

Love is simple yet hard to explain. It could be sweet, it could be bitter or maybe even both. From across the world, each person has a different flavor to their story. (A collection of short romance stories)

MinRei · Teen
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Sweet Nightmare

"Babe", you called out to me, my heart started pounding, my stomach churning. I clung to you and smiled sweetly, wishing this moment would never end.

Every time that I visit, I'd bring flowers and the scent would fill your room. You occupied my mind, causing me trouble all day. I kept talking about you to my friends and they told me, "you seem to be so in love", without any hesitation I replied, "of course".

You tug on the strings of my heart whenever you acted jealous of someone, so I decided to give you all of my attention and tried to distance myself from others.

But then one day, you looked at me straight in the eye and asked if I was taking this seriously. Dumbfounded, I froze on the spot, I couldn't form any words, my palm started to sweat.

The moment you told me that you had someone else in your heart, I could feel my heart being shattered to pieces. I sat down trying to contain my emotions but then you added, "I'm sorry I just didn't want to hurt you", in my head I shouted "too late!".

After that day I locked myself in, I couldn't do anything but cry. Once again you occupied my mind causing trouble all day and night. My eyes were in pain from all that crying, my head would hurt like it was being stabbed by sharp objects.

I couldn't remember how many days have passed since then. When I pulled on the sheets to keep my body warm, I noticed a picture under. It was a picture of the two of us, the smile on our faces were gentle. Memories came running down and I just found myself running towards my door.

At that moment I made up my mind, I wanted to talk to you. I want to set things straight. I couldn't ignore what my heart wants, I longed for your warm embrace.

But I was too late, the moment I got in your room you were already gone, you already left me.