You can start by finding the official contact email address for Marvel Comics on their official website. Usually, it's listed in the 'Contact Us' section.
To submit novels by email, start by researching the submission guidelines of the target recipient. Compose a polite and professional email. In the subject line, clearly mention 'Novel Submission - [Your Novel Title]'. Attach your neatly formatted novel file and a brief synopsis. Also, mention any relevant writing experience or credits if applicable.
To email a story to a friend, start by making sure the story is saved on your device. Open your email app, put your friend's email in the 'To' box. Click the attachment icon to add the story file. Give the email a title that gives a hint about the story. Write a friendly message and then hit the send button. That's it!
It's probably not a true story. Such titles often imply a fictional narrative designed to evoke emotions and tell an engaging tale rather than being rooted in actual happenings.
I don't think it is. Usually, such names and stories are created for entertainment purposes and not based on real events. There's no evidence to suggest it's true.