150 yuan a day for a part-time job was a fake part-time job recruitment information. This kind of recruitment information might be a means of online fraud. Scammers usually use high rewards as bait to attract people to participate in the app trial part-time, but in fact, they don't pay, or they require participants to pay a certain fee to participate.
In order to avoid becoming a victim of online scams, I suggest you be vigilant when looking for part-time jobs and don't easily believe high-paying recruitment information. Before accepting any part-time job, be sure to read the recruitment information carefully, understand the job content and payment method, and fully communicate and confirm with the employer. At the same time, it is recommended that you choose formal recruitment platforms and channels and avoid finding part-time jobs on unknown websites or social media.
While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the original work of " Little Fox Demon Matchmaker " to understand the plot in advance!
There are indeed apps for manga reading. For example, MangaZone and Crunchyroll Manga provide access to various manga titles. However, the availability might depend on your region and device compatibility.
Webtoon is pretty good. It offers a diverse collection of manga and often has exclusive content. Also, it's easy to navigate and has nice features like bookmarking and offline reading.
The app itself is free to install. However, depending on the specific manga you want to read, there could be charges for accessing certain volumes or chapters.
Mangatoon is worth checking out. It has a large library of manga, including both popular and lesser-known titles. The app provides a smooth reading experience and has features like bookmarks and recommendations.