
"Heavenly Physician in Huaxia: Mortal Mission"

In the ancient land of Huaxia, ordinary Zhang Zhili woke up one day to find himself inheriting the legacy of an immortal. Henceforth, he possessed astonishing medical skills, capable of reviving the dead and mending broken bones, causing even the highest officials to bow before him. Yet, he also wielded a lethal sword, capable of slicing through the void, compelling the mightiest warriors to submit. Accompanied by his beloved and surrounded by loyal companions, he embarked on a thrilling journey through the bustling city. This is the tale of an ordinary man turned immortal, entangled in earthly strife.

zhangbenshi · Urban
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61 Chs

"I see you don't want to leave."

Zhang Zhili looked at Qi Gaoming dumbfoundedly. The others at the table were all shocked, too. Could it be madness? Even Shu Yiyan was stunned. This was getting too far, and it might turn into a disaster! Who would have thought this guy had such audacity! She would speak out not because she trusted him or knew much about it. She had a good relationship with Director Shen, and if it turned out to be a fake, she could save him three million and owe him a favor! If she was wrong, it would just be the kid's arrogance and nonsense, with no loss. Who would have thought this guy was so reckless, going straight to destroy the painting? This was going to be a huge mess! Was this guy asking for trouble? "Miss Shu, your friend has gone too far. Forget Director Shen, even I can't stand it!" Director Shen was furious. "Shu Yiyan, what kind of person is he? He's simply out of control!" Qi Gaoming was furious too. "Such a famous painting, and you've ruined it like this. Are you even human? Holding the painting and responsible for it, he stood still not knowing what to do. Zhang Zhili calmly glanced at everyone, picked up his teacup, and took another sip. Then he spat it out again! This is outrageous! Absolutely outrageous!" Qi Gaoming exclaimed repeatedly. Director Shen's anger reached its peak. "Kid, you've dug your own grave!" Shu Yiyan apologized with a smile, "Blame me for this. Regardless of the authenticity of this painting, I bought it!" Was this about money? This was about trampling on everyone's dignity. "Consider me owing two favors to you both!" Shu Yiyan did have some backbone, saying so, which made Zhang Zhili slightly relieved. "You don't need to buy it, and you don't owe any favors. This thing isn't worth anything!" Zhang Zhili pointed to the painting, now wet through but with no ink running, much to everyone's surprise. Zhang Zhili shrugged. "I don't need to say more, do I?" Director Shen's expression froze on his face. Qi Gaoming stepped back, his face suddenly changed, muttering to himself, "Impossible..." "What do you mean?" Shu Yiyan couldn't help asking. Just now the master said it was a painting from the Yuan Dynasty, and the paper was mounted raw Xuan. But only ripe Xuan wouldn't bleed, and the popularity of ripe Xuan paper was even after the Ming Dynasty! So how did this so-called Yuan Dynasty raw Xuan paper painting not bleed? Of course, it's modern technology and skillful work! Zhang Zhili shrugged. Shu Yiyan didn't understand appraisal, but seeing Director Shen and Qi Gaoming's reactions, she knew Zhang Zhili's words were true. The painting was a fake, and Qi Gaoming had missed it! Everyone looked at Zhang Zhili with different eyes, never expecting this young man to have such insight, even overshadowing Qi Gaoming, a renowned appraisal master. "How did you figure it out?" Qi Gaoming's voice trembled. "You guess!" Zhang Zhili said indifferently. Qi Gaoming was speechless for a moment and then bowed to Zhang Zhili, "It was my fault. I nearly caused trouble for Director Shen. And then I spoke out of turn. I owe you an apology! I'm sorry, young man! Please forgive me!" Zhang Zhili accepted the apology, then said, "This painting lacks any artistic charm and couldn't possibly be genuine. Spraying water was just a test! It's that simple." Director Shen couldn't believe it. Zhang Zhili knew that Director Shen's understanding of artistic charm was about the artist's inspiration and aesthetics, not what he meant by charm, but he didn't bother to explain. Qi Gaoming thought Zhang Zhili was unwilling to reveal his hidden skills and smiled awkwardly, "It's me, the old man, who has been wrong.Young friend can easily outshine this old man, he must have extraordinary skills. His discerning eye far surpasses mine. If he is willing to come to my Tianyuan Pavilion as an appraiser, I am willing to give up the chief position! Qi Gaoming extended an olive branch, handing over his business card, Tianyuan Pavilion's chief appraiser. Tianyuan Pavilion is the largest auction house in the local area, standing for twenty years without falling, as Zhang Zhili heard from his mother when he was young. Everyone was thunderstruck, what kind of place is Tianyuan Pavilion? Who is Qi Gaoming? He's actually willing to give up the chief position? Tang Yanran also stood up, smiling slightly, "How about it? If you're interested, I represent Tianyuan Pavilion to invite you as the chief appraiser!" "You represent Tianyuan Pavilion?" Zhang Zhili raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Zhang brother, you didn't know? Miss Tang is the new owner of Tianyuan Pavilion! It hasn't been announced yet!" Qi Gaoming laughed. Zhang Zhili didn't expect Tang Yanran to have such a background, but in the end, he shook his head, "No! I'm not interested in that." Zhang Zhili's goal was clear, he inherited the secrets of immortal medicine, pursuing the path of becoming a great immortal doctor as recorded in ancient texts, mastering medicine, physiognomy, and fortune-telling. Even Tang Yanran couldn't help but glance sideways this time, wondering what background this young man had. He didn't even care about Tianyuan Pavilion. "Miss Tang, give this young friend the top-grade Pu'er tea I have here." Shen Hong greeted Tang Yanran, then turned to Zhang Zhili, "Young brother, don't refuse! This is both my apology and gratitude!" Zhang Zhili nodded. Qi Gaoming clearly had the intention of making friends, shamelessly asking for contact information. Everyone present, being collectors themselves, who would refuse to get to know an expert in appraisal who could outshine Qi Gaoming? They almost rushed to leave their phone numbers to Zhang Zhili, showering him with compliments. Zhang Zhili was somewhat annoyed. Just then, Tang Yanran called, and Zhang Zhili took the opportunity to make a quick exit. Tang Yanran personally saw Zhang Zhili off downstairs, with a tea gift box prepared. "This catty of tea is worth thirty-four thousand. Director Shen's gift is not light!" Zhang Zhili took the gift box and rolled his eyes, "So I have to thank you?" "Of course, you should thank me! To show your gratitude, you should invite me to dinner!" Tang Yanran said with a smile. "Humph!" Zhang Zhili looked displeased, took the tea and left. Tang Yanran wasn't angry either, leaning against the door, smiling, watching Zhang Zhili leave. The few service staff at the door were all stunned! It was the first time they had seen a man not fawning over Tang Yanran, let alone refusing her invitation to dinner. At the entrance of the tea house, Tang Yanran watched as Zhang Zhili personally saw her off, still smiling and chatting, feeling inexplicably unhappy. "Already leaving so soon?" Zhang Zhili saw only Tang Yanran and asked with a smile. Zhang Zhili was carrying a tea gift box, and Tang Yanran's face looked even worse. Even if it was the cheapest tea leaves at this tea house, they still cost tens of thousands. Zhang Zhili didn't bring any money, so it must have been a gift from Tang Yanran. "Leaving so soon? I think you're reluctant to go, aren't you?" Tang Yanran felt a bit suspicious, with a hint of inexplicable anger in her heart. When she returned home, Tang Dapeng and Zhang Yuehong were watching TV in the living room. Tang Yanran stormed into her room angrily. Zhang Zhili glanced awkwardly at the two elders, handed the tea leaves to Tang Dapeng, "Dad, these are tea leaves from someone else, they say they're good, you keep them!" Zhang Yuehong gave the tea leaf packaging a glance, "Tang Yanran's things, do you need to bring them here to impress us? They were given to me by someone else!" Zhang Zhili was speechless. "You? How many people do you know? Tea is sent to you every day?" Zhang Yuehong rolled her eyes, remembering the last time good tea was taken away by her nephew, feeling a suffocating heartache again. Tang Dapeng took the tea leaves and pushed Zhang Zhili towards Tang Yanran's room. "Son, you'd better sleep in your room!" Zhang Zhili said awkwardly. "Sleep in your room? How can I have a grandson to hold if you sleep in your room?" Tang Dapeng pushed Zhang Zhili into the bedroom. As soon as Zhang Zhili left, Zhang Yuehong grabbed the tea leaf gift box, and immediately examined it, "This doesn't look like anything good!" Although she said so, she couldn't wait to take out the tea leaf box and put it on the top shelf of the cabinet! That level was filled with Tang Dapeng's good tea, for entertaining distinguished guests.

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