A common horror story is counterfeit items being sold on ebay stores. I had a competitor who sold fake branded products at a lower price. This not only took away some of my customers but also made it hard for genuine sellers like me to be trusted. Ebay took a while to take action against that seller, during which time my sales suffered.
One horror story I had was when I returned an item on eBay. The seller took weeks to acknowledge the return. I sent the item back as per the instructions, but they claimed it was damaged when it wasn't. I had to go through a long process with eBay customer service to prove my innocence. Eventually, they refunded me, but it was a very frustrating experience.
Late or lost shipments are quite common. Sellers might ship the item on time, but the delivery service messes up. Then the buyer blames the seller, and ebay often holds the seller responsible.
Well, I once bought a camera on Ebay. When it arrived, it was clearly defective. I started the return process. The seller kept delaying, asking for more photos and details over and over. It took weeks just to get the return approved. And then, when they finally got the item back, they claimed I had damaged it more and tried to charge me extra. It was a nightmare dealing with that whole situation.
Sure. One success story is about a small business that started selling handmade jewelry on eBay. They focused on unique designs and high - quality materials. By offering great customer service and using eye - catching product photos, they quickly gained a following. Their sales steadily increased, and they were able to expand their product line over time.
One horror story is getting a completely different item than what was shown in the listing. For example, a buyer ordered a brand - new designer handbag, but received a cheap knock - off instead. The seller then refused to take it back or refund the money.
I heard of a case where a cosplayer bought a very elaborate cosplay outfit from eBay for an important convention. The seller promised fast shipping. However, the package got lost in transit. When the cosplayer tried to track it down, both eBay and the seller were not very helpful. So the cosplayer had to scramble to put together a new cosplay at the last minute.
A particular eBay shoe store's success lay in its ability to offer a wide range of sizes and styles at affordable prices. They had a great relationship with their suppliers, which allowed them to get good deals and pass on the savings to their customers. They also had a very user - friendly store layout on eBay. Customers could easily find what they were looking for. They constantly updated their inventory with the latest trends in shoes, so they always had something new and exciting for their customers.
I've heard of a horror story on ebay where a buyer's account was hacked. The hacker made several purchases using the buyer's payment information. Ebay took some time to detect the unusual activity and in the meantime, the buyer had to deal with the banks to stop payments and clear their name. It was a nightmare of paperwork and communication with multiple parties.
Sure. One Ebay horror story could be about receiving a completely different item from what was described. For example, a customer ordered a brand new smartphone but received a broken and very old model instead. The seller then refused to take it back or give a refund.
One horror story is when a seller shipped a very fragile and expensive item. They packaged it carefully but the shipping company mishandled it. The item arrived broken, and the buyer demanded a full refund. The seller tried to claim insurance from the shipping company but faced a lot of bureaucracy and ended up losing money on the deal.