
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · Movies
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26 Chs

3."Unexpected Encounters"

Standing outside the coffee shop, I patiently waited for Bheeshma to arrive and pick me up. You might be wondering where my car and bike are. Well, after my morning walk, I joined my family for breakfast, only to find Bheeshma absent. I figured he must have gone to the police station to meet ACP Deva and fulfill his assigned duties.

After breakfast, I settled onto the sofa, contemplating my relatively light workload for the day. Since I didn't have much on my plate, I decided to stroll to the nearby coffee shop. A spontaneous desire for coffee struck me, and without bothering to take my car or bike, I set out on foot. Sometimes, a leisurely walk can be quite refreshing.

The streets were alive with the morning hustle and bustle as I made my way to the familiar coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers from nearby pots, creating a comforting atmosphere.

Entering the café, I exchanged nods with the barista, a familiar face who recognized me as a regular patron. Her warm smile conveyed a sense of welcome as she greeted me with a cheerful "Good morning, Mr. Prasad. The usual?"

Returning her smile, I nodded in affirmation, acknowledging her familiarity with my preferred order. Making my way to a nearby table, I settled into the plush seat, taking in the ambiance of the café. The soft murmur of conversations, the clinking of cups, and the gentle hum of background music blended together harmoniously, providing a serene backdrop for my thoughts.

As I awaited my coffee, I glanced around the cozy space, noticing the eclectic mix of patrons engrossed in their own conversations or lost in thought. It was moments like these, amidst the comforting familiarity of my favorite coffee shop, that allowed me to unwind and gather my thoughts before diving into the day's activities.

Soon, my steaming cup of black coffee arrived, its rich aroma enticing my senses. Grateful for the simple pleasure it promised, I wrapped my hands around the mug, taking a moment to savor the first sip, letting its warmth wash over me, soothing both body and mind.

After bidding farewell to the friendly barista, I stepped out of the coffee shop, feeling invigorated by the caffeine boost from my black coffee. The morning sun cast a golden glow over the bustling streets, infusing the air with warmth as I paused to take in the sights and sounds of the city.

As I reached for my phone to check the time, it began to ring, indicating an incoming call from Bheeshma. With a curious smile, I answered the call, greeted by his familiar voice on the other end. "Hey, what's up bro?" I asked, eager to hear what had prompted his call.

Bheeshma wasted no time in getting to the point, his tone filled with curiosity. "I heard from Ma that you didn't take your bike or car with you. How are you planning to get to the company then?" he inquired. His concern was evident, reflecting the close bond we shared as siblings.

Chuckling lightly, I reassured him of my options. "Oh, I have a few alternatives. I can always head back home, call Seenu to pick me up, or simply hail a rickshaw," I explained, feeling confident in my ability to find transportation.

However, Bheeshma, ever the reliable brother, offered to come to my rescue. "If that's the case, I'll swing by and pick you up. Just send me your location," he suggested, his willingness to help evident in his voice.

Grateful for his offer, I quickly shared my location with him, appreciating the convenience of having my brother come to my aid. With that settled, I stood on the sidewalk, awaiting Bheeshma's arrival, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the cityscape.

As I stood there, the sight of a police car pulling up in front of me didn't faze me in the slightest. After all, even the Prime Minister couldn't rattle me if he knew who I truly was and what I was capable of. So, with a calm demeanor, I observed as the window of the jeep slid open, revealing Bheeshma in the driver's seat. "What's this? Who gave you this police car?" I questioned, a hint of amusement in my voice.

Bheeshma motioned for me to join him inside, gesturing towards the passenger seat. "Come on in and take a seat," he replied. Following his invitation, I settled into the seat beside him, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events. As Bheeshma started the engine and began to drive, he explained the situation to me.

"It turns out that ACP Deva's driver is on holiday for the next four days, so I've been appointed as his temporary replacement. After dropping him off, I was instructed to head to the police station. That's when Ma called me and informed me about your whereabouts. Since our company is on the way, I thought I'd drop you off there," he elaborated.

His explanation brought a chuckle to my lips. "Hahaha, you're a driver now, huh?" I teased, unable to resist poking fun at his new role. Bheeshma let out a resigned sigh, accustomed to my playful banter. "Well, it looks like it," he conceded with a shrug.

"Nevertheless, I appreciate your help," I continued, expressing my gratitude. Bheeshma waved off my thanks, dismissing it as nothing out of the ordinary. With a shared understanding and a sense of camaraderie, we continued our journey towards our destination, enjoying the camaraderie of brotherhood amidst the unexpected twist of fate.

As Bheeshma drove, a sudden burst of bright light illuminated the road ahead, momentarily blinding us. As our eyes adjusted, we noticed a group of girls standing near a car on the roadside. One of them extended her hand, signaling for a lift. Bheeshma's reaction was unexpected—he seemed stunned, as if he had just glimpsed the love of his life.

The scene triggered a memory of Bheeshma's encounter with Chaitra, a moment that had left a lasting impression on him. But to my surprise, the girl standing there bore no resemblance to Rashmika Mandanna, the actress who played Chaitra in the film.

Up until this point, everyone I had encountered—my mother, father, Bheeshma, Anu, Viswanath uncle, Seenu, Ammu—had resembled their on-screen counterparts. This consistency in appearance was due to a peculiar phenomenon I had noticed: the people in my life often resembled the actors who portrayed them in movies.

My realization about the disparity between real-life individuals and their on-screen counterparts dawned on me quite early, thanks to a rather peculiar observation involving JP uncle. You see, JP uncle, a family friend, didn't quite resemble the actor who portrayed him in the movies. His features were distinct, his mannerisms unique—unlike the character I had grown accustomed to seeing on the screen.

This anomaly piqued my curiosity and led me to observe others around me more closely. Over time, I noticed that most people in my life bore a striking resemblance to the actors who portrayed them in films. It became almost like a curious quirk of fate—a strange coincidence that amused me.

However, encountering Chaitra on the roadside shattered this pattern. She stood there, a real-life individual, yet her appearance deviated entirely from the actress, Rashmika Mandanna, who played her on screen. It was a revelation that challenged my perception of reality, leaving me intrigued and wondering about the complexities of existence and representation.

As Chaitra stood by the roadside, Bheeshma's face lit up with a bright smile, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of joy and excitement. Observing his unusual behavior, I arched an eyebrow in bemusement, silently questioning his sudden display of gratitude.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity and amusement. But before I could receive a response, Bheeshma's demeanor took an unexpected turn. With a reverent gesture, he reached out to touch my feet, his words echoing with a fervent sense of gratitude.

"Thank you, Lord Krishna, for giving me the love of my life," he exclaimed, his voice filled with heartfelt emotion. Stunned by his actions, I instinctively recoiled, caught off guard by the unexpected display of reverence.

I swiftly intervened, reminding him of the imminent danger on the road. "Stop, stop! What the heck are you doing?" I exclaimed, my tone laced with a hint of exasperation. "I am just Krishna, not God Krishna. Don't touch my feet, and focus on the road, or we'll have an accident!"

My words seemed to jolt Bheeshma back to reality as he quickly withdrew his hand and offered an apologetic response. "Sorry, Krishna. I just got a little carried away," he admitted, his expression reflecting a mix of embarrassment and regret.

Feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation, I let out a sigh, my breath escaping in a subtle release of tension. Meanwhile, Bheeshma brought the car to a stop in front of Chaitra, his expression still tinged with a lingering sense of embarrassment from his earlier display of reverence.

As Chaitra approached the car, her gaze swept over us, her expression momentarily puzzled as if she was searching for someone she knew. I could sense her expectation, likely anticipating to find ACP Deva seated inside. However, to her surprise, she found us instead.

With a sheepish smile, Chaitra apologized softly, her demeanor suggesting a mix of embarrassment and disappointment. Before she could walk away, Bheeshma's voice cut through the air, calling out to her with a sense of urgency.

"Hey, wait a minute!" he exclaimed, hastily rolling down the window and stepping out of the car to approach Chaitra. I remained seated, observing the interaction unfold from the comfort of the passenger seat.

Bheeshma's sudden action caught Chaitra off guard, causing her to halt in her tracks and turn back, her curiosity piqued by his gesture. From my vantage point inside the car, I watched as Bheeshma exchanged a few words with Chaitra, his expression earnest as he sought to engage her in conversation.

As Bheeshma approached Chaitra, he greeted her warmly, his expression friendly and inviting. "Hey, what happened?" he inquired, his tone gentle.

Chaitra looked relieved to have encountered a helpful stranger, explaining, "Our car is in bad condition, so I was looking for a lift."

Bheeshma's smile widened as he reassured her, "What's more safe than a police car? Please, come and take a seat." He gestured towards the car, indicating the ample space available.

But before Chaitra could accept the offer, she hesitated, addressing Bheeshma respectfully, "Sir..."

Bheeshma turned his attention back to her, his curiosity piqued. "What happened?" he asked, ready to address any concerns she might have.

Chaitra hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I also have friends with me."

Bheeshma nodded understandingly, his reassuring smile unwavering. "We have plenty of space in the back. They can sit there comfortably," he suggested.

Chaitra smiled appreciatively and went to call her friends, while Bheeshma approached the driver's seat. Glancing towards me, he couldn't contain his amusement, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Sensing his playful mood, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. "What's going on?" I asked warily, a hint of suspicion in my voice.

Bheeshma's grin widened as he teased, "Hey, Krishna, do you want your brother— I mean, me—to find a wife and start taking responsibilities?"

Raising an eyebrow at his unexpected remark, I replied cautiously, "Yes..."

Bheeshma continued, his playful tone evident, "So, can you please sit in the back seat?"

Initially resistant, I relented with a sigh, realizing that arguing with Bheeshma would only prolong the inevitable. "Fine, bro," I acquiesced, reluctantly taking my place in the back seat.

As Chaitra and her friends approached the car, Chaitra noticed me seated in the back and seemed puzzled. "Why is he sitting in the back?" she asked, directing her question to Bheeshma.

I chose to remain silent, hoping to avoid any unnecessary explanations. However, Bheeshma quickly came to my defense, offering a simple explanation. "Oh, he just prefers sitting in the back. It's more comfortable for him. Don't worry about it. Come on, take a seat," he reassured Chaitra with a casual smile.

Accepting Bheeshma's explanation, Chaitra nodded and settled into the seat beside him, her friends following suit and taking the remaining seats. They attempted to strike up a conversation with me, but I decided to feign sleep, offering them only a polite smile in response.

As we embarked on our journey, I kept my eyes closed, allowing the rhythmic hum of the car's engine to serve as a backdrop to my thoughts. Despite the chatter of Chaitra and her friends, I remained lost in my own world, contemplating the events of the day and the unexpected encounter with Chaitra and her group.

As the car began to move, Bheeshma extended his hand towards Chaitra, introducing himself with a friendly smile. "I am Bheeshma," he said warmly. Chaitra accepted his hand, reciprocating the gesture with a polite nod. "I am Chaitra, and these are my friends," she replied, motioning towards her companions.

Before Chaitra could complete the introductions, Bheeshma interjected with a curious inquiry. "What do you do?" he asked, genuinely interested in learning more about them. Chaitra hesitated for a moment before responding, "Actually, we all work at Bheeshma Organics Company."

Bheeshma's eyes widened in surprise, and a proud grin spread across his face. "Hey, there's a company with my name! That's awesome," he exclaimed, clearly amused by the coincidence.

However, my eyes remained closed as I interjected, offering a sobering clarification. "Bheeshma Organics has nothing to do with you. It belongs to Mr. Bheeshma, who is a respected and reputed figure in the industry. It's just a coincidence that your names are the same," I explained calmly, keeping my tone neutral.

Bheeshma glanced at me, taken aback by my unexpected input, before turning his gaze back to Chaitra with an awkward laugh. "Well, that's a bit awkward," he admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. Chaitra simply smiled, acknowledging the odd turn of events with good humor.

Bheeshma's curiosity didn't wane as he continued the conversation with Chaitra. "So, where are you all headed?" he inquired, genuinely interested in their destination.

Chaitra responded promptly, "We're going to Ramgad."

Bheeshma seemed intrigued by their choice of destination. "Ramgad? Why are you going there?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Chaitra explained, "We're going there to organize a program for the farmers."

Bheeshma nodded, understanding their purpose. "Ah, a program. That sounds interesting," he remarked, before adding with a chuckle, "I watch all sorts of programs with my ma, like '100 din saas Kay 1 din bahu ka'."

That time Chaitra's friend played the video with the advice, "if you want to persuade a girl, first impress her friends," Bheeshma couldn't help but react with a touch of sarcasm. "What naughty friends, trying to stir up trouble in my work," he remarked, half-jokingly. Chaitra, noticing his reaction, lightly touched Bheeshma's shoulder and asked, "So, are you coming?"

Bheeshma's response was immediate. "Of course," he replied with a smile, showing his willingness to join them. At that moment, I placed my hand on his shoulder and interjected, "What about me? Did you by any chance forget about me?"

Bheeshma's smile faltered slightly as he looked into my eyes. "Hey, Krishna, can you please take the day off?" he asked, his tone indicating the urgency of the situation. Knowing that going to Ramgad was crucial for him, I relented. "Okay," I agreed, understanding the importance of his commitment.

Taking out my phone from my pocket, I dialed Ammu's number. After a few rings, she picked up. "Hey, Ammu," I greeted.

"Where are you, Krishna?" Ammu's voice came through the phone, sounding concerned.

"I can't come today," I replied.

"Krishna, clients are waiting. You have meetings with people this evening," Ammu reminded me.

"Hey, Ammu, can you cancel it?" I asked, hoping for a way out.

Before Ammu could respond, Seenu took the phone from her. "Krishna, where are you?" he inquired.

"Bro, I'm going to Ramgad," I informed him.

"Why?" Seenu questioned.

"I didn't know Bheeshma was taking me there with him," I explained.

Seenu let out a heavy sigh. "Bheeshma, I see. Okay, then," he responded.

"If something urgent comes up, please call me," I requested.

"Okay," Seenu agreed before we said our goodbyes and I hung up. Bheeshma glanced at me and said, "Thanks, Krishna."

I simply nodded in response, and we continued on our way to Ramgad.

As Bheeshma drove, he looked at Chaitra and asked, "So, how did your car stop working?" Chaitra explained, "You know there's a railing by the roadside. Our car crashed into it."

Bheeshma nodded in understanding, but then realization dawned on him. He turned to Chaitra and said, "So, you basically caused an accident."

Chaitra admitted, "Yes."

Bheeshma pondered for a moment, contemplating his next action. "Technically, I should arrest you. But you asked for help, so how can I arrest you? What should I do?" he muttered to himself.

Chaitra, sensing his dilemma, nervously asked, "Are you..."

Bheeshma quickly retrieved something from his pocket, subtly flashing it before them before tucking it away again. "I am ACP," he declared.

I was about to interject, but Bheeshma shot me a glance, silently urging me to stay quiet. Understanding his signal, I remained silent. However, one of Chaitra's friends couldn't contain herself and blurted out, "Are you showing us or hiding your ID from us?"

Bheeshma calmly suggested, "Let's go to the police station. There, you can see clearly."

Chaitra quickly reprimanded her friend, "Hey, close your mouth and don't talk."

Then, turning back to Bheeshma, Chaitra pleaded, "Sir, please do me a favor and don't file any case against me. I'll lose my job, my life will become doomed. Please, sir."

Bheeshma considered her request for a moment before agreeing, "Okay, but I'll observe your actions until this evening. Then, I'll decide if you're good people or not."

Chaitra nodded gratefully, saying, "Okay, sir." And with that, we resumed our journey to Ramgad.

(Words count:3032)