
She failed to catch her target

Once upon a time in a faraway land, a prince kneeled, took the young maiden's hand and asked,

"Will you marry me, my darling?"

The girl's eyes twinkled with joy but as soon as she was about to give her response, the ground started to tremble, the land split in to two and dragged them away from one another.

The prince tried to grab her hand but failed and slipped backward, landing on his ass.

The maiden shouted "My prince, save me!" and the ground beneath her started to crumble and she eventually fell.


Hello there, I am your narrator and today we're going to take a look at this pitiful one who just woke up from her dream.

Yes sadly, she is our main character for today.

"Shit another failure, how hard is it to get a prince in a dream?"

Her name is Blair, single for 20 years now.

"You make me it sound like I'm an ugly bitch with an attitude"

Well aren't you?

"What did you say!?"

Nothing, and girl you're not supposed to hear the narrator, that's not how stories work.

"Bippity boppity, when do I meet my male lead? I think we should just cut out the middle parts and jump to happily ever after"


And thus the story continues, with our main character not being able to hear our narration.

"Hey, narrator! hello? geez fine I'll find my prince charming by myself"

*Knock knock*

"Dear are you fine in there? Who are you talking to?"

"No one ma, I was just practicing my lines for a role-play"

"Early in the morning? anyway hurry up or you'll be late"

Time check, 6:45 am, her first class starts at 7 am.

"OMG! mom why didn't you wake me up!?"

Here we see a tardy student at her natural habitat, running back and forth to get her stuff, shoving a piece of bread on her mouth as she wears her uniform.

To cut us some slack we'll skip the part where she commutes and prays that she won't be late.

25 minutes later, of course what did you expect, she's late, as usual.

She quietly sneaks at the back to sit and thankfully the professor ignores her.

As she was getting her stuff from her backpack someone started tapping gently on her back.

The guy whispered, "Can I borrow a pen?"

Without a second thought our girl lent her spare pen to the guy sitting behind.


And so, the dreadful class hours continued.

Cut to 5 hours later, Blair successfully fended off her drowsiness and actually for once listened to the lecture and took down some notes.

Suddenly someone started tapping on her back again, as she was turning her head around to check who it was her cheek was poked by a pen, her own pen nonetheless.

"Haha, here thank you again for the pen, see you tomorrow"

Err, there's seems to be some technical difficulties, Blair suddenly froze on the spot. Oh wait never mind, the guy that borrowed her pen was a real cutie.

Girl is this even allowed, I thought they only cast tall and manly guys as male characters, why is there such a cutie pie in this story.

Ahem, anyway going back to the story, Blair did her "research" and found out that the name of the guy who borrowed her pen is Brix.

Blair's heart went bathump, just like how she feels whenever her professors announce a surprise graded recitation.

And ever since then she had a crush on him. Thanks to Brix's friendly attitude they became close friends almost immediately.

She'd often tell her friend Courtney the juicy details.




Ah yes, yet another day of having her crush all to herself as they eat lunch together.

Oh but what's this? It looks like she's mustering her courage to confess.

"Hey Brix, does it look like I'm flirting to you?"

"Why the sudden question?"

"Well, it just crossed my mind"

"Hmm, well I don't think so, if you were trying to flirt with me wouldn't you try to be gentle and well I don't know, compliment me? You're honestly the opposite of someone flirting, don't you remember how often you hit me or how you try to argue with everything I say?"


Oh dear it looks like she failed to catch her target.

"I just remembered, Courtney was asking for help on something I'll go check on her"

As she hurriedly tried to escape, Brix held onto her arm, forcing her to sit down and kissed her on the cheek!

"Now you tell me, Blair, does it look like I'm flirting to you?"

Oh the prey caught the hunter? Is that how things work now? Who makes these things?

Next chapter