Joke: Where do ghosts buy their food? At the ghost - erry! In a funny Halloween story, a boy dressed as a werewolf thought it would be funny to howl at every house he went to. At one house, the owner howled back. The boy was so surprised that he just stood there for a moment, then started laughing and said 'I found my werewolf pack!' And they ended up sharing some Halloween treats together.
Joke: Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? Because he had no body to go with him. A funny story happened at a Halloween party. A man dressed as Frankenstein was dancing really wild. He got so into it that his fake head fell off. Everyone around him burst out laughing and he just joined in the laughter and continued dancing without his head on.
Joke: What's a monster's favorite bean? A human bean! There was a family that decorated their house to look like a haunted mansion for Halloween. They had all kinds of spooky things. One of the decorations, a fake skeleton in a coffin, fell out when some kids were walking by. The kids thought it was part of the show and started playing with the skeleton. The family found it hilarious.
Joke: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. Riddle: What has many keys but can't open a single lock? A piano. Funny story: A guy goes to a psychiatrist. 'Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?' The doctor replies, 'It's very simple. You're two tents.'
Joke: What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand - witch! Here's a funny story. There was a group of kids on Halloween. One of them was dressed as a mummy but he wrapped himself up so much that he couldn't move well. When they went to cross the street, he got stuck in the middle and the cars had to stop. Everyone was laughing while they helped him get to the other side.
A mummy got lost on Halloween night. He ended up at a modern - day disco. He started trying to dance like the people there but his bandages kept getting tangled up. People thought he was part of a new and very strange dance act. He tried to unwind his bandages to free himself but only made it more comical as he ended up looking like a big white mess on the dance floor.
A little boy was in a relative's wedding. As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said, 'I was being the Ring Bear.'
Sure. Here's a funny joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. As for a funny story, once a guy thought his cat could talk. He spent days trying to make it say something, but it just meowed. One day, he left his TV on a talk show and when he came back, the cat was sitting in front of it, looking really interested. He said, 'I knew you could understand!'. But the cat just blinked and went back to sleep.
Here is a funny joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. Another one, a guy goes to the doctor and says, 'Doctor, I think I'm a dog.' The doctor asks, 'How long have you felt this way?' The guy says, 'Ever since I was a puppy!'
Sure. Here's a joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
A joke for you. I used to be a banker but then I lost interest. And a funny story could be that a man went to the doctor. He said, 'Doctor, every time I drink coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye.' The doctor replied, 'Well, maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup before you drink.'
Sure. Here's a joke. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
A funny story for you. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. Well, it's a play on words joke within a story which makes it funny.