
"Heavenly Physician in Huaxia: Mortal Mission"

In the ancient land of Huaxia, ordinary Zhang Zhili woke up one day to find himself inheriting the legacy of an immortal. Henceforth, he possessed astonishing medical skills, capable of reviving the dead and mending broken bones, causing even the highest officials to bow before him. Yet, he also wielded a lethal sword, capable of slicing through the void, compelling the mightiest warriors to submit. Accompanied by his beloved and surrounded by loyal companions, he embarked on a thrilling journey through the bustling city. This is the tale of an ordinary man turned immortal, entangled in earthly strife.

zhangbenshi · Urban
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61 Chs

"The beauty, why does it harm me?"

After Shuyan's words fell, there was an indescribable awkwardness in the air. Tang Yanran felt a little surprised. Her interest in tea art was only temporary. However, as the president of the Jiangnan Tea Art Association, Shuyan's praise elevated Zhang Zhili to the heavens, making others appear shallow in comparison. This made Taoyuze blush with embarrassment. Shuyan never suspected that this might be Zhang Zhili's doing, indicating that in her eyes, Zhang Zhili was nothing more than a shallow person. She didn't care about the thoughts of the other young masters and directly focused her gaze on the unfamiliar Zhang Zhili.

"This 'Qushui Long Yin', my family's qinist doesn't have such skill!" Zhang Zhili nodded in acknowledgment, "This is just something I played casually, not worth mentioning." A hint of surprise flashed across Shuyan's pretty face, followed by a smile, "So, the 'Song Qing', 'Qing Feng Sui', 'Shui Long Yin' wonderful combination is also your creation? Oh, the 'Qing Feng Sui' was brought by someone else, I just followed along and added to it!" Zhang Zhili smiled, "It's okay, I like it." Shuyan invited with a smile, "I recently acquired a few premium Longtuan teas, I wonder if you're interested in tasting them together?" This invitation seemed a bit sudden, and Taoyuze's jealous expression had already turned his face green. A few premium Longtuan teas were worth tens of thousands, and they were nearly impossible to find on the market. Even during his grandfather's tenure, they were hard to come by, let alone now that he had retired. To actually invite Zhang Zhili to taste them, Tang Yanran shook her head slightly. However, Zhang Zhili responded with a smile, "Sure! Whether or not to drink Longtuan tea doesn't matter to me. I mainly want to see Taoyuze's embarrassed expression." Shuyan nodded in agreement and gestured with her finger. Zhang Zhili followed her out. The people left behind looked at each other in embarrassment.

Jiang Li coughed lightly, "Yanran, I think you'd better divorce early. This man is not honest at all. He follows other women with just a finger!" Tang Yanran blushed slightly, feeling a bit ashamed.

Shuyan led Zhang Zhili to the rooftop terrace. There were only two tea tables on this spacious terrace, which was open and comfortable. One table was occupied by four or five middle-aged men, while Shuyan led Zhang Zhili to sit at the other empty table. "Is it too abrupt to invite you for tea like this?" Shuyan asked with a smile as she brewed a pot of Longtuan tea. Zhang Zhili rubbed his chin, "I agreed long ago, so how can it be abrupt?" "Haha, you do have some guts! No wonder you can play 'Song Qing', 'Qing Feng Sui', 'Shui Long Yin'!" Shuyan smiled charmingly. She had seen too many men who felt ashamed or couldn't hide their lust in front of her. But this young man in front of her was neither humble nor overbearing, with clear eyes. "So, you invited me for tea to find out how to pair Longtuan tea?" Zhang Zhili teased. Shuyan had already brewed a pot of Longtuan tea. Zhang Zhili smiled, "If it's Longtuan tea with added Long Brain fragrance, I think there's no need for other spices. Pairing it with Purple Cloud is good. If it's original Longtuan tea, pairing it with Agarwood and Phoenix would surely have a unique flavor!" Shuyan's eyes flashed with surprise at first, then she raised her thumb, "Tea art is a form of aesthetics! You do have some elegance, different from those below who just follow the trend!" "I'm just a commoner!" Zhang Zhili shook his head. The Longtuan tea was ready, and the two of them picked up their teacups, smelling the fragrance of the tea. The conversation at the nearby table gradually became louder. "This Snow Bamboo painting, although not by Xu Xi, is a copy by the Yuan Dynasty painter Wang Yuan!" "I've already appraised it. It's a treasure! Director Shen, you can rest assured to collect it!" Zhang Zhili was stunned. Is this woman crazy? As soon as these words came out, four or five people at the neighboring table all looked at Zhang Zhili. Director Shen clearly paused, and the appraisal master, Qi Gaoming, was furious, "Where did this kid come from? How dare he talk nonsense?" Shuyan remained unchanged, "Master Qi, don't be angry! Since this young man thinks it's a forgery, shouldn't we listen to his reasons?" Zhang Zhili looked at Shuyan speechlessly, wondering why this woman was setting him up. Qi Gaoming angrily said, "He can't even see things clearly from this far away, yet he dares to talk nonsense. Is he trying to attract attention?" Shen Hong also showed some displeasure, "Miss Shu, this joke isn't funny. It affects Master Qi's reputation!" Then he turned to Zhang Zhili again, "Young man, you should behave properly in your words and deeds. Talking nonsense and seeking attention is not a good habit." Zhang Zhili shrugged, "It had nothing to do with me originally, and I didn't come here to pay three million. You can just ignore it." "Since the young man dares to boast, then come up with an explanation. Otherwise, you should apologize to me, Master Qi!" Qi Gaoming was an old-fashioned and arrogant man. Just because a random person criticized him, it would tarnish his reputation. Everyone nodded in agreement. In their eyes, Zhang Zhili was just a young man who liked to talk big. But if he talked big in the wrong place, he needed to apologize! Zhang Zhili sighed and got up, "Alright, I'll give you the explanation." He looked at the painting for a few moments, then picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and sprayed it directly on the painting! "You dare!" Shen Hong was furious, as it was a three-million-dollar collection! Is this kid looking for death?

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