I woke up in the middle of the night. There was a strange figure at the foot of my bed. It stared at me with empty eyes. Then it vanished into the darkness.
The doll on the shelf blinked. Its lips moved as if to speak. A chill ran down my spine. I knew it was alive. (This simple story plays on the common fear of inanimate objects coming to life. The idea of a doll, which is often seen as a symbol of innocence, suddenly showing signs of life is quite terrifying.)
The old cemetery was silent. A man went there at midnight. He felt a chill in the air. Then he saw a ghostly figure floating above a grave. He ran away as fast as he could.
She entered the old house. Every step on the creaking floorboards echoed. The portraits on the wall seemed to follow her with their eyes. A cold hand touched her shoulder. She turned around but saw nothing.