To remove stories in Telegram, first, open the app. Then, find the section where the stories are displayed. There should be an icon or option to delete or remove them. It might vary depending on the version of the app you have.
Adding a story on Telegram is straightforward. Open the app, navigate to the designated area for adding stories. It could be indicated by an icon like a plus sign or something similar. From there, you can choose the content you want to showcase and customize it as per your preferences before sharing it as a story.
It's not too complicated. Open Telegram, look for the option to create or add a story, usually found in the menu or settings. Just follow the prompts and you should be good to go.
A point form summary is basically a quick rundown of a story's key details. You start by identifying the main characters and their goals. Then, note the major conflicts and how they're resolved. Finally, mention the ending. It's all about getting the essence in a short and clear way.
To create a script form, start by outlining the main events and arcs from the novel. Focus on dialogues and actions that drive the story forward. Also, consider the visual aspects and how they can be translated onto the screen or stage.
To remove a story from Telegram, first, open the app and find the story you want to remove. Then, depending on the version and interface, you might see a trash can icon, a delete button, or something similar. Click or tap on that to remove the story.