To do your first beach body ig story, it's important to be yourself. If you're not comfortable showing too much skin, that's okay. You can focus on your overall look, like your healthy glow or your new beach hairstyle. When creating the story, consider the duration. Don't make it too long or people might lose interest. You can also add music if you like. There are lots of free music options on Instagram. And interact with your followers. Ask them a question like 'What's your favorite beach exercise?' in your story.
First, take a good photo or video of your beach body. Make sure the lighting is nice, like early morning or late afternoon sun. Then, open Instagram and click on the 'Your Story' option. Add your photo or video, and you can use some filters to enhance the look. Write a catchy caption like 'Beach body goals!' or 'Loving my beach body today!' and don't forget to use relevant hashtags like #beachbody #fitness #instastory.