. "Yes, I think Konoha would be interested in hearing your defense."

Panicked, Karin asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry," Shinji reassured her with a wave of his hand. "I'm not interested in tailed beasts, nor do I care about Konoha."

"Then what do you want?" Karin asked, full of uncertainty.

Shinji fixed his gaze on her. "I want you."

Startled, Karin stepped back, panic filling her eyes.

Coughing lightly, Shinji continued with some embarrassment, "I mean, I want your talents."

Relieved, Karin sighed.

Her and her mother's unparalleled abilities had always drawn unwanted attention and exploitation.

Observing Karin's demeanor, Shinji felt an unexpected pang of empathy. After a long pause, he continued, "I'll keep your secret and protect you. In return, you'll join my organization and work for me."

Tentatively, Karin asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple," Shinji replied casually. "Use your skills—like healing and perception."

"Is that all?" Karin asked, determined.

Shinji nodded. "You don't need to doubt me on this. I don't play games with matters like this. You contribute your abilities, and I provide protection. That's it."

"Alright," Karin agreed without much hesitation.

Accustomed to being used, she knew sincerity when she heard it.

"Our organization is called 'Akatsuki'," Shinji informed her. "You won't need to report anything to the organization or interfere with your other obligations. But there's one rule you must follow."

"What's that?"

"Never divulge anything about the organization to anyone," Shinji emphasized, his tone firm. "If you break this rule, you won't like the consequences."

To reinforce his point, Shinji activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, casting an illusion on Karin.

Instantly, Karin's eyes glazed over, her expression blank.

Quickly dispelling the illusion, Shinji said calmly, "Being part of Akatsuki isn't a bad deal for you."

Coming out of the illusion, Karin was astonished. "Are you from the Uchiha clan?"

Her shock was understandable. As far as she knew, there were only three Uchihas alive in the ninja world today: Shinji Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, and the notorious S-rank criminal, Uchiha Itachi, who had single-handedly wiped out the entire Uchiha clan.

Seeing his strategy succeed, Shinji left Karin's apartment.

Meeting the Yukimarus hidden in the shadows downstairs, Shinji glanced back at Karin's apartment, pondering her frightened expression. He muttered to himself, "Did I go too far?"

"Yeah, making me stay here all night was a bit much!" Yukimaru nodded vigorously.

Glancing at Yukimaru, Shinji retorted, "I'm the one paying you for that!"

Pouting, Yukimaru retreated into the shadows.

Without lingering further, Shinji disappeared into the street.

His use of the Mangekyo Sharingan wasn't just to intimidate Karin; it was also to thwart her sensory abilities, known as the "Kagura Mind Eye". With this advanced perception skill, Karin could detect chakra signatures over vast distances and see through basic transformations and clones. By using the Mangekyo Sharingan, Shinji manipulated Karin's perception of chakra, obscuring his true identity.

After intentionally traveling to a remote forest to deactivate his Mangekyo Sharingan, Shinji quietly returned to his apartment.

He had appointed Karin as his second attendant because her abilities were invaluable. Beyond her exceptional perception, she possessed unparalleled healing skills, having once saved Sasuke's life multiple times in the original timeline.

Back in his apartment, Shinji discarded his disguise and lay down on his bed.

"The enemies ahead are troublesome," he thought to himself.

He had decided to handle the most difficult battles alone, leaving Haku and Karin to manage the rest. With time and experience, both Haku and Karin had the potential to become formidable assets.

Early the next morning, Shinji found Yukimaru squatting by his bedside, nervously inquiring, "How did it go?"

Yukimaru yawned. "She stayed inside all night, never left the apartment."

Relieved, Shinji sighed.

But he couldn't afford to let his guard down. It had been late when he left Karin, so even if she had wanted to take action, it might not have been feasible.

After considering this, he instructed Yukimaru, "Good job. Rest up, but continue monitoring tonight."

Yukimaru stretched and exclaimed, "Finally, some rest!"

"You worked hard last night," Shinji acknowledged with a smile.

Yukimaru waved its paw at Shinji before disappearing into the shadows, returning to its homeland.

As Yukimaru left, Shinji muttered to himself, "Tonight, the game continues."

End of chapter.