
"Kamar-Taj : Unveiling Countless Talents entries"

After Entering the marvel universe, Orion mood became extremely distressed. Every midnight, he would appear in another mysterious dimension full of gloom, where are full of unknown monsters. there he could be killed at any time! Fortunately, he has his own plug-in, the talent entry system! He can seize the luck of others and upgrade his own talent entries. [Intelligent and Alert] (white) → [Photographic Memory] (green) → [Study God] (blue) → [Super Genius] (purple)... [Martial Arts Master] (green) → [Grandmaster of the Martial art] (blue) → [Fifty-Fifty] (purple)... As he continued to operate, one talent entry after another was also upgraded to the maximum level by him! [The One Cursed by Knowledge] (gold), [I am the Destiny] (gold), [The Mortal Body is on par with the Gods] (gold)...! "I really want to be low-key, but my strength does not allow it!" Orion said that he really does not have Versailles!. ___________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Note: Book cover is not mine I taken it from pinterest so If original book cover creater wants to take down the cover from novel . he can just DM me or message in comments, I will withdraw it.

Anubhav_Bharshiv · Movies
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217 Chs

Chapter 207: Khonshu's Agent, Champion Fighter Humanoid

Moon Knight and the God of the Moon & Vengeance, Khonshu, arrived in Sokovia, their presence casting long shadows over the war-torn landscape. The two stood atop the Gothic tower, a foreboding silhouette against the darkening sky.

Without a word, Moon Knight's figure disappeared into the darkness, moving like a ghost through the night. Then, with a graceful somersault, he landed upright, appearing before Orion. His shroud billowed around him, a cloak of shadows, and he exuded an aura of palpable danger.

A faint hum filled the air as the entry panel materialized beside him.

[Name]: Mark Spector

[Identity]: Moon Knight

[Entry]: Hexagonal Warrior (blue), Immortal Body (blue), Khonshu's Agent (black), Triple Personality (black).

The details of his abilities flickered across the panel:

[Hexagonal Warrior] (Blue): An excellent detective, a master of torture, and a retired Marine proficient in firearms and all forms of transportation.

[Immortal] (Blue): He appears to be immortal. Have you found a way to stop him?

[Khonshu's Agent] (Black): Chosen by the Moon God Khonshu to be his Fist, he possesses enhanced physical capabilities and extraordinary powers, especially potent at night.

[Triple Personality] (Black): Mark Spector, traumatized in childhood, harbors three hidden personalities, each with distinct behaviors.

"…Agent Khonshu!" The words left Orion's lips like a curse.

"It seems that the proxy war between the ancient gods started long ago," he mused, As his gaze narrowed as it shifted to the Moon God Khonshu, who stood silently beside Moon Knight.

All of Moon Knight's power stemmed from Khonshu, the first moon god in ancient Egyptian mythology. A deity who chose to remain in the atrium, dealing stubbornly with all sinners. Wherever Moon Knight appeared, the Moon God Khonshu was always at his side.

"Hmm?" Khonshu's gaze shifted, his voice a low rumble. "Can you see me?"

Orion's eyes, sharp as a hawk's, were fixed on the god, a sight that filled Khonshu with incredulity. It wasn't until he sensed the breath of the ancient god emanating from Orion that the truth dawned upon him.

"So, you are also an agent," Khonshu remarked, his voice tinged with a strange curiosity. The god's hideous appearance belied the quicksilver of his thoughts as he began to wonder who stood behind Orion, pulling the strings.

The entry panel for Khonshu flickered to life, casting an eerie glow.

[Name]: Khonshu

[Identity]: God of the Moon & Vengeance

[Entry]: Ancient God of the Moon (Gold), Disruption of the Celestial Phenomenon (Gold).

The details of the ancient god's powers were as intimidating as his presence:

[Ancient God of the Moon] (Gold): The embodiment of the moon's concept, omnipotent and omnipresent. As long as the moon exists, so does he.

[Disruption of the Celestial Phenomenon] (Gold): He can reverse the starry sky to summon agents from different periods, but only under the full moon's light.

"…Really!" Orion muttered under his breath. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. "As long as there is a god, there is no weak one. Summoning agents from different time periods? The conceptual embodiment of the moon?"

Orion thoughts whirled, and he couldn't suppress a shiver of wariness. The threat posed by Khonshu, compared to Odin, the king of gods, and the other pleasure-seeking gods on Earth, was far greater. Khonshu had not only selected an agent but had also intervened in the mortal realm himself.

The history of Moon Knight stretched back to the Stone Age a god both good and evil, claiming righteousness while committing countless atrocities.

"You talking to me?" Moon Knight's voice cut through Orion's thoughts, his expression shifting slightly. It was clear he had no idea that Orion could see Khonshu as well.

"No!" Khonshu snapped. "Fool! I am speaking to this man. He can see me too. Like you, he has received the gift of the Ancient God."

Khonshu gripped the Moon God's Scepter tightly, his tall, mummified figure towering over them, his temper flaring like a giant child's tantrum.

"Khonshu," Orion said calmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "You don't have to get so excited. You are all members of the Midnight Sons. The purpose of summoning you here is to deal with vampires."

He paused, a smile playing on his lips. "Besides… The previous Moon Knight was planning to release Ammit? Are you not in a hurry at all?"

Khonshu's reaction was immediate, his eyes narrowing. "Ammit… You know Ammit?"

The revelation that Orion knew of the Judgment God startled him. "Since you are also a Midnight Son, you should stop Ammit!"

Orion chuckled, his amusement evident. The Voodoo Doctor and Ghost Rider exchanged confused glances. The name "Khonshu" was unfamiliar to them was there truly someone else present?

"To be precise, Khonshu is a god, the Moon God," Orion clarified, pointing directly at the deity standing beside Mark. "The power of Moon Knight comes from him. He's right there."

The tension in the air thickened as the reality of Khonshu's presence settled over them.

"Ammit…" Khonshu's voice trembled with barely controlled anger. "You know Ammit? Since you are also a Midnight Son, you should stop Ammit!"

Khonshu could not tolerate the idea of Arthur Harrow releasing the God of Judgment, Ammit.

Ammit, worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, was feared for judging humans based on their past, present, and future, deciding whether they were worthy to live.

And this was something Khonshu could not allow.

Ammit's judgment was idealistic to the point of absurdity. The standard of crime and the severity of the offense were all within her mind! Who could guarantee they wouldn't break the rules and laws in their lifetime? Even an unconscious offense could mark someone as a sinner.

Ammit would take their soul without hesitation.

Yet, for now, Arthur Harrow had not found the scarab, nor had he located Alexander's tomb.

"I will stop Ammit," Orion finally said, his voice cold. "But not now."

His gaze turned to Khonshu, eyes like steel. "You have no right to order me around. Control your temper, or I'll beat you to death."

The words hung in the air like a promise, as Orion waved his hand dismissively.

His grip tightened around the ice-breaking Frost hammer, its cold glow reflecting the light of the moon. This ancient hammer, the oldest artifact in Jotunheim, was indestructible, a weapon capable of rivaling the Eternal Spear, and yes it could even kill gods.

Khonshu immediately fell silent, the weight of Orion's presence pressing down on him. He could see it the murderous intent surging within Orion like a storm ready to unleash its fury.

"Ice-Breaking Frost Hammer…"

The words hung in the air, heavy with power. Khonshu's gaze locked onto the weapon, and confusion clouded his thoughts.

"You are not a frost giant, yet you wield the Icebreaker Hammer. Who are you?!"

Khonshu's voice trembled, shaken by the impossibility before him. This was beyond his comprehension something that shouldn't exist.

Orion's expression remained calm, yet there was an edge to his words. "I am the acting Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj."

His eyes narrowed, cold as the frost he commanded. "You can call me… Orion."

The tension between them crackled like static in the air, neither backing down. Orion's voice softened, but it carried the weight of a warning. "We've just met, and I don't want to create any conflict, Khonshu."

Khonshu's mind raced, trying to keep up with this enigmatic figure.

"You won't also participate in the Seven Domain War?"Orion's eyes shifted slightly, a flicker of something unspoken passing through them.

"Seven Domain War…?" Khonshu let out a small, dismissive scoff. "Not interested!"He leaned forward, his voice lowering to a deadly whisper. "I just want to stop Ammit."

Khonshu shook his head slowly, disbelief written across his features. But who knows what Orion is truly planning? He is unlike any god Khonshu had ever encountered mysterious, unpredictable.

No doubt about it.

"All right," Khonshu conceded, his voice laced with caution.

But there was more to this than just Orion. "Four members have not yet shown up," Khonshu noted, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Are they ignoring your call?"

Orion's lips curved into a playful smile, one that didn't reach his eyes. It seems that Doctor Voodoo isn't as competent a leader as he should be. The message he sent… no response yet.

"Ignoring?" Doctor Voodoo's voice was laced with frustration. "Perhaps the Midnight Sons are all fighting, and this world is never safe."

His expression grew more complicated, a mix of worry and determination. The next second, a dimensional door opened, its swirling energies crackling in the air.

A man, dressed in casual clothes with a beard that shadowed his face, stepped through. His eyes swept over the members of the Midnight Sons, and he offered a small, almost sheepish smile.

"Am I late?"

This was no ordinary man. As the son of Satan, the lord of Hell, he carried a presence that could not be ignored. He had inherited Satan's power perfectly.

Space teleportation? A mere afterthought to him.

[Name]: Damon Helstrom

[Identity]: Son of Satan, Hellstorm

[Entries]: Demonologist (blue), Exorcist (blue), Trident of Hell (purple)

[Demonologist] (Blue): He is familiar with supernatural phenomena and has knowledge of various ghost and deity fields. He is the most professional exorcist.

[Exorcist] (Blue): He is proficient in all kinds of exorcism techniques, possesses extraordinary strength, has a physique different from that of ordinary people, and has a terrifying half-demon body.

[Trident of Hell] (Purple): He can summon the Trident of Hell, mobilize the flames from the depths of Hell, and perform inter-dimensional teleportation. In the Hell that he controls, he is nearly omnipotent.

"Hellstorm… Damon?" Orion murmured, taking in the new arrival. "This Midnight Sons lineup is truly impressive."

His thoughts were already racing, connecting the dots. Mephisto, the Lord of Darkness & Hell, and the Moon God Khonshu both implicated behind the scenes.

"Midnight Sons… what enemy were they founded to fight against?" Orion's mind were full of thoughts,As his mind working through the possibilities.

What kind of enemy could make these monsters unite? Vampires? Count Dracula?

No… it had to be something more.

"From now on, this is the home of the Midnight Sons," Doctor Voodoo announced, breaking the silence. "You can each choose a room, and Orion will provide food, clothing, shelter, and transportation."

He flashed a teasing smile. "The acting Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj is obviously extremely wealthy."

Orion chuckled softly, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Doctor Voodoo continued, turning to Hellstorm. "Orion's identity and affiliation are serious matters, and that must have understood."

"Acting Sorcerer Supreme?" Hellstorm echoed, his brows furrowing in surprise. "Acting? Is it that the Ancient One doesn't want to hand over the power to you?"

He looked at Orion, trying to gauge his reaction. As the son of Satan, he knew Kamar-Taj well enough to understand the significance.

After all, the magic barrier had kept even his father at bay, and his own existence was purely accidental coincidental.

"No," Orion replied calmly, his voice unwavering. "I have no intention of becoming the Sorcerer Supreme."

He leaned in slightly, his curiosity piqued. "By the way, I'm curious. What was your original intention in forming the Midnight Sons?"

Hellstorm hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "Because…"

"The Mother of Demons."

A voice, deep and commanding, cut through the air. The shadows shifted, and three strange figures emerged from the darkness.

A long-nosed monster, covered in vines and as strong as the Hulk, with bloodshot eyes that burned with rage. Beside him, a burly black man with dark skin, holding a pure silver weapon, his face obscured by sunglasses and an expression of cold determination.

And there was a young man in a suit, his eyes calm but beastly, a predator lurking beneath the surface.

"Midnight Sons…" Doctor Voodoo's voice was filled with relief. "You are finally here."

He had been worried, but the other members hadn't let him down. Relief washed over him he wouldn't be left alone, after all.

"Mother of Demons?" Orion repeated, frowning. The name tugged at his memory, something half-forgotten. It seemed familiar, but distant.

"That's right," the young man in the suit confirmed, his voice steady. "Mother of Demons. Her real name is Lilith."

He continued, his words like a dark tale spun in the night. "In the late seventeenth century, she sold her soul to the god of the underworld in exchange for endless magical power, and thus fell."

"Almost all the monsters and demons that appear on Earth are related to her."

"That's why we formed the Midnight Sons."

Orion's mind reeled, the pieces falling into place. So, the monsters on Earth didn't appear out of thin air they were secretly bred by Lilith, the Mother of Demons?

He exchanged a glance with Wanda, and a chill ran down both their spines. This level of fertility… it was terrifying.

He turned his attention to the young man in the suit, his eyes narrowing as he called up his entry panel.

[Name]: Jack Russell

[Identity]: Dark Werewolf

[Entry]: Ancient Curse (blue), Demon Hunter (blue), Werewolf Transformation (purple)

[Ancient Curse] (Blue): His family has been suffering from a terrible curse for generations, and the power of the curse has been dormant in his body.

[Master Demon Hunter] (Blue): He knows the habits of various monsters and understands the weaknesses of many demons. He can often achieve victory by surprise and become the ultimate winner.

[Werewolf Transformation] (Purple): He retains the intelligence of a human but also possesses the functions of a werewolf, with super physical strength, sharp fangs, and claws, enough to tear apart the bodies of monsters.

"…An ancient curse?" Orion mused, intrigued. "A curse is also a power?"

Orion's surprise was genuine. Yet, in his previous life, he had already known about the existence of this Dark Werewolf. His knowledge of such things was vast, but still…


The humanoid creature standing nearby uttered strange and peculiar syllables, its voice like something from another world. No one, except for the Dark Werewolf, could understand it.

"He means…" the Dark Werewolf translated, his voice grim. "The Demon Mother's children's were not born by her."

Orion's surprise deepened, and he couldn't resist checking the entry panel of the humanoid.

[Name]: Ted Sallis

[Identity]: Humanoid, Champion Fighter

[Entries]: Brainwave Perception (blue), Swamp Incarnation (purple), Psionic Flame (blue)

[Brainwave Perception] (Blue): He can sense brainwaves, understand other people's inner thoughts and emotional ups and downs, and absorb the power of fear.

[Swamp Incarnation] (Purple): He becomes the incarnation of the swamp and can also jump through space via the swamp. Wherever there are plants growing, his injuries can be repaired.

[Psionic Flame] (Blue): He can release psionic fire that directly destroys the target, enough to burn the soul.

"Swamp… Avatar?" Orion's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "A humanoid is actually close to being a god?"

He analyzed the information, the gears in his mind turning. However, there was something different about this humanoid something that set him

End of chapter.