
"Make it True"

So... I wake up at a white room. Something greet me and told me I died. He(?) give me power give me another life. and here it is.

Hafkey · Fantasy
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5 Chs

"Are you slacking off?"

After Noras meeting with his new friends Rogi and Rua, he and his father goes back to their house.

Hansen: "So, how it feels to have friends?

Noras: "Well, honestly it feels better than alone, Rogi and Rua seems like a good kid... though going to Aquisa forest is a very stupid idea."

Hansen: "Yeah, you are right Aquisa forest is very dangerous even if it's daytime."

Noras: "....Father, do you know something about this Beld kid?"

Hansen: "Oh yeah I know something about him, he was Bulce's son, but I don't know if he can use Fire magic."

Noras: "Even if he can use Fire magic, it has to be weaker."

Hansen: "Yeah it has to be, usually kids of his age doesn't have enough mana to mantain it for too long."

Noras: "Rua say that he can only cast a small fire, I doubt that they are going to get out from there alive but if they manage to use the environment like burn a small bushes or leaves and let it spread the fire, they might be able to get out from dangerous situation."

Hansen: "I doubt that will work, it's impossible to burn anything in Aquisa forest if your magic isn't strong enough."

Noras: "It's looks like you have tried to burn it"

Hansen: "Well, I was just testing it because from what I heard from the elders Aquisa forest has a curse in it."

Noras: "Curse?"

Hansen: "Yep, they say the curse make all that doesn't have a human blood trapped and unable to get out from there, they said it's protect the Forest as well."

Noras: "Looks like it's going to be more troublesome than I thought."

Hansen: "Well you can think about it later. For now let's have a dinner!"

Needless to say, they finnaly arrived at their house. Noras open the door of his house and step in with his father, but Geisha is nowhere to be seen.

Hansen: "Geisha! we are back!"


Hansen: ".....Huh, weird. Usually she will come when I call her"

Looking at the dinner table Noras see a note, he then grab it and read the note.

Noras: "Dad, mom has left us a note here maybe you should read it"

Hansen: "Oh really? lemme see it"

Noras then give the note to his father, which read it loud enough for both of them to hear it.

Hansen: "'Hansen, Noras, I will be going to the village chief to meet Xiyu, so i will return to home a bit late, you two should eat first with out me, I've cooked yours favorite! so enjoy!' Geisha,"

Noras: "Do you really need to read it that loud?"

Hansen: "Well what's so wrong with it?"

Noras: "It's just seems useless, you do know that I can read right? well whatever, do you know why mom go to the chief's house to meet this Xiyu person?"

Hansen: "Well, she was going there to visit the Chief's daughter that is currently suffering a high fever, Xiyu which is also her childhood and best friend."

During Hansen dialogue, Noras has take some food and now is making his way to his room.

Hansen: "Hey are you even listening to me? also when did you get that?"

Noras: "I am listening to you, and I grab the food when you talk, also aren't you going to do something after this? so its better for you to start eating"

Hansen: "And what are you going to do?"

Noras: "I'm going to collect some information about Aquisa forest, is there a book of it?"

Hansen: "Oh, well, there is a book that have some information about it, it was on my and your mother room, at the top right of the bookshelf"

Noras: "Yeah, thanks"

Noras reach the doorknob of his parents room, he opened the door and suddenly a big book fall for a bookshelf to his hand, he get out and close the door, enter to his room and sit on a chair.

Noras: "Alright let's see what information I can get".

He opened the book and turned the pages.

Noras: "'Beko's adventure', 'Dark night in Aquisa', 'Flowing sadwind'....uhh so much stories, ah there it is"

after turning so much pages he finnaly found some information about monsters in Aquisa forest.

Noras: "Orcs,Trools,Goblins,Mastis,Demons....

Looks like there's only a few information about this Forest, this book is basically just a collection of stories.(Sigh) It looks like I need to spend my time reading all of those stories".

Noras then spend 4 reading all the stories he find useful, most of the stories he read is not based on real life experience, and the ones that are based on real life experience is very short. He sigh, closed the book and rest his chin on his fist.

Noras: "God the stories is very, very useless, though it's still fun to read them but there is not much information I can get, maybe the most useful there is devils in the heart of the forest, don't know why Demons and Devils is different but they still counted as Demon category.There is also some races I never heard of like Mastis, Hox, Ragen, and others.

(Sigh) How do that Beld kid have the idea."

He stand from his chair and unlock his door, and goes to the sitting room. When he arrived he was greeted by his mother.

Geisha: "Good evening honey! Are you sleeping? when I call you, you don't answer me."

Noras: "No, i'm not sleeping mom, i was just reading a book maybe I was too focused so that I don't hear you calling me."

Geisha: "Oh is that so! Do you see your father? he wasn't home when I'm back."

Noras: "He said he has some thing to do so he get out after he ate his food, oh yeah when did you arrived mom?."

Geisha: "Maybe, 1 hour ago."

Noras: "Is that so.....well I'm going to take a walk for a bit."

Geisha: "Oh? okay then, be careful out there! and make sure you come back before dark!."

Noras: "You got it mom."

Noras open the door of his house and was greeted by the orange light and sky of the sun,

he then start to calmly walk on the path.

Noras: 'Those kids will surely wouldn't be able to survive that forest, the confidence is just to high.....(sigh) How could they come up with such a plan.'

He stopped his steps and looked around, he could see fields filled with lots of plants, houses, farmers, and villagers walking around.

Noras: 'These sights were things I couldn't see in my old world, considering the things I had to do and do to survive for a mouthful of food.'

He raised and clenched his fist.

Noras: 'Now I have the power to change everything according to what I want....but, why do I still think about what I should use it for...my future and my life is guaranteed to be fine, but what about people who don't? as much as I can?..... I have to ask 'him', how should I use this power he gave me.'

He turned around and headed back to where his house was, he arrived and opened his door and greeted his mother who felt that he was coming home sooner than he expected, he went into his room and locked it. He sat down on his bed and started concentrating on entering his subconscious...
