There's no fixed number of pages to classify a long short story. It can vary greatly depending on different literary traditions and publishers. However, generally, if a short story is around 20 - 50 pages, it might be considered a long short story.
Publishers often consider various factors. One key factor is the market they are targeting. If they are aiming at a readership that likes more in - depth short stories, they might classify stories of 25 - 40 pages as long short stories. Also, they look at the genre. For example, in literary fiction, a 30 - page story might be considered long, while in genre fiction like horror or science - fiction, it could be different.
Well, the length of a short story in pages is quite flexible. It often ranges from 10 to 25 pages, but it depends on the story's complexity and the writer's style.
Well, there's no fixed number. Short stories usually range from 10 to 30 pages. But it really depends on how the author structures the story and the publisher's requirements.
It can vary a lot. Generally, a short story might be around 10 to 50 pages, but it really depends on factors like font size, formatting, and the writer's style.