

Do not try to force your feet into the pair of shoes that don't fit




I didn't wake up early and I forgot to set up an alarm yesterday because I didn't sleep till 3:14 am, I stand and match over to the bathroom, after I brushed and showered, I open my closet and bring out the clothes am going to wear and the one's I will be traveling with.

As I am arranging my clothes in the suitcase, my mom's call came through, we exchange pleasantries and tells her to get ready before I come over.

After I am done with everything, while trying to start my car, taheera's call came through again but I didn't pick up I let the call drop and then off my phone.

Don't get me wrong T can be so annoying sometimes and I don't want to argue with her right now.

I drive to my mom's place after I started the engine, I arrive on time because I speed up. I found my mom and her younger sister aunty hajara in the parlor waiting for me.

"are you ready?" I ask directing the question to my aunt and my mother nods

"are these the only luggage" I ask

My mother mouthed a yes and my aunt wander towards my mom and grab the handle of her wheelchair and pushes her to the car outside the house.

On our way to the airport, mama told me that taheera called and greeted her yesterday night, she keeps on blabbing about how kind and thoughtful taheera was. Well yes taheera is lovely but she can be annoying at time which what farida is not.

We arrived late in the evening and went straight to the hospital vip ward where my mom will be staying till she recovers

"Everything is ready, and don't worry the surgery will be a successful one insha Allah " the doctor says through the phone

"but when do you think she will regain her consciousness after the surgery" I says

"Well, as a matter of fact I can't tell you that in specific but she will regain her consciousness sooner or later" he spiels

"ok doc thank you and please take a very good care of my mother" I pleaded

"sure Mr. Azaan, our patient's health being is our first priority so relax don't get in a flusher" the doctor pacifies

After my call with the doctor I called my aunt who is with my mom at the hospital while I am here in a hotel room.

"Azaan are you on your way to the hospital?" aunt asks

"No aunt but I will be there in a bit…is there anything you need?" I says grabbing my car key from the bed

"No the hospital provide everything we needs it's just that your mother want to have a word with you"

"Ok I am on my way"

The call dropped and the Uber drives me to the hospital. As soon as I get there, I went straight to the VIP ward and knock on room 22 door.

The door swings open by my aunt's friend who live here in ibadan, we exchange pleasantries and I walk over to my mom who is leaning against the headboard and hugs her.

"How are you feeling now" I ask in a worried manner still hugging her

"Obviously I don't feel anything but you know the tension of having a surgery tomorrow early in the morning is so terrifying" she spiels with a mixture of grin and anxious smile all over her face

"Don't worry mama everything will be fine " I emboldens her

She smiles and I lowered myself on her lap and she Pats me on the head while my aunt and her friend keep teasing me.

After a long and happy chat we had together I bid them goodnight, went back to my hotel room and retire to bed.

The next day I woke up early, take a shower and have my breakfast, I was about to call an Uber then farida's call appears on the screen. I hesitate for some seconds because I couldn't believe my eyes, yes of course I missed her but why would she calls me of all people, but I picked up

"Hello" I mutters innocently

"Hi ya Azaan" she calls and this time around I didn't let my mind to hesitate to such an angelic voice so I answered quickly

"Yes farida" I answered with a small grin across my lips as if she's here with me

"taheera asked me to call you because you aren't picking her call"

The grin on my face quickly dropped

Oh Lord why now. Can't she understands I am busy these days.

"Ok give her the phone"

"Hey" she utters

"hey T what's up"

"You weren't picking my calls why?" she blurts

"Sorry I was a little bit busy due to these hospital's obligations" I defended

"I just want to know how your mom's doing that's all" she said worriedly

" she most be in the theater room by now" I said

"Wishing her a successful surgery and full recovery" she bield

"insha Allah thank you T"

I drove to the hospital after taheera cuts the call, as soon as I reached there my aunt's call came through and I genuinely froze as the thought of death hits me, I waver for some seconds then switch the phone to my right side ear

"congratulation Mama's boy the surgery is a success" she said with good will

I lowered the phone to my chest and mutters Alhamdulillah under my breath then spill out a deep sigh

"thanks be to Allah" I spout cheerfully on the phone wavering to the ICU

As soon as I arrive my aunt walk over and give me a hug, we take a sit across the ICU ward waiting for the doctor to come out, the doctor ramble over to us as he walked out and I stood up and shake his hand. He congratulated me and I thanked him for his hard work too.

"all she needs now is bedrest and we will make sure to take care of her" said the doctor

"I'm glad to hear so thank you very much" I reached out for his hand and we shake for the last time and then parted whys

I entered my mom's room while aunt went to the backyard to make a call, as I entered I saw my mom lying down unconscious, it hurts me but yet I emboldened myself and prayed for her.

I waited for aunt to come back so that I will be on my way, I was about to impulse my hand to my jeans pocket when aunt returned.

"oh you are still here" she asked

"yes but I will be on my way now since you returned" I answered

"Alright Azaan take care okay" she said patting my right side shoulder

"sure aunt and please don't falter to give me a call anytime" I grinned and walk out the door.