
"Mask" [ a k.t.h. ff (BTS)]

Never thought that hiding your identity behind a nerdy mask, would give you everything you ever asked for....... Did you? A k.t.h fanfic.

Jasleen_Kaur_1936 · Celebrities
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51 Chs





As you were entering the room and were about to flip out, you saw something that shook you. You definitely lost your composure for a second but quickly regained it as you look at the men in front of you.


It probably wasn't the best time for them to be in the room. Your company had just suffered a loss of millions under your watch and your anger was going over your head. You cocked your head at your side and gave a questioning look to Jack and realized he was equally as shook as you.

You called in the assistant sitting outside to know what was going on and found out that the builders turned out to be fake and after calling and sending messages numerous times, your people couldn't get to them. So naturally, you asked for a background check and a full search to be held to catch them but Jack had been one step ahead. There was no trace of any of the people you had talked with about the deal in Korea.

You growled in frustration as you slammed your fist again on the glass table making everyone in the room jump.

"Elena your hand-". Jack started but you stopped him mid-sentence as you raised your hand up in his direction.

"Hire people and get me information of who and what went out of this country in the past month and where to. I don't care how you do it, I need results. You have 3 days.", you straightened up and addressed the assistant who was now shivering. "NOW!"

She didn't need another command to shoot out of the room, speaking quickly and urgently into her walkie-talkie shouting instructions here and there. You inhaled sharply as another lady served you a glass of water and you sharply drank in the liquid, counting 1 to 10 in your brain. When you believed you were calm enough, you placed the glass down softly and nodded at BTS with a tight-lipped smile.

Needless to say, BTS was fangirling at your professionalism and aura but quickly put on a blank face as you motioned at them to speak.

"I hope you remember us, I'm-"

"You're Mr. Kim Namjoon", you commented as you motioned at the others and spoke out their full names. "I remember you guys, I apologize for cutting you in between."

"Oh no, please don't apologize.", Jin said as passed a friendly smile in your direction making you reflect on the action.

You motioned at the staff and they rushed out to bring in refreshments when you realized you were still in the casual clothes you went to the spa in and turned slightly red as you cleared your throat.

"I'll step out for a moment. Jack will keep you company while I'm gone, I believe you guys are friends. Then we can discuss the reason for your arrival here.", you mumbled as you presented a deep bow and walked out of the room towards your office where spare business clothes could be found.

"Damn her aura is so Oooh!", Hoseok huffed out as he and the other guys got comfortable in their chairs. "Yeah I know, but don't worry tho. Once you get to know her she's actually a little goofball", Jack replied as he threw his head back, running his hands through his hair. "Oh what I'd pay to see that.", Taehyung grinned as he and the guys talked and simply had some fun while you were gone.

"Hey you know, I'm getting married later this month. I and my fiancé would love it if you could come and you know, hang out for a while.", Jack suggested. "Damn hell yeah we'd come!", Jimin said as he high-fived the rest of BTS making Jack laugh.

You entered the room and saw Jack handing out wedding invites to the boys and you lowkey smirked at the fact that they would be at the wedding.

"You know, after the wedding, we're having a small celebration back at my house. Close friends only. Would you like to come?", you smiled as you saw the boys shift in their chairs and sit upright quickly on hearing your voice.

"We'd love that.", Joon replied with a charming smile showcasing his dimples making your inner self squeal. "I'll text you the address?". Namjoon handed you his phone to feed in your number and you quickly made a group of you and the BTS members in it.

"Now, down to business.", your body language changed completely as you sat down at the head chair on the long conference table and motioned at Namjoon to speak.

"We have a proposal.", Namjoon smirked as he fixed his glasses.