
"One soul, hero and future"

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - My first life, and the start of the second.

I felt nothing but peace. Peace of mind and of body. I had no sense of touch, smell, hearing, hell, I couldn´t even think straight half of the time. All I had in my mind was the peace around me and the memories of my life.

I was born into a family of six. There were my parents of course, then there were my brother and three sisters. I was the youngest of us siblings. My parents did all they could to support our family. They worked day and night to make sure we never went humgry, or that we could have at least some kind of savings when we came to the age of wanting to move out. This of course led to them being busy and tired most of the time. Thats why the five of us did all we could to lighten the load at home when we got older.

My brother, Jake was the firstborn and was the first to learn how to help around the house when he turned ten. Then came Alice, the oldest of my sisters who was only a year younger than Jake. Then came the twins, Hannah and Louise that were another three years younger than Alice. And I was the last to be born. The name I was given was John. I was another three years younger than the twins.

Life was good until i reached the age of eight. I was home alone while being sick. Hannah and Louise was at school, my brother had a date and my parents and Alice were going to the shop. While I was at home getting better, my parents and Alice were in an accident that ended up costing them their life.....

I didnt find out until that evening when some police officers came to our door looking for Jake since he was the oldest. They told me that old spiel of how sorry they were to be the ones bringing bad news. I dont know what they said since my whole world had stopped. I was in shock with no reaction when they waited for my remaining siblings and brought us to the station where we waited for the people bringing us to the orphanage where we were gonna stay from then on.

We lived in that orphanage together until Jake became eighteen and moved out. Later my sisters also moved. I was never adopted, none of us were, but we were family. Not long after I myself turned fifteen, late one night I heard about a huge fire on the news. They said that three siblings were the only victims and that there was a very small chance of them surviving. Once I read the address, my heart nearly stopped. It was my brothers appartement building. At that time another officer came in and I thought to myself, "Am I not destined to have any family? Why is it that my family dies one after the other?"

That same night I ran from the orphanage. I had no destination or ideas of where to go, I only knew that I had to get as far from there as possible before anything happens to the kids and caretakers that I considered like family. I kept on walking for days to get as far away from them as I could to keep them safe, only stopping to eat or have a small break. At this point in time I had reached an underpass where a small river was just on the other side. This place was out of the way and hidden enough that I decided to stay there for a while.

It ended up being a bit longer than `a while´. It had been almost a year when I first met another person again. This person was an older man, maybe around thirty or so, it was a bit hard to tell because of his beard and grimy look. This told me that he was like me, he was without a home. I immediatly waved my hands at him indicating that it was fine to come and join me for dinner. I had lived off hunting in the nearby woods since I came to this place. And not to toot my own horn, I think I was damn good at it too. The man looked thankful and joined me in grilling the rabbits. There wasnt many words spoken between us, but he was nice company.

He ended up staying for a few days before wanting to set off again. I knew it would happen, but I still felt saddened that he was leaving. However, before he left, he gave me a gift. It was a necklace with a bluish-green crystal in the middle with two small orbs beside it. It felt familiar to me, as if I had seen it before. He told me that it would be a lucky charm for the future. I accaepted gratefully and put it around my neck to keep it safe. He soon left, and I stayed.

Over the years, more and more homeless and runaways started showing up. Bit by bit we started building our own little community there. And me, being the first to settle there, became their leader of sorts. I didnt want to be the leader, but I did tell them that I neither wanted any kind of violence or theft going around. The others seemed to agree and life went on.

It was only when I was around twentyfour years old that something happened. The tunnel we lived in started to crumble and fall down. Me and some of the other men started to rush and shield the women and the few children we had there. We helt it up for long enough with our numbers that they could escape. As they got away I yelled to those that stayed behind with me to run. They refused, saying that if one go down they all go down together. I, however did not give up in persuading them to get out of there. It took a lot of effort as we were still holding the roof, but they reluctantly agreed.

When they had left, all my strength left my body and I fell down. The only regret I had, was that I couldnt have a family of my own. Soon darkness took hold of me, and I felt nothing after that.

Thinking back to it, I always have the same to say, well if I could speak that is. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Saving the last kind of family I had made me feel like my life finally had meaning instead of just running away. Though with this event, I was more sure than ever that something like a higher power was trying to stop me from having any ties, either by killing them, or by killing me. Well, there you go. You finally got me, Im dead after all.

I had no idea how long I was floating around in this endless void, but even with this feeling of peace I got bored with time. In the beginning I thought about my parents, then my siblings. After some time I started to think of the journey I took to get to the tunnel, when I met that man almost ten years prior to my death. Then came the family I got when the others started to set up camp and stayed with me, hence the start of the `village of stranded souls´ as we sometimes called it. I chuckled in my mind as I remembered that place. It would always have a spot in my heart.

After some time had passed, I had even thought through everything about the village and my memories started to wander further back, back to the orphanage. Back then, because of my little depression because of everything that had happened, my brother had introduced me to anime. He himself was a frequent viewer when new episodes of his favorite shows came out. There were a few that caught my interest. Among those were One piece, Naruto, attack on titan, sword art online and more. But one series had most of my attention. The way that world worked felt similar to how my life felt to me. This was the world of heroes and villains, this was the world of My hero academia. The way that quirkless people was treated, even how some of the villains backstories was depicted felt like a representation of my life.

I thought to myself, that if I was lucky enough to get a second chance at a better life, then I would want it to be in that world. How I would want to be twin of the protagonist, so we could be close. Then I thought,

"Hey, its a world of superpowers. What kid of quirk would I want? Hmmm..... Probably a weapon summoning quirk with the extra bonus of enhanced senses. Though if I could get a secondary quirk, I would prefer it to be Blackwhip. This quirk is super versatile, so it would be perfect."

At those thoughts passed through my head, I felt some kind of shift in the air, though I thought nothing of it. I never noticed that my senses slowly returned to me as I could feel something wet surrounding me. It wasnt until I was being pushed towards something, that I noticed something was wrong. I could see light getting closer. As I went through the hole, reaching outside, I could hear the cries of two children. I could see one of them being carried by a nurse.

When I noticed that everything also seemed bigger, I also tried looking at myself but could only see two small arms. I started thinking quickly. I had only one theory. I had been reborn, and considering that Im currently being held by a green-haired woman that looks like the best mother known to mankind, and that there was another green-haired kid next to me in her arms. I could only yell excited in my mind.... "I´m in MHA!!!!". But my celebrations stopped when I heard the next words of best mom Inko.

"Welcome to this world, Izuku, Izumi."

I had expected many things when I figured out I was reborn in this world, but this, this was too much for me...... I was reborn as Izukus twin yes, but not in my wildest imagination had I expected to be reborn as his twin fucking SISTER.......