

It feels weird when things become complicated and tough, it  feels like it won't get back to it's customery orders, but yet with time it will be a bygone




It's been four days now and I didn't even get the fortitude to outface my sister, it has to stop by any means, I can't cheat on my own sister. Yes I will stop this and then bury it without her knowing a thing.

My phone vibrate beneath the pillow and I sneak out my hand to drag it, but as soon as the caller ID captured my gaze, contrition showered upon my face but I congregate all my zeal together and slide the green button.

"how is my queen doing" azaan's fair-haired voice hits my ears

I didn't even know when the awkward moment dismissed within a split second and get replace with a darling and fond time

"Doing good and how is my beloved Azaan doing" I place my two palms across my mouth the instant I realized what I said

"Awwn finally she accept me" he mutters agitatedly

"well, I didn't and besides I didn't even realize the time I say that" I says guilt-ridden

Azaan liberate a low sigh and I did the same

"farida" he calls and it takes everything in me to melt

"I know you are afraid to accept me but believe me there is nothing between your sister and I" he pauses and continue

"yes back then, I felt something for her and from that it turns to love but she never paid any attention to me, despite knowing she was dating at that time I kept on trying but still it all went in vain and now we share nothing except friendship" he spiels out

What should I do? I don't know if what he just said is the truth or maybe I should ask taheera for more information.

"Are you insane? What if she finds out that you also have feelings for him" my subconscious mind ask

Yes I shouldn't ask, and if what he says is the truth taheera will say it one day.

"ok fine but promise me that taheera will never know about us" I pleaded

"Of course she will"

The time stops the second he said so, oh God I am so dead, taheera will never forgive me if she finds out

"No no you can't Azaan, do you want taheera to addled when she finds out? I can't do this my sister, she deserve more than this Azaan" I declaim standing on my feet going back and forth

"faridah listen to me!" he recess then prolong

"we aren't bamboozling taheera, we have feelings for each other and we both know it's mutual, but since you insisted on not telling her or anyone else, it's ok with me so relax" he austerities

He keeps on comforting me and it takes everything in me to trust his words. I know I shouldn't do this to my sister or I should inform her about what I feels toward her boyfriend but I am scared, it will encompasses  everyone's attention in the family and I will be at fault no matter how much I try.


I know what we are doing to taheera is not good but our hearts beat for each other, our feelings is mutual I can't lose farida to anyone and furthermore taheera and I are not officially dating yet.

I need to tell her but only if farida comes up with any genuine plan. I don't want the two sisters to fight over love, or in other way over me.

Later on, kabeer called and informed me about hakim's wedding events and as a matter of fact I totally forgot that due to my mom's surgery.

"ugh so I have a wedding to attend too" I said groaning


"faridah!" ammi's call echoed in my ears

"coming" I said out loud

As I entered the kitchen, I found ammi and taheera peeling off an Irish potatoes, I dragged one wood chair and sat on it and gave them a hand while gisting

Taheera's phone rang and my eyes captured the caller ID that appears on the screen

"Azaan?" I mutters under my breath

She slip away and place the phone on her ears and after some seconds she started giggling at only God knows what and it takes everything in me to be so envy of her. I know I have feelings for Azaan, but I shouldn't be so jealous of my sister.

I stood up utterly and heeded to my room, I sigh quietly, close my eyes and lean my head against the door, reproaching my heart for ripping my peaceful, introspective moment out from under me. The least my heart can do is to let me move on from this feelings I have for Azaan.

Just I was about to wander back to the kitchen, azaan's message popped out but I ignored it and i dropped my phone onto taheera's bed, I curse both taheera and my heart for ripping me into pieces.

But it can't be good, holding on to so much bitterness toward my own sister, but damn it, it hurts a lot Sharing with her.

Later at night, while sitting together with ammi, taheera and kubra, our cousin sister who came to spend her holiday with us, watching Jurassic world on MBC 2, khalifa walked in

"Welcome back khalifa" taheera greeted baba

"Welcome back" I said

"thank you…halima can we talk for a bit?" Khalifa said looking at ammi

"I will be right back" ammi winked at us and we all bust into a fit of laughter

Half an hour later, ammi came out from khalifa's room heeding to taheera is sitting

"taheera your father want to talk to you" said ammi

Taheera stood up and stroll over to khalifa's room while kubra and I kept watching the TV

Some minutes later, the movie ended and I ramble leisurely to the kitchen, picked up some samosas And a mug of coffee then walked in to my room.

I jumped into the bed and dragged my phone from taheera's bed, as I pressed the power button Azaan's messages pops up, I stare at it for a few minutes, hoping that one day all these fair-haired words will come true, then all of a sudden his call came through.

" Hello" he speaks first through the phone

"Azaan" I called idly

"How are you feeling now" he asked

Oh Lord, I forgot I texted him earlier that I had a headache

"I'm feeling much better now that I you call"

"How's work" I put forward

"so exhausting and maybe next week I will be traveling to Paris"

"All of a sudden?"

"I am sorry babe you know how my work is"  he said naively

"yes I overheard taheera talking to you over the phone last week before your mother's surgery about you traveling to Paris" I further out

"Assalamu alaikum" taheera salaamed walking in whereas kubra stroll idly behind her with a tray of cookies and samosas

I quickly told Azaan to call later and hang-up on him

"Are you ok? See your face as if you committed a crime or something" taheera says making light of me

"No, the call dropped immediately you guys came" I said grinning

"so are you going to tell him today or you would surprise him tomorrow" kubra asked facing taheera while keeping the tray aside

"I can't wait till tomorrow you know" taheera said giggling

I got confused about what ever they're saying

"what are you guys saying" I asked both of them

"Do you know why khalifa wanted to see me all about" taheera said with a mouthful of cookies

"No" turning my head in a positive and negative gesture

"Azaan's mother talked to his uncle about our marriage before her surgery" she pauses then continue

"And he finally got the chance to call khalifa and informed him about them coming next tomorrow before Azaan leave for Paris"

Before she proceeded I became dumbfounded, everything around me stops, I didn't even acknowledge the presence of tears rolling down my cheeks.

Why would Azaan do this to me? Why didn't he informed me about this, I am dead now, I know I will move on even if he didn't become mine but how will I heal from this wound

"oh really, am so happy for you T" I said wiping away my tears quietly

"I am not getting married yet, so don't shed tears okay" taheera brings her hand up to my cheek and wiped out the remaining shades away then hugged me

How do you expect me not to shed tears when the love of my life is going to wed my elder sister before my eyes

"Of course I have to taheera, you are my sister I am happy for you" i raped my arms around her

"allow me to capture this beautiful moment   please" kubra stroll over the mirror and picked up her phone to take a picture of us

"Say cheese" taheera said and we all bust into a fit of laughter.