
make your own wife

How to publish your own novel to make money
1 answer
2024-09-05 03:24
There were a few points to pay attention to when publishing a novel to make money: 1. Choose a publishing platform: You can choose some well-known novel publishing platforms such as Qidian Chinese Network, Xiaoxiang Academy, Feilu novel network, etc. These platforms have a large readership and traffic. You can earn royalties by publishing your works. 2. Create excellent works: If you want to stand out in the publishing platform, you need to create an excellent work. The content must be attractive, the plot must be full of ups and downs, and the characters must be portrayed vividly. Only in this way can you gain the recognition and appreciation of readers and increase your income. 3. Regular updates of works: To stand out on the publishing platform, you need to regularly update your works to maintain the frequency and quality of the updates. This way, you can attract more readers and increase the exposure of your works, thus increasing your income. 4. Active interaction and review: In the process of publishing works, active interaction and review can communicate with readers to understand the needs and feedback of readers. According to the needs and feedback of readers, appropriate modifications and improvements can be made to improve the quality of works and the satisfaction of readers, thus increasing the income of royalties. 5. Continuous learning and improvement: publishing a novel is a process of continuous learning and improvement. It requires continuous learning of new knowledge and skills, understanding the market and readers 'needs, and constantly improving one's own creative level and writing skills to improve the quality and exposure of the work, thus increasing the income from the royalties.
How to make your own photo into a comic character in ps, detailed tutorial
1 answer
2024-09-11 12:22
Creating comic characters required some professional skills and experience. Here is a simple step-by-step tutorial: 1. Design the basic appearance of the comic character, including hairstyle, eyes, nose, mouth, body proportions, etc. This step could be done through sketching and imagination. 2. import the photo into Photoshop and choose the correct size and resolution. It was to ensure that the clarity and details of the photo could be accurately displayed. 3. Use the 'filter' and 'blur' tools of Photoshoppin to create manga-style effects. For example, use the "Gaussian Blur" to create a smooth border or use the "Blur" tool to create a silhouette effect. 4. adjust the color and brightness of the photo to make the character look more realistic. This can be done using the 'adjust' and 'color balance' tools in Photoshop. 5. Add extra details such as wrinkles, scars, makeup, etc. These details can be achieved by using the "paintbrush" tool in Photoshop. Finally, he used the "Image Editor" tool in Photoshop to modify the shape and size of the photo to fit the manga style. For example, you can use the Rotation and Scale tools to rotate or scale a photo. The above is a simple step-by-step tutorial that can help you make a photo into a comic character. However, to become an excellent manga author, one needed to constantly learn and practice to create a unique style and technique.
How to promote your own survey in your circle of friends with a literary and implicit caption to make others willing to fill in your survey
1 answer
2024-09-19 15:27
To promote your own survey in your circle of friends, you can refer to the following techniques: 1. Spread it in the form of a story: For example, write an article about a survey. You can add some implicit text to attract others 'interest. 2. Use hot topics: Choose some hot topics and combine them with the survey to make people interested in the survey. 3. Take advantage of social effects: For example, post some interesting survey pictures or videos to attract other people's attention. 4. Take advantage of the word-of-mouth effect: Let people use the word-of-mouth recommendation survey to increase the popularity of the survey. 5. Use the emotional effect: Use some subtle captions to make people resonate and be willing to fill in the survey.
Borrowing other people's views to make up your own plot is plagiarism?
1 answer
2024-09-20 16:15
Borrowing other people's views to make up his own plot was not technically plagiarism. plagiarism refers to the act of directly or slightly adapting the works, thoughts, opinions, and creativity of others into one's own work without authorization. Borrowing other people's ideas to make up their own plot was not considered plagiarism as long as the source was indicated and the intellectual property rights of the original author were respected. This was because borrowing other people's views did not mean directly copying the original author's work. Instead, in the process of writing, the author had adapted and applied this view appropriately to integrate it with his own work to form a new creative form. Of course, when drawing on other people's views to make up their own plot, they also needed to be careful not to over-quote or draw on to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or disputes.
Writing a novel to make up history, can you create your own surname, Emperor?
1 answer
2024-09-09 04:34
It was possible to write novels that made up history and create a surname of emperor, but there were a few points to note: There were already existing imperial surnames in history, such as "Han","Tang","Zhao","Li", etc. These surnames were already widely used. Creating a different surname from them might conflict with the official historical records, so it needed to be carefully considered. 2. The self-created emperor with the surname needed to have enough charm and strength to attract and support his supporters and enemies. He needed to have enough talent and wisdom to govern the country and maintain stability and prosperity. 3. Self-created surnames The emperor needed to have enough historical background and cultural heritage to support his dynasty and surname. This may require an in-depth study of history and cultural traditions in order to present a unique dynasty and surname in the novel. When creating fictional history, you need to pay attention to respecting historical and cultural traditions to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Fictional history should be distinguished from historical reality in order to present a more interesting and vivid world in the novel.
A transmigration novel! After the male pig trotters transmigrated! Prepare your own nitricin and make your own bullets! He even invented the sniper rifle! I beg ~~~
1 answer
2024-09-17 00:20
This was a rather special plot of the novel. The reason why the male pig trotter was able to make his own nitricin bullets and invent the sniper rifle after transmigrating was probably because he had special abilities or experienced some special events. This kind of plot might surprise and curious readers, but at the same time, it might also shock and inconceivable readers. However, such a plot may also have some fictional and unrealistic situations, so readers need to judge and evaluate it themselves.
A transmigration novel! After the male pig trotters transmigrated! Prepare your own nitricin and make your own bullets! He even invented the sniper rifle! I beg ~~~
1 answer
2024-09-20 17:09
This was a very imaginative plot. After the male pig trotter transmigrated, he mastered the technology of self-made bullets and sniper rifles, which made him an extremely dangerous weapon master. In this era of war and violence, he used his skills and courage to protect himself and the people around him and became a legend. However, it was important to note that nitricin was an extremely dangerous drug. It had to be used with great caution. The male pig trotters must be very careful in the process of preparing and using nighttime to ensure their own safety. At the same time, he should also pay attention to his physical condition because long-term exposure to drugs might have adverse effects on his body.
Write your own novel
1 answer
2024-09-19 10:07
Of course, there were a few points to note when writing a novel: 1. Decide on the theme and plot of the story. This can help you build an interesting story world. 2. Create characters so that they have their own personalities and background stories, so that readers can resonate more easily. 3. Use appropriate narrative techniques such as description, dialogue, conflict, and climax to make the story more interesting. 4. Don't forget to provide some meaningful background information and symbolic meaning in your novel so that readers can better understand your story. The most important thing is to let your novel be full of imagination and creativity to surprise and satisfy the readers. I hope these tips will be helpful to you. I wish you an excellent novel!
Write your own story
1 answer
2024-09-22 05:04
I'm a fan of online literature. I've learned a lot about online literature and can answer all your questions about novels. My story can be about any subject such as love, adventure, science fiction, etc. My story can be completely new, or it can be a character from an existing novel. In my story, I will choose a character to come to the real world and experience the development of the story with you. I will let this character experience all kinds of challenges and difficulties so that he/she can grow and finally realize his/her dreams. I hope you like my story. Let's go on a journey full of imagination and adventure!
Write your own novel
1 answer
2024-09-23 17:00
As a fan of online literature, I can answer many questions about novels, but I can't write novels directly. However, I can provide you with advice and techniques to help you write your own novel better. 1 Choose an interesting theme and storyline. 2. Create interesting characters with unique personalities and backstories. Use conflict and tension to attract the reader's attention. 4. Pay attention to details and character descriptions so that readers can better understand the characters and plot. Build a fascinating world that allows readers to explore freely. I hope these suggestions can help you write a wonderful novel!