The creation of Dragon Ball Super's manga and anime involves a complex process. The manga is typically drawn by a team of artists who come up with the storylines and illustrations. The anime, on the other hand, requires animators, voice actors, and a lot of behind-the-scenes work for production.
The author of the Dragon Ball Super manga is Toyotarou. His work builds on the legacy of Dragon Ball and continues to captivate fans with exciting storylines and epic battles.
Goku is, without a doubt, one of the most popular. His constant pursuit of strength and his ability to overcome seemingly impossible odds make him a favorite for fanfiction writers. They can create all kinds of new adventures for him, like facing off against cosmic threats even greater than what he's encountered in the shows.
In the 'Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Novel', it's very likely that Goku and Vegeta are among the main characters. Goku, with his unquenchable thirst for battle and his ability to reach new power levels, is always at the forefront. Vegeta, with his pride and determination to surpass Goku, is also a key figure. Additionally, Piccolo might also be a main character as he has always been an important part of the Dragon Ball story, often providing wisdom and strength when needed. And don't forget about Bulma, who, although not a fighter, is crucial in terms of providing technology and support.
The story for Dragon Ball Super anime was written by a team led by Akira Toriyama. He provided the overall concepts and ideas, while others contributed to the detailed scripting and development.