
" Navi? Where the F*** did you threw me this time?! "

Well what could go wrong when you have streak of bad-luck from your childhood. Orphan.....(meh regular route.) Step-parents taking your inheritance money. (Ok, It's getting a little annoying now.) Leaving you alone, cuz you don't have money anymore....(Again..... betrayal route, most common in Xanxia plots.) No money to buy Markiplier's Onlyfans Subscription. ༼⁠.´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ Get Masturbate-blocked by your travel companion appearing out of a TV from which you gonna watch some Hentai. (Bro wanna fight?) Finally getting robbed of that Hentai pen-drive at death, who turned out to be your step-father. (...........) This is story about a wanker who soul bounded with a being outside of 4th wall. Now he can visit any universe, faceslap anyone & even loot a whole planet. Cuz why not, when you have power, you have authority over lower beings. So why not to dream about challenging Solomon on the conquest of harem. This is a story of a beginner Harem King. The Pokemon master. (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠) A/N : I don't own any characters, events or places depicted in this fanfiction. MC : Sigh* I still regret, you could have given me a proper travel companio- Navi!? The f*** where are we now? What!? Your mum gey~ The heck did you sent me this time!!

NoThigh_NoLife · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Fate ~ Destiny

Then Alcina helped both her kids in the washroom and wash there bodies from the blood with warm water. She would often chuckle finding Ethan reactions cute, as he would hide his face cuz of embarassment.

While Ethan was sweating heavily, he had got a boner when Alcina entered with them in the washroom. She was wearing a bathrobe which shown her mature features. It was getting uncomfortable as beside him was his brother in terms of nightmare.

Even though Alcina was a nightmare creature or a polymorphic one, he couldn't keep his mind straight. He was lucky all of his senses didn't return as this body was still weak after the birth. He seemed like a 'shota' version of himself. After sometime, the boner got down.

(Even though I wanted to bang that thicc one, but have to play the game correctly. The spell has thrown me in a unexpected past. I have to watch over my steps. If I somehow make a mistake, returning back would be impossible.)

After the bath, She dried them with a towel and carried both them in her arms into her bedroom. All of those were large enough to make Alcina pass through easily.

In her room, every object was huge enough to help her grab easily. Even the bed to the chairs & stools. There was a big cradle too, where she laid Aron inside, as unresponsive he seem, he wasn't the favourite child and was left inside the cradle.

"~Fufufu~ Ethan you would sleep with me, Aron seems he would be fine alone." She smiled and took him over to bed and laid him down. Then she also followed him and laid on the bed. She soon started stroking his hair, after the bathe, it had gone more silky.

"Now sleep, you would need a lot of rest to recover first. I will recite you a story first. Momma have work, so she would leave after the story end. Take care of your body, I know it was paining down there right. Next time I will take care of it. You can always ask momma for help." She smiled and started stroking his head recited him a story.

Story wasn't that long it was a story of vampire princess and human falling in love which led to a bad ending. As the princess tricked the human boy, she only wanted a new toy for her and her family.

Later the boy was used as blood bag, his blood became the ingredients for a famous wine.

(Damn.... did this actually happen? Mum doesn't seem fazed by reciting me such story. I guess humans are quite looked down upon and are mostly termed as fodder and food. My meals might change to human parts.

Even though I will remain hungry, I don't want to dabble in cannibalism.

For the time being, I have to deal with blood. She have work at this time, anyways I can't guess the time as there's any sun which could help me.) After patting his head over the period of an hour did she get up and kissed him in his forehead. Before making his way outside the room.

(Did she went away? I would not risk.... let's remain in same position and think about our situation.) He focused his eyes to look at his twin brother. His Sharingan helped him to scan Aron's body.

His brother had a problem his haemoglobin levels so high that he didn't seem humane like him. A being made of only blood even his bones were harden blood.

He needed more information, for now he can use his shota form. He would be easily get a better understanding of this nightmare asking Alcina. Somehow she and his brother were related to this quest.

And dealing with his 'Terror' rank mommy, he would need to use his brains as she was almost invincible in that rank because she would also have a transformation ability to turn into a mythical creatures. Similar to the saints of human. And she was more powerful than that.

Spell was about balance, there shouldn't exist a trial which would provide a straight path to execution. To counter momma, I would need a powerful aspect and past powers.

"Let's see.... how should I do it? Status!"

As soon as he muttered 'Status' in his mind, shimmering runes appeared in front of his eyes out of air. He couldn't understand the ancient alphabet, but the meaning was clear.

He quickly found the rune of aspect and was dumbstruck.

(Fuck... fuck me sideways!!)


Name: Hàorán Kyoujiro

True Name: ----

Rank: Aspirant

Soul Core: Dormant

Memories: ----

Echoes: ----

Attributes: [Destined], [Born from Ichor], [Ember of Divinity].

Aspect: [Blood Usher].

Aspect Description: [You are a creature born from blood within the darkness. You bring and keep madness within you. The guide of End/■■]

He looked again at those runes but he couldn't understand the last description it was quite vague. Somehow he had a feeling, it was related to Ichor (Blood). He should have an authority over blood he presumed.

Then he checked his attributes as that decided his life and death. They represented natural traits & affinities. As they provide passive abilities and affects.

[Ember of Divinity] Attribute Description: "Deep within your soul, an ember of divinity shines, almost ready to erupt into a radiant flame."

(Oh? Is it related to mum, how she's so powerful. She must have a relationship with the divinity, she must have passed me in birth.)

[Born from Ichor] Attribute Description: "Blood flows within you, you're blood itself."

(Sigh* This one's also vague.)

Then he focused on his first attribute, [Destined] which may lead him to such predicament. It seemed his destiny somehow bought him here, then read the description.

Attribute Description: "The strings of Fate have ingrained in your soul. You draw both fortuned & misfortuned towards yourself. You're the guide of ■■ who will bring the souls to their perfect Destiny."

After rechecking this attribute description, he now knew why his nightmare began with hardcore mode. He was born here to bring the end, the end of this fate.


A/N: The Mc born in shota form from the blood cocoon.

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