
"Uchiha Resurgence: Last Embers of the Ninja World"

In the solemn morgue, where the fallen members of the Uchiha clan lay in silence, he awoke to a haunting reality. A mysterious voice, barely audible, whispered beside his ear, stirring his confusion. "Saving the ninja world—what does it have to do with me?" As a second survivor and a remnant of the Uchiha lineage, he grappled with the weight of destiny thrust upon him. ........................................................ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Note: Book cover is not mine I taken it from pinterest so If original book cover creater wants to take down the cover from novel . he can just DM me or message in comments, I will withdraw it. Daily 2 chapters or more updates.

Anubhav_Bharshiv · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 42:The Second attendent

"Akatsuki organization?!" Haku exclaimed in shock.

Just moments ago, he had unwittingly become a member of this extremely dangerous organization.

The black shadow urged again, "All information you gather about this organization must be reported to me immediately. Remember, everything!"

"Should I report on myself?" Haku began to speak, wanting to confess to the shadow that he had joined Akatsuki. However, the words caught in his throat and he swallowed them back.

The sheer terror associated with Akatsuki unsettled him. Figures like Juzo Biwa of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Uchiha Itachi, who had personally brought devastation to the Uchiha clan, seemed distant and formidable to him.

He never imagined he would become colleagues with such influential individuals, let alone join their organization.

Simultaneously, Haku feared that exposing Akatsuki's secrets would endanger not only himself and his fellow intelligence agents but also innocent individuals like Shinji.

Additionally, he faced another dilemma: despite joining Akatsuki, he possessed little more knowledge about the organization than anyone else. Even if he were to report now, he couldn't provide valuable information.

Thus, he found himself entangled in deep thought.

Observing Haku's serious expression and furrowed brow, the black shadow assumed he was reeling from the information about Akatsuki and paid no further heed. Finally, he cautioned, "Be cautious on your way back."

With that, the black shadow vanished into the forest, leaving behind silence.

After a long moment, Haku sighed quietly.

The events of the day had been utterly bizarre. On one hand, he still hadn't grasped why he was selected and coerced into joining the mysterious Akatsuki. On the other hand, he was now ordered to uncover all information about the organization.

His mind raced with conflicting thoughts.

Back in his apartment, Shinji listened to Yukimaru's report with surprise. "That's all he said?"

Counting banknotes meticulously, Yukimaru replied, "Yeah, that's it."

"Why didn't he report to his superior (Black Shadow)?" Shinji pondered.

Having seen Haku slip out mysteriously at night, Shinji had already sensed something amiss and prepared to dismiss Haku as his attendant.

Unexpectedly, Haku had honored his promise and kept the secret!

Satisfied, Yukimaru stowed away the banknotes and remembered suddenly, "Oh yeah, he's approaching you intentionally. Be careful!"

"I'm already aware," Shinji's expression remained unchanged.

He had discerned Haku's deliberate approach earlier but had been uncertain of the reasons until now.

Others might not comprehend Kirigakure's grievances against the Uchiha, but Shinji did.

To be precise, it wasn't the Uchiha clan that attacked Kirigakure, but Uchiha Madara.

For decades, while presumed dead, Uchiha Madara covertly controlled Kirigakure through his Sharingan.

His shadow loomed over several ninja wars and internal conflicts within Kirigakure, including the incident triggering the Three-Tails' rampage in Konoha during the Third Ninja War.

That incident led to Rin Nohara's death in battle, Obito's transformation into the feared black-masked man, and Uchiha Madara's puppetry.

Thus, Kirigakure's animosity towards the Uchiha was understandable.

However, Kirigakure had remained unaware in the original timeline. Later, the Fourth Mizukage, poised to revitalize Kirigakure, fell under Obito's sway, plunging Kirigakure once more into darkness.

But now, something had changed. Kirigakure seemed to have uncovered Uchiha Madara's past misdeeds, prompting them to dispatch Haku to investigate the Uchiha.

"It appears Kirigakure is already taking precautions. If Obito intends to manipulate the Fourth Mizukage covertly, it won't be as straightforward."

Shaking off these thoughts, Shinji refocused. Kirigakure's affairs were none of his concern. Amid his own turmoil, he had no time or inclination to worry about them. Haku was the only one who could keep a secret, and Kirigakure could do as they pleased. He had no interest in interfering.

At that moment, Yukimaru glanced furtively at Shinji.

Sensing the gaze, Shinji inquired, "What's wrong?"

"Little Shinji..." Yukimaru approached.

"Don't call me 'little'!" Shinji interrupted sharply.

Undeterred, Yukimaru extended its front paws and nudged Shinji gently. "Be careful. Don't die."

Shinji froze momentarily, feeling an unexpected surge of emotion.

Before he could respond, Yukimaru continued earnestly, "I still owe you a debt!"

Shinji's expression darkened instantly. "Hmph, so you do care about me!"

Yukimaru nodded emphatically. "Of course! I don't want to lose my job so soon."

Seizing Yukimaru by the scruff of its neck, Shinji lifted it up.

Yukimaru protested, "What are you doing?"

"Your shift isn't over yet!" Shinji declared, ignoring Yukimaru's struggles. "Follow me. There's another target!"

As they stealthily approached another apartment building nearby, Shinji pointed to a unit on the second floor and whispered to Yukimaru, "Hide in the shadows obediently. After I leave, monitor the occupant's activities until dawn. Report back before returning."

Yukimaru raised its paws in protest. "I object!"

"Your objection is noted!"

With that, Shinji vanished into the night, leaving Yukimaru behind.

Inside the second-floor apartment, Karin sat curled up on her bed, hugging her knees.

Despite having classmates at school, her unique status made her wary of forming close bonds, fearing it might arouse suspicion.

Consequently, she remained withdrawn, longing to connect with peers like Shinji, Haku, and others who shared a similar background.

"I really want to be friends with them!"

The isolation among a crowd gnawed at her, leaving her feeling perpetually alone.

Suddenly, a noise from the balcony drew her attention.

Karin rose to investigate, only to find a figure entering through the balcony.

Thankfully, the intruder kept their distance, casually leaning against the wall and observing her.

"Who are you?" Karin tensed up.

The figure wore a mask and a cloak adorned with red clouds on a black background, exuding an air of mystery.

It was Shinji, who had infiltrated Karin's apartment unnoticed.

With a hint of jest, he remarked, "Honestly, I'm curious. What's Kyuubi's role here?"

Karin felt as though lightning had struck her, staggering back in panic.

Shinji internally chuckled, "I guessed right!"

End of chapter.